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Old 03-26-2012, 11:38 AM
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nikkiARNGwife nikkiARNGwife is offline
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I think I'm at that point Lynnette...I've only sent him 2 was a big one full of stuff he'd left on purpose for me to send later and another was just a box of dvds and snack food. He's told me not to bother with snacks and stuff anymore..and he's only requested things like k-cups and powdered drink mixes.

He told me last night he loves to get packages..but he won't tell me anything he needs or wants to put in them so my question to him was well what am I supposed to do with that? lol

Did it kind of irk you when your inlaws sent lots of stuff? It does me for some reason..only b/c I feel kind of like she's stealing my thunder or something. Crazy I know and she IS is his mother..but I kind of wish she'd check with me first to see what all I've sent and plan to send..I just feel wife trumps mother in this situation lol

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