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Old 04-07-2012, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by whites19 View Post
Even though I don't use them all the time, I love templates. I hate the argument that it's "cheating" to use a template. I don't view scrapping as an art contest... I am truly trying to get my family's memories down on paper so things are documented for the future. My kids don't care if I use a template or not, and outside of galleries -- nobody else who looks at my pages cares, either. How is it cheating if it helps you have more time to get more memories documented? Nope, I simply can't subscribe to that idea.

I use templates about 60-70% of the time (that's a guesstimate and not derived in a scientific fashion! LOL). The rest of the time, if I "freehand" a layout and end up really liking it, I just make it into a template for later/repeated use in the future.

Like others said above, I find it's quicker/easier to scrap with a template -- and my creative/scrap time is SOO limited (sooo... I'd rather waste it on my perfectionist tendencies when it comes to elements, shadows, etc... ha!). Seriously, though, I find I can pull together a layout quicker using a template and I fuss around with it much less.

That said, I don't like seeing the same template over and over and over (and over!) in the galleries all the time, so even if I buy a new set -- I'm not likely to use it for a while... I love delving into my template stash and pulling out templates from years ago. That way, I still feel like what I'm creating is unique and fresh, but I don't have to work so hard to compose it on the page.
This... every bit of it... I about died when 3 of us babes used the same template with the same exact kit this week LOLOL... but I did switch it up quite a bit so that it was different than the others... I very rarely use a template as is... I'm always mixing it up... using less elements... adding more paper... using paper for photo spots... shrinking it... doing whatever I can to make it look like my own yet still saving time on the layout... and then after all that... I remind myself that I'm doing it for my kids and family and they don't care whether or not I use a template, as long as the story is told and the memory recorded and yes, I'm about 60-70% templates... and I think it's because I'm on so many template creative teams... if I were on less template teams than I'd be using less templates because I enjoy being inspired by the kit and the photos and the story... and many times is therapeutic for me to create a layout w/o a template, but it's also therapeutic for me to make a template my own instead of using it as is
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