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Old 04-10-2012, 07:46 AM
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carrie1977 carrie1977 is offline
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My spot:

2 - Use this blast to the past Schoolhouse Rock video to inspire a trio of layouts dedicated to nouns by scrapping a person, a place and a thing! - 3 layouts for 5 pts.




5 Points + 1 NR Point (4/14 posted 4/16 - Hello Hello)

3 - Nothing in life is free, but love and our newest designer's FREEBIES are! Scrap a layout using the newest freebies in the shoppe from Lynnette, Rubia, Mari, Nicole, Yari or Erica! - 1 pt per layout.

a. Erica Zane

b. Studio Basic

c. Yari

d. Mari

e. Nettio

f. Sugarplum Paperie

6 layouts = 6 points

21. Be Inspired this collection of inspiration! Create a layout using a Black & White photo with photo corners and if you choose to take any other inspiration from this as well for your layout! - 2pts.

2 Points + 1 NR Point (3/31 posted 4/6 - Find Your Wings)

22. Create a layout using this as a guide for photo placement. One large & 3 smaller directly underneath. 1 pt.

1 Point + 1 NR Point (3/31 posted 4/5 - Lost and Found)

23. I have a love affair with dandelions. Use them as a whimsical touch on a page. 1 pt.

1 Point + 1 Hybrid Point

27. Tag... you're it! I use tags on my layouts alot, but for this challenge I want you to embellish or decorate a tag and feature it on your layout. Better yet, make some awesome hybrid tags to earn an extra point! - 1 pt.

1 Point + 1 Hybrid Point

30. It is Easter Weekend! Use a bunny, duck, chick, or other cute cuddly animal on your layout. It can be the words, an element, or a photo. Be creative! - 1 pt.

1 Point

31. Calling all font lovers! Use one of these fun FREE fonts on your next layout. - 2pts

2 Points

32. I'm lovin' the cut-out title trend lately. Cut out a title or an add an inner shadow to create the effect on the title of your layout. - 2pts

2 Points + 1NR Point (4/8 posted 4/10 - At the Barbershop)

37. Create a layout using colors, patterns or placement inspired by the cute baby nursery photos above. -1 pt

1 Point + 1 NR Point (4/14 posted 4/14 - The Ones We Cherish)

39. Bunting and Pennants are all the rage in scrapbooking. Use this print as inspiration to create a layout that has at least 3 rows of bunting on it. -1 pt

1 Point

Total - 30 Points

Last edited by carrie1977; 04-18-2012 at 11:22 AM.
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