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Old 05-23-2012, 03:23 PM
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urmysunshine urmysunshine is offline
Sweetie Pie
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Seattle area
Posts: 33

Hi Ladies. So I just joined WW on Monday. I had great success with it 8 years ago when I lost about 35 lbs. Despite keeping it off pretty well following two pregnancies, one of them twins, a good 25 lbs have crept back on over the last couple years. Blah! I've been looking for my motivation to get it together for the last 8 or so months and finally just had to do something. I joined online again.

So now I'm finding myself almost paralyzed. It was easy to be on plan when it was just me and my husband around. I lost 35 lbs in about 4 1/2 months. Now I have 3 little mouths to feed and they have introduced all kinds of bad stuff into my pantry, fridge and freezer! It's everywhere and it's so much harder now! So this is my third day and while I've been on track with my points, I'm struggling. It's lunch time and I'm avoiding it because it's easier to not eat at all than it is to fail. Yikes! That's just short term - I don't have eating issues. I do have laziness issues, LOL. It just requires some planning and learning how the new points plus works. So far it has taken me way too long to figure out what I'm going to eat each meal. Last night's dinner was a full on research assignment! Can I afford this leftover Chipotle guacamole? Is there room for the frozen spicy breaded chicken in my point budget? (Yes and yes on both accounts! But sadly not for the delicious Chipotle chips tempting me so.)

Ok. I'm off to find something to fuel me. I can do this. Any pointers?
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