Thread: Eggnog or pass?
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Old 12-21-2023, 04:27 PM
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mmbstaley mmbstaley is offline
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You can pass the eggnog my way! We love it and will drink as much as I buy - which given what it costs recently is not much o.O I bought a single half gallon jug this year which is taking up space in my refrigerator waiting to be cracked open. Everyone will get one small cup. I don't think I remember anyone in the family down the years making it, we've always just bought the store version since no one is adventurous enough to eat/drink uncooked eggs LOL

We like all of the unusual foods that most people don't like at our house - black licorice, blue cheese, fruitcake, etc. There will be someone who is not a fan of particular things, but there will be multiple people who do like it. Fruitcake is a big winner around here. We will eat all of the fruitcake!

My other favorite holiday drink is spiced cider. We just do the non-alcoholic version here. Apple juice in a big pot on the back of the stove with whole spices (cinnamon stick, cloves, allspice are usually what I have hanging out in the cabinet) thrown in simmering smells and tastes wonderful. I made a more traditional wassail drink with apple and orange juice with spices one year when the kids were younger and they all loved that. It had lots of sugar in it too, so I'm sure that played a part. LOL It would have been fine without the sugar and the kids still would have loved it.

Last edited by mmbstaley; 12-21-2023 at 04:30 PM.
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