Thread: 2016 PLers?!
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Old 11-28-2015, 02:00 AM
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Yes, please--I want to hear what everyone else is doing! I want to make a change, but I don't know what yet. I need to find a better balance between my pocket scrapping and traditional pages. I want half (or more) of my scrapping to be traditional pages, but I feel like PL starts taking over and I can't keep up with everything.

I've done 3 years of weekly 2-page spreads, and every year I've fallen a little further behind. In 2013 I scrapped all but a few random weeks. In 2014 I think I've got up until about week 40 done, and the rest is still waiting for me to get back to it. So far I've finished to about week 30 in 2015, and I would be surprised if I get to 40 before I switch to 2016.

I can't imagine not doing Project Life. I love looking back on the pages and seeing the quotes, stories, and random photos that wouldn't have made it onto traditional pages. But it's so time consuming for me. I take too many photos, so keeping them organized, choosing the best ones, and then narrowing down the number to scrap takes too much time. An average or light week is fine, but there are too many weeks when we have something special going on and I end up with tons of photos. I want to keep doing PL, but I need to find a better way. (I've said that after every year, and I still haven't succeeded.) I can think of lots of ways to simplify product, but not ways to streamline the photo side of things. Well...except take fewer photos during special events, and I'm trying somewhat unsuccessfully on that front.

Last edited by rach3975; 11-28-2015 at 02:06 AM.
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