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Old 03-13-2020, 07:20 AM
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allyanne allyanne is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: NE Ohio
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Here in Ohio, everything has been canceled for the foreseeable future: schools, gatherings over 100, events, visitations to nursing homes and prisons. We homeschool, so it doesn't affect us there, but we won't be attending our church (which has suspended all meetings/activities through the end of the month) or doing anything fun outside our property. It will hit my son the hardest, because he loves going and doing and seeing people. I am trying to come up with fun things to do at home with an almost-13 year old boy. Any ideas? Making home-made play doh isn't going to cut it anymore, lol. I plan to scrap a lot, start my spring garden planting, read, clean my house, and Facetime with family and friends.

You know, for all the fear and uncertainty, inconvenience and true danger, this crazy thing is pulling us all together. Like we are all fighting a common enemy for once, instead of each other. (I think people have been fighting each other for toilet paper, but let's ignore that for now, lol!) Praying for all of you and wishing you well and healthy!

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