Hope you haven't forgotten to send me that e-mail... haven't gotten one yet and don't seem to have a private message on the boards here either. My non-private mail is: machior@hotmail.com
Send me an e-mail at machior<at>hotmail<dot>com. I'll reply then from my proper e-mail address afterwards, since I only use the hotmail address for unimportant stuff / aka public e-mailing
I remember quite well. I believe it was 2005 because 2006 was a year that I was barely among the living and definitely was not doing anything spiritual.
As far as the Grove, it's really not a good time for us. Draghkar is working in the UK until next March with a 1 month trip to the US in September and his mother has been quite ill so when he is home we are usually not actually here.
We'd be happy to revisit the Grove issue in March next year if you are still interested at that time.
I'm sorry we can't give you a better answer than that right now, it's just quite difficult trying to live in two different countries at the same time and still fill everyone's needs here at home, I just don't know how we'd find time or the energy to add something more to the mix.
I'm happy to keep in touch though if you need/want to talk. You can reach me better by email. I'll try sending you my email address through a private message. Let me know if you don't get it.