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Conversation Between Ebony and lizzyfizzy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Ebony
    03-05-2010 11:06 PM
    hmm well right now im at work. i hate working saturday mornings but my boss deserves the weekends off - he's always so busy! tonight i really want to stay in and scrap, but the girls are keen to watch gossip girl and head to a party where the theme is the letter 'M'. one's going as the milky bar kid, the other a mime but i am at a loss. we live in this little rural town with no clothes or costume shops and i think i just want to give it a miss haha. tomorrow i will no doubt clean the house and spend the day relaxing with my man and the kittens. have a great weekend lizzy!
  2. lizzyfizzy
    03-05-2010 09:22 PM
    well...tonight nothing. maybe a movie with the family. tomorrow is church and then my sisters 21st bday dinner and party. then sunday, relax...i think i'm taking the kiddos to the park for a picnic. we will ride our bikes there.

    what are you up to?!
  3. Ebony
    03-05-2010 04:26 AM
    as mine this month. but i'm getting around to scrapping holidays, i just wish they fit into a challenge somewhere, haha. that's terrible of me! what are you upto this weekend?
  4. lizzyfizzy
    03-04-2010 06:26 PM
    hahaha! life is swell. my portfolio is nonexistent.
  5. Ebony
    03-04-2010 03:47 AM
    deal! so hows thing up your way? hows your scrapping portfolio for this month going? im lacking mojo at the moment and might have to invest in some more templates... hehe.
  6. lizzyfizzy
    03-04-2010 02:59 AM
    well hello there!! let's be friends.
  7. Ebony
    03-03-2010 04:46 AM
    you have 95 friends and i'm not one of them? geez lizzy! hi btw i'm ebony.

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