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Conversation Between Jen22 and nadsann
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Jen22
    09-14-2010 03:51 PM
    LOL - you're very welcome. I hope it made sense and helped!! And Liam really just wanted to see the screen on the camera and wanted to tell me how it was the same thing as what was on my computer monitor
  2. nadsann
    09-14-2010 10:19 AM
    Thank you so much....you are a darling for helping me out...tell Liam thanks too :-)
  3. Jen22
    09-13-2010 11:18 PM
    Sorry I didn't catch your reply, but I did have a video tutorial set up just in case you had a program that would work. I'm not a 100% sure that CS2 and CS4 have the same things, but it's better than PSE vs CS4

    Anyhoo - here's the link to the tutorial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5seZuCBVbuE --- Make sure you read the info included with it (it's right under the video. There's an arrow button that you can push to expand the info area.). I feel silly posting this, lol (no one likes to hear their voice online I think, lol) but I don't think i could have explained it as well with pictures and text

    Feel free to ask questions about it - either here on SSD or on the video itself Hope it makes sense for you!!
  4. nadsann
    09-13-2010 12:06 PM
    I replied last week but not sure if you received it....I'm using Adobe CS2...thanks for the help
  5. Jen22
    09-07-2010 05:04 PM
    Just in case you don't know how to find the messages - I thought I'd write it here as well. I would be very happy to help you - but I need to know what program you are using

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