Conversation Between abm234 and SeattleSheri
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
I'm not sure what program you're using, but if you're using Photoshop, go to your layers palette, click on the layer you want to change and right click and select "blending options" and then change your blend mode under general blending. Alternatively, you can click the drop down at the top of the palette that defaults to "normal" and enable the drop down for options ... and select overlay. Unfortunately, I don't have experience with other programs, but that should work in any version of Photoshop. I hope that helps!
Sheri, I am trying to figure out how to save my LO for the web so I can create a gallery here at SSD. I'm trying to follow your blog (thanks by the way) and am getting stuck at this step.
Change the layer mode of the high pass layer to overlay
Could you please give me directions on how to do this step?
Thanks for your time!