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amydawnf amydawnf is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. deebirks
    07-30-2012 09:15 PM
    I'm just getting used to the forums so I don't know if there's a convenient way to find your old posts or not; I've just been scrolling through the hard way. Have you given much thought to what you're doing for the challenges? They seem hard. I hope I don't mess up on some little technical detail. Do you have any black and white kits already? I was going through old kits that have a few black and white elements and papers but I wasn't liking anything I came up with.
  2. deebirks
    07-30-2012 09:12 PM
    Sorry I didn't see these messages here. If you respond in that thread where they say "New to the Forum? Read this!" they will turn on your private messages.
  3. amydawnf
    07-28-2012 12:44 PM
    Do you know how to easily find your old forum posts to edit them? I'm looking to find my post requesting a partner and I think I'll need to figure that out to update the portfolio too. eek
  4. amydawnf
    07-28-2012 12:41 PM
    I''m going to go back to the original post I made in the forum and say I have a partner now. Thank You!! Do we have to come up with a team name?
  5. amydawnf
    07-28-2012 12:39 PM
    I'm using CS5, but I think I have a version of elements installed too, I think it's version 9. I've never tried elements. If we have to exchange files I think we'll be able to figure it out.
  6. deebirks
    07-28-2012 09:24 AM
    If I understand correctly, tomorrow they'll be announcing the rules and I guess that's when we'll find out if there's an official place to sign up. In the meantime, there's a sticky thread where we'll be posting our portfolios. I'm using Photoshop Elements 10.
  7. deebirks
    07-27-2012 09:01 PM
    It would be great to be a team!
  8. amydawnf
    07-26-2012 11:30 PM
    I'm still trying to figure this out too, so don't worry. Sounds like we might make a good team LOL. Have you participated in anything like this before? Over the years I've tried a few here and there. Occasionally I wind up with issues with my health and can't scrap so I was a little leery about signing up. I should be good to go, but I would hate to not mention that and for some unpredictable reason not be able to make a deadline and not having disclosed that early on. I never want to disappoint anyone.
  9. deebirks
    07-26-2012 10:00 PM
    I think I accidentally just posted a message to myself instead of to you. Sorry; just joined and am figuring it all out! I am still looking for a partner.


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  • Last Activity: 05-05-2013 10:07 AM
  • Join Date: 07-14-2012

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