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KristinCB KristinCB is offline

Sweet Shoppe Designer

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. teenybop61
    10-03-2013 04:19 AM
    Hi Kristin, I have your snowy sweetness kit and lost the papers. I had a hard drive crash and I was able to get the alpha and the elements, but for some reason no paper. Is there anyway I can get them from you. Email me at bentley_tina@hotmail.com
  2. tamimiller
    11-08-2011 02:24 PM
    Hi Kristin,
    You recently made a DSD purchase that qualified for my match me promotion. I've tried to email you the coupon code twice and the email keeps bouncing back to me with this message: The recipient's account is temporarily over the maximum allowed mailbox size. If you'd like your coupon please email me at tami.miller75 @ gmail dot com.
    Tami Miller
  3. fonnetta
    01-13-2011 10:28 AM
    Hi Kristin,

    I purchased your kit "I LOVE COCOA" from the Daily Digi (The Best Deal In Digi) and I am not finding the dotted swirls in the kit. There is one in the preview behind the whipped cream on the cocoa cup and one on the left hand side of the kit preview. I was hoping it just got missed and is a part of the kit. Thanks so much for checking on this for me...I love this kit and I loved those swirls!

    Have a wonderful day,
  4. Sugar Pie Scraps
    01-03-2011 05:49 PM
    Sugar Pie Scraps
    Hi Kristin! I LOVE your products and I was wondering if you ever hold CT calls or have guest CT's?
  5. jennisajoy
    10-05-2010 10:52 AM
    Hi Kristin!

    I know you have given my design business permission in the past to use your designs in blogs, and i thank you! i have a client that would like to use the kit "delightful" that is a collab between you and Traci. I have permission from both of you, but am wondering since it's a collab kit, would your fee be lessened at all? Your fee is $10, and Traci's is $15, so just want to see if i can lessen that for my client a bit!

    Thanks dear!
  6. Nikki Epperson
    04-21-2010 10:34 PM
    Nikki Epperson
    whoa! hot mama w/ the forum avie!!!!
  7. lizzyfizzy
    12-07-2008 01:38 AM
    uh huh. ya. sure.
  8. lizzyfizzy
    12-07-2008 12:03 AM
    what bree said.
  9. ditzyscrap
    11-28-2008 06:54 PM
    I'm offended you haven't friended me yet. LMAO!
  10. Paula Duncan
    11-20-2008 02:56 PM
    Paula Duncan
    Do you wanna be my Friend?

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  • Join Date: 05-05-2007


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