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Heather Roselli Heather Roselli is offline


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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. totallycre8tive
    05-17-2015 10:08 AM
    HI Heather. I applied to your guest CT call on NSD but hadn't heard anything. Was just checking in. Thanks!
  2. Beebo
    05-03-2015 09:47 PM
    I hope you are feeling better soon! I would love to guest for you. Here is a link to my gallery https://www.sweetshoppecommunity.com/gallery/ and a link to my facebook gallery https://www.facebook.com/rachel.huck...5216449&type=3
    Thank you for the chance!
    Rachel aka Beebo
  3. totallycre8tive
    05-03-2015 08:33 PM
    Hi Heather! First, I hope that you are feeling better, and were still able to have some fun during the NSD celebration! I am applying to your guest CT call....I have been waiting and waiting and waiting! I was SO excited to see it! Anyway...onto the important stuff. Here is a link to my gallery: https://www.pinterest.com/totallycre...rapbook-pages/ I would LOVE to be a guest on your team....I have most of your kits already! I am also very good at promoting for my designers. Thank you for the chance! Good luck with your call!
  4. sigmakap95
    08-29-2011 06:26 AM
    Last night I 'accidentally' purchased the DIY Tote Box, but meant to purchase the Recipe Box. I had had both items in my cart but when looked on my EHD, realized I already had the tote box. I thought I deleted that one from the cart, but deleted the recipe card box instead. I didn't know if there was a way to get a credit to purchase the recipe box? If not, I totally understand as it was my own fault!

  5. moscrapper
    09-16-2010 12:57 PM
    Hi! I don't know if you remember me - I purchased your Ocean Kit with permission to build my website with the images. I love it and have started work on it - I was wondering if you would be interested in making a coordinating alpha and or little scuba kids? If so how much and what not? Email me at shastess @yahoo dot com
  6. Leila
    12-03-2008 03:18 PM
    It's different in that it's not actually private.
  7. Heather Roselli
    11-17-2008 11:55 PM
    Heather Roselli
    I can hear you! But what is the point of all this? How is it different from a PM?
  8. tracey
    11-17-2008 11:51 PM
    Can you hear me now?

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  • Last Activity: 12-11-2016 02:18 PM
  • Join Date: 03-02-2007


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