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krystalhartley 05-16-2013 03:02 PM

Facebook Timeline Covers
Is there a rhyme or reason to what you use for your timeline covers? Do you like to switch them out frequently? With the seasons? Do you go with a scrappy feel? More graphic? Just a photo? Do you have any cover photo tips, fun resources, inspiration galleries or anything to share?

Let me seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... :)

I just updated mine for the first time in over a year. I prefer the graphic feel...maybe because I get enough "scrapbooking" with work.


carrie1977 05-16-2013 03:03 PM

It's gorgeous!!!

eranslow 05-16-2013 03:03 PM

That is just GORGEOUS Krystal!!

I have yet to put up a cover photo. Mainly because I'm too lazy to figure something out. LOL

krystalhartley 05-16-2013 03:06 PM

Thanks, girls!
I hear ya, Erin. I may have started on a new one a few times before now but just didn't know what I wanted. Then I got that cool sun flare/sunbeams photo the other day and decided to go with it. Of course, now I will feel really silly if I don't switch that out for the fall.

Darcy Baldwin 05-16-2013 03:06 PM

I had one since the covers first came up and never changed it til last week when I put a T.A.R.D.I.S. cover up :) Yours is gorgeous!

Lyd 05-16-2013 03:07 PM

That's beautiful, Krystal! I've had the same pic on my Timeline since October. It's a picture of me and my siblings from my grandma's funeral. It's so rare that all severn of us are together, so I really love the photo. I haven't been able to bring myself to change it.

NeverendingJen 05-16-2013 03:16 PM

I changed mine out recently, but I don't change it too often. Mostly when I get bored enough to amke one of have a laytou I adapt


ripal 05-16-2013 03:42 PM

I finally changed mine last month from the Christmas theme cover!

Love the graphic look of your cover! Gorgeous photo!!!

heathergw 05-16-2013 03:53 PM

OMG!!! That's smokin' HAWT!!! (pun intended)

maryinaz 05-16-2013 04:16 PM

I change mine whenever. Usually it's just a photo, or a photo with a quote, or some artwork. Right now I have my 4 boys up from Easter. But with graduation next week, I'm sure I'll have a new one to put up soon. :)

I love yours Krystal!

Kjersti 05-16-2013 04:19 PM

I change mine all the time. I usually take an old layout and rearrange it to to make everything fit!!! I love it ;)

lingovise 05-16-2013 04:25 PM

*wolfwhistle*... wowiekazowie, woman!!

i haven't changed mine out in ages, just because i love the photo so much :]


krystalhartley 05-16-2013 04:47 PM

I'm on my phone but I think you guys can grab the img URL from Facebook and use with the img code here. Since covers are set to public, we shouldn't have a problem seeing them.

I think the modified layout approach is pretty popular with scrappers. I love looking at them. Also love photos...do you use photos you love regardless of how well they fit the cover space or do you pick ones that work well with the "panoramic" crop?

jacinda 05-16-2013 05:05 PM

I don't change mine often enough. I forget really. You motivated me to change it today though.

jacinda 05-16-2013 05:27 PM

OK, I felt guilty because the quality wasn't the best. I ended up making a slightly better version.


marlathrall 05-16-2013 05:45 PM

I usually use a picture and I look for one that fits nicely in my space. I'm kinda weird about that. :)

MommaTrish 05-16-2013 05:54 PM

I need to redo mine... again. It seems like I just can't get the stupid things clear and non-blurry since they changed the cover area again.

Milmomma 05-16-2013 06:05 PM

I just use a picture. I'm simple.

NatalieKW 05-16-2013 06:30 PM

I just have a single picture of my three girls.

Sherri Tierney 05-16-2013 06:37 PM

I don't change mine often. I get something I like and stick with it. Right now I have this layout as my cover photo. I didn't even adapt it to fit the space, just adjusted it so that the words fall into the area that shows.


I am picky about wanting a cover that looks good with my profile picture though. I don't like when they clash completely.

I love the graphic look but I really wanted to do something with my word of the year so I just used the layout as I had just scrapped it and felt like it was worthy of being used as my cover.

jacinda 05-16-2013 06:39 PM

Trish, go download the MCP sharpening actions from her blog. They're free and make your timeline a lot sharper.


PeggyC 05-16-2013 07:30 PM

I usually just use a recent photo. For those scrapping (I LOVE all of them), how do you know what size it should be? I've tried to scrap several different ones and I can't seem to get the size correct.

jacinda 05-16-2013 07:44 PM

Peggy, download this template set. It has the correct dimensions. http://www.mcpactions.com/actions/tr...templates.html

PeggyC 05-16-2013 08:04 PM

Thank you so much Jacinda!

newfiemountiewife 05-16-2013 08:24 PM

I change mine all the time. Sometimes it's pics, sometimes it's quotes, and like now, it's a BIG BRUINS logo saying "we Believe" LOL...it's hockey season!

nun69 05-16-2013 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by jacinda (Post 1125379)
Peggy, download this template set. It has the correct dimensions. http://www.mcpactions.com/actions/tr...templates.html

thanks for this...I haven't changed mine since like Jan, but I think I want to put a more graphic one up now :)

MommaTrish 05-16-2013 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by jacinda (Post 1125371)
Trish, go download the MCP sharpening actions from her blog. They're free and make your timeline a lot sharper.


I can't get that to load? It keeps timing out. But is it her regular FB photo resize and and sharpen? Because if so I've been trying it.

jacinda 05-16-2013 09:48 PM

I'm not sure. The unsharp mask layer is at 175%, radius 0.5 pixels, threshold 6, opacity 50%. Is that what you have already?

chicka 05-16-2013 10:17 PM

i didn't change it too often. my first cover is a scrappy cover, a second one is a picture with my business partner. i think, if i gettin too often in changing cover, my friend gonna think that i'm a facebook mania. lol

lovely1m 05-16-2013 10:33 PM

I have a picture on mine of some woods in Wisconsin from vacation last year, its been there since they started cover photos. I haven't even thought of changing it.

Andrea G 05-16-2013 10:40 PM

I have the same one up since the fall. Does anyone know how to make the timeline cover image be sharp? It's so annoying to me. Here's my timeline: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.v.graves

I wouldn't mind changing mine to a more summer-ish image. Love the graphic feeling.

SeattleSheri 05-16-2013 10:52 PM

Ms. Krystal, that is stunning! Love it!

Here is mine. I don't change it very often.


SeattleSheri 05-16-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea G (Post 1125429)
I have the same one up since the fall. Does anyone know how to make the timeline cover image be sharp? It's so annoying to me. Here's my timeline: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.v.graves

I wouldn't mind changing mine to a more summer-ish image. Love the graphic feeling.

What are the pixel dimensions of the image you uploaded as your cover? If they are not 851 x 315, that could be causing the issue.

marnel 05-16-2013 11:08 PM

Krystal love your shot ;) wowzas!!
Here's mine haven't changed in awhile b/c I love this one so much :)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.n..._7219666_n.jpgDrag to Reposition Cover


kscwgirl 05-16-2013 11:17 PM

i change it out when i think of it.. right now it's just a family photo.. i've done scrappy ones and modified layouts. I love yours krystal!!!

krystalhartley 05-16-2013 11:30 PM

I love these!

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who rarely changes. Great linkages, J. I always (you know, the million times I've done it) started with a 851x315 canvas, so I haven't had any real issues with the blurry images. I'm also generally light on sharpening...don't care for the heavy or halo look. I use unsharp mask at about 30-40 / 1.7-2 / 2

joelsgirl 05-17-2013 12:02 AM

I just wait till I have a new pic I love, and then I use it. Pictures make me happy.

webseitler 05-17-2013 12:04 AM

I finally did one that wasn't just a photo when I found this picture, hiding on my husband's camera:


I just used two of Mari's cards from her Today 2.0 collection. But I love it! Love how it looks with my avi in the corner, too. :)

Gemma 05-17-2013 07:22 AM

I haven't made one for a while, I think it can be my task of the day now! :D

krystalhartley 05-17-2013 07:23 AM

I may or may not have just spent my morning going through your FB pages and loving on your timeline covers (if our friendship status allowed it). I think I notice new profile pics more frequently (and am sort of obsessed with commenting on them) because they show up in my feed all the time next to comments and whatnot. I miss the updates to the timeline covers though...there are some real gems in there. I love the extra glimpse into your lives when you share with me, so thank you so much! :wub:

if you wanna be my friend, I'm here. I don't post too frequently, but I'm 41 with a naughty streak (with a husband who appreciates it) and an amateur self-photographer who likes good music. My kids don't like to be center stage, so you won't see a lot of them, and you'll rarely see me get political. I'm mostly there to send out good vibes, share laughs and remind my friends how beautiful they all are.

Trista 05-17-2013 09:43 AM

Gaw-juss!! I love your graphic cover Krystal.

Sadly, I just looked and mine has not been updated since January. I generally make a scrappy one. On occasion I will use a photo.

Goal for today... update siggy, facebook cover, and desktop calendar (it's from Feb). EEP!

chastml 05-17-2013 09:52 AM

I change mine occasionally. I've had this one up for almost 2 months now. I've been doing scrappy ones when I don't have a photo I want to feature. After looking back at my previous ones, I mostly change mine with the seasons.

adrianka 05-17-2013 12:20 PM

Great covers, everyone!

Mine hasn't really changed - I only replaced the picture with another (very similar) one and moved the text higher recently, because the original one didn't look good with the new visuals.


ripal 05-17-2013 12:32 PM

Here's mine.. hopefully it will show up... if not, you see see it on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ripalp

I love this photo because I was finally able to capture the real beauty of Yosemite park! It has Upper Yosemite fall on left and Half Dome on right. Both are my favorite hikes.. I hiked them both twice and plan to hike once again in this summer.

mariewilcox 05-17-2013 01:42 PM

I just use a photo because I can't be bothered to do more. I switch the photo out depending on season, what sport DD is playing at the time, or just whatever my mood feels like - no rhyme or reason ;)

Andrea G 05-17-2013 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by SeattleSheri (Post 1125434)
What are the pixel dimensions of the image you uploaded as your cover? If they are not 851 x 315, that could be causing the issue.

It's 851x315 - it has bugged me since the day I posted it. I thought I was doing everything right, but it won't come through clear. It's been the same on 2 other fb pages I manage. I would love to fix them all. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

jacinda 05-17-2013 03:34 PM

Andrea, do you sharpen the image before posting? That MCP action helps a lot.

Andrea G 05-18-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by jacinda (Post 1125768)
Andrea, do you sharpen the image before posting? That MCP action helps a lot.

I have not done that. You think that's the only thing I'm doing wrong? It's weird, when I pull it up in CS3 it's crystal clear - then fb does something to reduce the quality, I think. I can definitely try sharpening my image. Thx.

MommaTrish 05-18-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by krystalhartley (Post 1125534)
I may or may not have just spent my morning going through your FB pages and loving on your timeline covers (if our friendship status allowed it). I think I notice new profile pics more frequently (and am sort of obsessed with commenting on them) because they show up in my feed all the time next to comments and whatnot. I miss the updates to the timeline covers though...there are some real gems in there. I love the extra glimpse into your lives when you share with me, so thank you so much! :wub:

if you wanna be my friend, I'm here. I don't post too frequently, but I'm 41 with a naughty streak (with a husband who appreciates it) and an amateur self-photographer who likes good music. My kids don't like to be center stage, so you won't see a lot of them, and you'll rarely see me get political. I'm mostly there to send out good vibes, share laughs and remind my friends how beautiful they all are.

I got no time line loves. :unsure:

CA Dreamer 05-18-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by ripal (Post 1125679)
Here's mine.. hopefully it will show up... if not, you see see it on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ripalp

I love this photo because I was finally able to capture the real beauty of Yosemite park! It has Upper Yosemite fall on left and Half Dome on right. Both are my favorite hikes.. I hiked them both twice and plan to hike once again in this summer.

Love this!

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