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Nikki Epperson 03-07-2016 05:16 PM

How long do you wait?
I was at Wal-Mart today for work (I cook at the local YMCA Child Care). I do the weekly shopping on Monday. My cart was really full today. I had just popped my trunk to start loading when a car parked to wait for me to leave so they could have my spot. It took me at least 5 minutes to unload the cart.
So, usually, if someone is finished unloading, I'll wait for them. But if they just got to their car, I keep going.
What about you? How long do you wait for a spot?

For what it's worth, I did have a front parking spot!

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misfitinmn 03-07-2016 05:20 PM

I don't wait. :D

I don't like to be waited for (especially when I have my kids, even if I'm done loading them in the car, sometimes they have things they need before I can drive away) and I don't like feeling like I'm holding up traffic. I don't really search for parking spots anymore, I just grab one that is in an empty-ish area of the parking lot, as close to a cart corral as possible. :)

carrie1977 03-07-2016 05:21 PM

Ahhh...the coveted front parking spot. LOL!

I'm one of those people that park at the very end of a row. I honestly don't care about being close and I don't mind the walk.

That does annoy me though that people wait that long. Especially if you have to wait for them to get out of the way in order to get thru the lot. I especially love it when there is a free space like two spots over. :p

jak 03-07-2016 05:26 PM

Depends how crazy busy the shopping centre is. If its super busy, like around Christmas, I'd probably wait from the moment I saw them approaching the car. But I never go to the shops when its busy like that - I hate crowds.

Generally though, I'd only wait if I could see they were about to back out.

KingsQueen82 03-07-2016 05:36 PM

I'm just like Carrie. I don't mind the walk at all. I'll park as far back as I need to to avoid being close to someone else's car and so I don't have to be in the situation where someone is waiting on me. That makes me feel so nervous and rushed! Plus we seem to get less door dings from other people's cars that way too! :)

bexy 03-07-2016 05:43 PM

I hate it when people are waiting for me and I have a whole load to put in the trunk or have my kids with me. It makes me feel so pressured!! I would wait if it was a REALLY good spot and it was like, raining, or something. Otherwise I just keep looking.

NellahBean 03-07-2016 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by bexy (Post 1062808249)
I hate it when people are waiting for me and I have a whole load to put in the trunk or have my kids with me. It makes me feel so pressured!! I would wait if it was a REALLY good spot and it was like, raining, or something. Otherwise I just keep looking.

Oh my gosh, YES! It makes me crazy when I'm trying to load my kids up our haul and someone sits there and waits for me. It immediately stresses me out and then I'm yelling at the kids to hurry up and get in their seats. Just find another spot, peeps!

Like Sara, I usually always park at the end of the lot near a cart corral so that I can get my kids situated, load up my groceries, and then drop my cart at the corral. It makes me BONKERS when people leave their carts everywhere. Like how lazy can you possibly be?? I make it a point to park next to one so that I feel comfortable putting it away while my kids are waiting in the car.

MamaBee 03-07-2016 06:06 PM

I rarely wait... unless it really looks like they are ready to go... i.e. the backing up lights are on! ;)

oh my gosh - I have seen serious road rage over parking spots...

Nikki Epperson 03-07-2016 06:14 PM

lol, glad it's not just me. I did feel rushed and just anxious about it. I really didn't like feeling like I was being watched, haha!

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JillW 03-07-2016 06:15 PM

I don't wait either ... I park away from everyone for the most part.

A few years ago, after having my new Audi for less than 1 month, I parked away from everyone (like usual) only to come out of Target to find a big old red shopping cart up against the driver's side door - and it left a huge ding in the door! I was so p-o'd!! Thankfully though, I had paid for coverage for "minor" repairs when I bought the car. I wasn't even close to a cart corral ... grrr!! LOL!

carrie1977 03-07-2016 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by JillW (Post 1062808257)
I don't wait either ... I park away from everyone for the most part.

A few years ago, after having my new Audi for less than 1 month, I parked away from everyone (like usual) only to come out of Target to find a big old red shopping cart up against the driver's side door - and it left a huge ding in the door! I was so p-o'd!! Thankfully though, I had paid for coverage for "minor" repairs when I bought the car. I wasn't even close to a cart corral ... grrr!! LOL!

Ugh! That's part of the reason why I park as far away as possible, too. I got a new car in August and I don't want anyone hitting my precious car with their cart. :D

Neverland Scraps 03-07-2016 06:38 PM

I have access to handicap parking due to my broken back and bad leg from a break years ago. With that said, I try not to park in those spots unless it's one of those days that I'm really sore and I feel like I'm going to break, or I have to park super far away and the thought of walking/carrying my son through an entire parking lot makes me want to go home. If I'm by myself, I try to suck it up and deal with the pain since I'm not carrying a diaper bag and a child.

So when I see someone going to their car, I drive around another aisle, come back and then wait for them. If they have a cart, I always roll my window down and ask them to leave it for me so I don't have to carry my son to a cart return or the front of the store. That and it helps speeds up their process.

As far as me, when I have my children and I am going to take a while loading up the car or changing a diaper, I usually go to the back of my car and tell the person waiting "I'm going to be about 5-minutes" or maybe "I'm changing a diaper", so they know what's taking so long on my end. I try to be considerate for them knowing I'm not loading my car, getting in and driving away!

Sweeet 03-07-2016 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by NellahBean (Post 1062808252)
Oh my gosh, YES! It makes me crazy when I'm trying to load my kids up our haul and someone sits there and waits for me. It immediately stresses me out and then I'm yelling at the kids to hurry up and get in their seats. Just find another spot, peeps!

Like Sara, I usually always park at the end of the lot near a cart corral so that I can get my kids situated, load up my groceries, and then drop my cart at the corral. It makes me BONKERS when people leave their carts everywhere. Like how lazy can you possibly be?? I make it a point to park next to one so that I feel comfortable putting it away while my kids are waiting in the car.

This is EXACTLY me too...I cringe when folks wait on me KNOWING darned well they see I have a 2 1/2 year old child I'm tending to as well, etc. Oh and don't get me started with the ones who wait that long and have THEE nerve to honk. Oh no you just didn't?!. . . . . you've only waited 2 minutes?? wha?!!!!

joelsgirl 03-07-2016 07:15 PM

I don't wait unless the car already has its reverse lights on. And I don't rush if someone is waiting on me, ESPECIALLY if they can see that I have three kids & groceries.

But my husband is always like, "HURRY! There's someone waiting on us. We need to be considerate of them." GRRR, no, actually, I don't.

catgoddess 03-07-2016 07:48 PM

I never wait. I'm like the other girls and park far away, never look for a spot up front, and just walk.

If anyone ever waited on me and honked, you better believe my NYer would show...

SeattleSheri 03-07-2016 07:52 PM

Unless there are no other spots in the lot, I don't wait. If it's a matter of actually finding a place to park at all, I would wait. I don't mind walking, since A. I can use the exercise and B. I usually end up in the store quicker.

angiepangie 03-07-2016 08:06 PM

I don't wait. I hate being waited on and made to feel as if I'm being rushed, so I don't do it to others. It's why I just got back from an unsuccessful hospital visit - I spent 40 minutes looking for -any- spot, free or paid, and ended up having to leave. I never had a chance, since most people were stopping and blocking up the roads and car parks, waiting for visitor spots that weren't even available yet. :thumbdown: Fair enough if someone is about to leave, but there wasn't even anyone around getting in to their cars. I just couldn't be that inconsiderate to others, no matter how desperate I was.

I'm another who is perfectly content to get a park further away and get some extra exercise in. Especially since everyone always starts waiting for me to move the car when the kids are in. Then they get frustrated because they have to wait even longer for me to find my glasses. :p

bcgal00 03-07-2016 08:47 PM

I'm not as impatient as my husband is, so if needed, I can sit for a few minutes and just people watch or something. But I also don't mind walking so if a spot is not available close by I will be just as happy to park further away and walk, so either way, parking isn't usually much hassle for me....unless there is no parking...that's a different matter. I hate driving around and around and around....ugh.

nietis 03-07-2016 09:06 PM

Ugh... I am with Jenna, I hate those who wait on us and HONK on us! Gosh, if you choose to wait, you should bear however long we take!
We only wait if we see the people are ready to go, so usually we just look for other empty spot.

nietis 03-07-2016 09:06 PM

Ugh... I am with Jenna, I hate those who wait on us and HONK on us! Gosh, if you choose to wait, you should bear however long we take!
We only wait if we see the people are ready to go, so usually we just look for other empty spot.

Suzs 03-07-2016 10:47 PM

I usually just park at the far end of the lot, unless it is super cold and windy. It can be -40 or more here with the wind some days but generally no one goes anywhere when it is like that, me included so spots aren't too bad those days.

JennNtheBoys 03-07-2016 11:19 PM

I don't wait at all.... honestly, if someone was waiting to take my spot while I was still dealing with putting things in my car I would probably go up to them and tell them off..... very few things bother me more than the feeling of being "rushed" and when someone puts me in the position of feeling rushed I'm not very pleasant. I do not feel the need to have the "closest" spot I can get and just park wherever I see an available spot.... hubby on the other hand will drive around and around and around.... to get a "good spot"... that drives me crazy too - - - the whole shopping experience just isn't my thing. LOL

mrsashbaugh 03-07-2016 11:41 PM

I don't really wait for anyone unless they have their reverse lights on and I know they are already leaving. Yes, I don't like feeling rushed either, especially when I have the kids and I need to put them in carseats and such. I usually don't rush though and if they want to still wait then they wait.

LeeAndra 03-07-2016 11:47 PM

I'm not sure I've ever waited for a parking spot before. If someone is pulling out conveniently at the same time that I'm driving up the row, sure. I've never sat and waited, though.

I'm usually like Sara and park farther away so I can be beside a cart corral. I'm super OCD abt putting my cart away, and if I park next to the corral, then I can throw the kids in the van first & then put the cart away vs. having to have them come with me to put the cart away.

I would never ever ever in a million years leave a cart in the middle of the parking lot. Shudder.

craftytam 03-07-2016 11:57 PM

I'm another non-waiter. I park pretty far away because I need the walk. It drives my teenage boys nuts! You'd think they were 100 because they don't want to walk anywhere. LOL!

biancka 03-08-2016 03:38 AM

I don't drive so I let my husband decide and I TRY not to get involved.......ahum...yeah right. LOL

anelia 03-08-2016 03:57 AM

I don't like waiting at all. If there's a free spot, OK, cool! If there's not, my husband (cause I don't drive) parks on the nearest available spot. Being waited on is something I hate because I feel pressured. I don't go shopping in those big shopping centres around the holidays because crowds drive me nuts and I try to avoid them whenever I can.
Truth is, there's a lot of mini local groceries around my house and I do most of the shopping at them.

cherrygutz 03-08-2016 04:15 AM

With the growing number of car owners in my country, going to the mall and waiting for a parking spot is really a battle around here, people here learned to be patient enough to wait no matter how long. There were times when I see a family go in the mall and the father would just wait in the car.

Gemma 03-08-2016 07:18 AM

Hmmm we never wait lol, we just go find another space. If we're lucky enough to get a wider parent and child space we always find people sit behind us waiting to to be in and you can see them getting slightly annoyed if we take a while.

fifilur 03-08-2016 07:34 AM

I don't wait. I'd rather walk that spend the same time waiting. Unless there are no available spots. Then I'll wait.

kendallt 03-08-2016 09:29 AM

I would never in a million years wait that long! 1. It's completely rude to block traffic for more than a few seconds. 2. I'd rather just find a spot that's a little further away than sit there and wait. Patience isn't always my strong suit! :p

kristalund 03-08-2016 10:00 AM

i don't wait either. i am usually in a hurry.

~Cindy~ 03-08-2016 12:58 PM

I don't wait. I smoke so once I get the kids in the car and the groceries put in that is when I smoke. I also park at the end of the parking area where you have to walk a good bit.

What irritates me is someone parking so close I can't even get my kid in his seat! I mean seriously I'm not a small person then add in a 25 lbs 2 year old and I really start cussing!

lovely1m 03-08-2016 02:45 PM

Depends on the weather. ;)

breakingbrie 03-09-2016 02:45 AM

I don't ever wait in shopping parking lots. I park far away from cars (I'm better at walking than I am at parking). No one's ever had to wait on me to get out!!

Now, if I'm at the hospital here for an apt, I circle the lot by the door until I see someone walk out the hospital doors and then I follow them to wherever they parked and wait for them to leave. :D :D It's the only way to get a spot around here!!

profiler_mar 03-10-2016 12:35 PM

I have no patience, so if they aren't pulling out, I pretty much drive on. :D

lingovise 03-10-2016 12:39 PM

I always park in the outer rim... nobody ever wants my parking spot.

marlathrall 03-10-2016 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by breakingbrie (Post 1062808659)
I don't ever wait in shopping parking lots. I park far away from cars (I'm better at walking than I am at parking). No one's ever had to wait on me to get out!!

Ha. I drive a giant pickup and I always park in the back because I totally suck at parking it. Haha.

KristinCB 03-10-2016 01:14 PM

I almost always park as far away as i can.. because I'm probably one of the worst parkers in the world. hahaha.

KristinCB 03-10-2016 01:15 PM

and apparently i'm not the only one. LOL!

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