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-   -   What are you glad to leave behind in '13, & what are you looking forward to in '14? (https://www.sweetshoppecommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=75129)

scrapsuzy 11-16-2013 11:05 PM

What are you glad to leave behind in '13, & what are you looking forward to in '14?
I am glad to put my old job behind me (left in April). It was too far, and the work atmosphere was so very negative.

I am looking forward to a new grandbaby in 2014, maybe 2 (already have 3.) One is already on his way, due in February. The other is still in the planning stages. :)

clearskies 11-17-2013 01:59 AM

I'm soooo excited to leave behind Virginia. We're moving to the Pacific Northwest in February and I'm counting the days...

adi&co. 11-17-2013 03:29 AM

2013 was actually an alright year for us. I was soooo glad when 2012 was over. hopefully 2014 is a good year for us. We're hoping to pay of DH's truck next year which would make us go from living just barely over paycheck to paycheck to living pretty comfortably.

zakirahzakaria 11-17-2013 06:44 AM

2013 is actually a good year for me. I'm finally getting back to my old routine (pre-hospitalizations) like cooking and baking for my family. I'm also back at scrapping and socializing with my high school friends (which I avoided before because of how a good friend reacted towards my bipolar diagnosis).

I'm looking forward to what 2014 has for me.

joelsgirl 11-17-2013 07:50 AM

SO HAPPY to be leaving behind:
Manila traffic
Tagalog language
Import prices
being temporary

Looking forward to:
Mexican food
New adventures
Being settled in our new house

Gonna Miss:
Friends in Manila
Pandesal and Spanish bread
My helper

ksbella 11-17-2013 07:56 AM

We actually had a pretty good year this year, but we are certainly looking forward to next year when we are moving into our own home again! Been renting for 2 years!

mariewilcox 11-17-2013 08:29 AM

This was a good year for me/us too :) Nothing I'm glad to leave behind at all but I always look forward to a new year and what it can bring.

2014 could be a bit stressful to start because in February DD has to begin the process of choosing a high school - applications, visits to schools, etc. but once she finally chooses we can look forward to the fun stuff at the end of her 8th grade year and the summer.

misfitinmn 11-17-2013 09:33 AM

2013 has been good to us, I can't really complain. (2012 was mostly for the birds, though!) In 2014 I am looking forward to family road trips (we're hoping to do this more now that our kids getting a little older & more ready for it), home renovation (I have BIG hopes for this!), and maybe some new family members (fingers crossed!).

MamaBee 11-17-2013 09:38 AM

I think overall 2013 was okay for us... just wish time wouldn't go by so fast! Looking forward to some house remodels in 2014... and I hope it will finally be my year to get ahead of the clutter! well... I can dream, right?

SweetMelissa 11-17-2013 09:50 AM

Mines a bit personal but I am looking forward to my divorce being finalized in 2014. After 7 years of cheating and being lied to I've finally had enough. I can't stick around for the kids sakes anymore. I deserve to be happy too. Our toxic relationship really took a toll on me this year. I got depressed and stopped scrapping back in February because I just couldn't see why I'd want to preserve these moments when I had to pretend I was happy.

Lelly 11-17-2013 10:31 AM

This years had its fair share of ups & downs for me. I'm looking forward to moving out of town in the next few months & hopefully getting my idiot ex to leave me alone so I can be happy with my kiddos!

YepBrook 11-17-2013 10:37 AM

Happy to leave behind--
1. DH's old job that worked him to the bone for long hours and weekends, and had him commuting 2 hours/day.
2. This house we live in.

Looking forward to in 2014--
1. A new house in a more family-oriented neighborhood. Hopefully with a yard and more space for the kids to grow up in.
2. A new job for DH that allows him to be home with his family more often and driving on highways less.

Stacey42 11-17-2013 10:43 AM

The year has been good but we have largely been in denial of reality. :)

The company my husband works for has been in bankruptcy proceedings for just over a year now and depending on who you talk to will be unable to meet payroll come February, or March or December or May. It's a small company and it's various investors are all suing each other and a couple of them are/were suing the company itself and while it makes a most excellent soap opera and is better than anything Jerry Springer ever aired, it is very very stressful.

But there is an offer on the table from a potential buyer & the banks might just be beginning to see that they are going to have to accept they aren't going to get all of what is owed them. The potential new owners talk like my husband is a key employee they will need to keep (which is true) and *fingers crossed* their offer will be accepted and we will start the new year knowing for the first time in over two years that his job is no longer threat of imminent demise.

I am so looking forward to that version of 2014. Not at all looking forward to the version where 2014 begins with everyone losing their jobs because the banks wouldn't take a pay down. I will accept a version of 2014 where he finally finds a different job (he's been looking for a year). That works too. :)

farrijc 11-17-2013 10:55 AM

I can't complain about 2013, other than the car accident my mom was in. But, she is well on the road to being "herself" again, so we're all feeling very positive!

In 2014, I'm looking forward to the new house we're building and taking another family vacation in the summer.

Lyd 11-17-2013 11:14 AM

2013 has been pretty good to us. I'm mostly looking forward to more of the same in 2014. Since our bad year in 2011, I'm really happy with "normal."

taracotta7 11-17-2013 12:39 PM

2013 has been a stressful but good year for us. We finally adopted our foster son so now we can move on to 2014 as a complete family! Also in 2014 I expect to see a huge growth in my photography business and making big steps!

Traci Reed 11-17-2013 01:02 PM

2013 was really good to us. In 2014 I'm looking forward to my husband finally having a job with benefits again and starting my sons' dental work. I'm also looking forwards to finally being out of the baby stage and being able to work on me again.

NeverendingJen 11-17-2013 01:11 PM

2013 hasn't been awful or great.. DH finally got promoted, we took a trip home, we've traveled all over the country, but we've had some personal rough points with building our family and the army has jerked us around as usual.

2014 is hopefully bringing some positive changes via the army, and hopefully getting to see family again....and a lot of boring normal life. I'd like that.

sarahbhb 11-17-2013 01:35 PM

2013 started off rough...DH was working part time and we were barely making ends meet. Two moves later things are definitely looking up for us. So glad to leave the beginning of 2013 behind us and hoping that the upward climb continues in 2014.

I'm definitely looking forward to making more friends in our little town and DD starting horseback riding lessons again.

marlathrall 11-17-2013 05:05 PM

2013 has been crappy... We've had deaths in the family and lots of personal disappointments. Honestly, probably the worst year of my life!

We are starting 2014 off with a trip to Hawaii. Hopefully the rest of the year will be just as awesome.

nun69 11-17-2013 05:17 PM

2013 was extremly rough for us because Peyton was diagnosed with Asperger's/ Autism in April and he is slowly but surely getting around to a regimen that works for him and all of us. PLus we had to put him in a new daycare (just about a week ago) and he is totally struggling. And my oldest DD (20) can't decide what she wants to do in life and she has moved out once and already back homw.

in 2014 I am looking forward to my oldest moving out (she needs this not only for her, but for us as well) and the rest of us being on a schdeule that really works for us...good routine is great for all of us....and looking forward to a family reunion with my VA family that I haven't seen since 2006 and hoping to take my kiddos to Disneyworld while I am on the West Coast :)

MissKim 11-17-2013 05:34 PM

2013 has not been bad for us. Little bumps, but nothing huge.

Looking forward to:
my youngest graduating from 8th grade
my middle graduating from high school... she should be a valedictorian
Spring Break at one of our favorite resorts
family reunion in Illinois
vacation in Wisconsin Dells
moving my middle dd into the dorm at college... a whole 20 minutes away
my youngest starting high school
my oldest starting his Communication Sciences program in college (he'll be a junior and so happy to be done with gen eds)
looking to see where my career will lead me next year
another year of Project Life... I'm completely addicted to scrapping our life in pockets

Ethereal_sheep 11-17-2013 06:34 PM

2013 - We took our first fostering placement. The boys have gone home now, and we're blessed that their biological family keeps in touch with us.

2014 - DH should be graduating with his phd this year (THANK GOODNESS). Maybe he'll get a real job next? Or maybe just do a post doctorate degree? Oh well....13 years of college cannot be long enough right? Surely just a couple of more years will do the trick... Regardless of what he does next, we're going to try to start our biological family (if God is willing). BABY!!...maybe :)

lovely1m 11-17-2013 09:27 PM

I look forward to putting behind me the time of half of my work family being in Afghanistan in 2013. I look forward to continuing to work on my physical conditioning so I can hopefully meet my goal of running a half marathon next fall and just be over all in better health in 2014.

jk703 11-17-2013 10:34 PM

2013 hasn't been bad at all, we moved into a new house, and while it's all had it's bumps, most everything turns out better! 2012 had a bad end to the year with Sandy, but since we moved that year, it all worked out.

I'm hoping things get a bit easier in 2014, and I'm looking forward to having less expenses (later in 2014) in childcare! (It's way over the top expensive here in NJ!)

rach3975 11-18-2013 12:04 AM

All in all, 2013 has been a good year. My middle DS was diagnosed with Smith-Magenis Syndrome which could have been a negative, but I saw it more as an "a-ha" moment when we found the missing puzzle piece in understanding his life-long struggles and multiple special needs diagnoses.

In 2014 I'm looking forward to our year long wait for private autism therapy for DS coming to an end (first parent meeting is in Dec, but it will by 2014 by the time they put his plan together), to watching all 3 of my kids continue to thrive, to doing some small renovations at home, to keeping up with PL rather than being far behind, and maybe even to losing some more weight. My youngest will start K in 2014, and I'm a little conflicted about it. I'm happy for her and know there will be new opportunities for me, but I'm going to miss that time with her. By the end of 2014 I may be working outside the house for the first time in 10 years.

jennv 11-18-2013 08:51 AM

OK...I gotta say. I don't know most of you, but I have loved reading your threads and the positive
-ness this thread is generating.....and to all of you, I say..."you go girl!!!"

Mine is totally ridiculous when I think about all that you have posted here...but I'm saying good-bye to Project Life!! LOL. I've loved it for 2 years, but I want things more simplified. Made my first blurb book and i like the look (and the less space it takes up)!! I've loved PL more than anything and my supplies are "cherished" (LOL!!), but I gotta makes things more simple.... I'll still do December Daily and a Week in the Life, but I gotta get rid of the little pieces of paper in my life.

And I'm saying hello to trying my hand at photography or graphic design.....no idea, no clue, but I've designed a bunch of t-shirts and logos and taken photos for friends, and I think I"m going to turn it into some kind of something. It's still incredibly scary, but I'm going to try and figure it out. Got a website and now to get it to work.

Summer_Mom3 11-18-2013 05:30 PM

I'm happy to say goodbye to 2013. This year started out so bad! We had some pretty severe marriage problems. After marriage counseling we are back on the right track. As soon as that was resolved (I'm talking 2 weeks tops) I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. The pregnancy finally ended at 9 weeks and it was a very painful process. Soon after that I learned my baby (14 months at the time) need eye surgery for amblyopia. It's been a crazy year! I am looking forward to 2014, my kids being healthy, my baby is finally walking since her eye surgery!! Our marriage is back on track and we just bought a house!! We close tomorrow and move in Wednesday!!! I'd say after all that in a year we deserve some peace for awhile!! :)

jumbbumble 11-18-2013 05:42 PM

i am so happy to say goodbey to 2013 my dad passed away this year and i am still miss him every day my mother got divorced from her second husband my son had his problems my mother in law's health whas not always good . i am looking forward to begin 2014 on a clean sleeve spend time with the familly whe do have !

Nutmeg 11-18-2013 07:00 PM

2013 has been okay as years go...I finally found a job. Not the career I want, but something part time that covers my student loans and leaves me with some free time for myself. I'm grateful that I can bring in some money, but still have time for hobbies, exercise, etc.

I have no clue what's in store for 2014, but we've been thinking about a trip to England/Wales/Scotland, since DH keeps getting sent over there for work, and I'm beyond excited about the prospect!

scrapsuzy 11-22-2013 01:39 AM

I have totally enjoyed reading this thread. And y'all shared so much more than I expected! :)

It was cool to hear so many had good years. We did, too, for the most part. And expect the same from next year. The negatives... well, we deal with them as they come.

Here's to a good 2014 for us all!

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