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LeeAndra 10-05-2015 01:51 AM

QOTD - Are You Political? - 10.05.15
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a question of what you believe in or an opportunity to debate, but if you are a political person in general.

Do you keep up with your country's politics? Do you always vote in your government's elections? Why or why not?

Have you ever run for office before (yes, middle school student council counts!)? Did you win?

Do you know or have met any famous politicians? What was s/he like? Did it sway you into voting or not voting for that person in the future?

jacinda 10-05-2015 02:06 AM

I wouldn't consider myself a political person, but I do keep myself informed about what's going on. Being a military family, knowing who is in government, and what their plans are, is important, because at the end of the day, it's going to affect you and your family. I always vote in government elections for the same reason.

I've met our Prime Minister twice, at military functions, and several main party leaders too. They all had the gift of the gab, so were very easy to talk to. They were very good at small talk and seeming sincere. (Aren't they all?). I like our Prime Minister. I don't agree with some of his decisions, but as a person I like him - he's very down to earth.

jak 10-05-2015 02:36 AM

I take a passing interest in what's going on (in the news) on a daily basis. Its compulsory to vote in all elections (local, State and Federal) in Australia once you turn 18 (you supposedly get fined if you don't). Even if it wasn't compulsory I'd still vote - that's a great thing about living in a democratic society - you can have a say in how your country is run.

I don't recall ever meeting any politicians.

Gemma 10-05-2015 02:48 AM

I'm not political in the slightest but I try and keep up with what's going on and I definitely vote.

Becca Bonneville 10-05-2015 03:12 AM

I do consider myself a political person. I like to keep up with and participate in politics on the state and federal level. I am even a voting judge for my district.

britaneejean 10-05-2015 06:54 AM

I can't keep everything straight but I do like to know what's going on and I will vote every time I can. My grandpa used to be in congress so it's kind of been hammered into me from a young age.

I think I ran for student council when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade...or maybe it was my twin sister & I helped her out? Ha! I can't remember. I did run for our condo's HOA board because it was being horribly run. I was President for over 2 years.

MommaTrish 10-05-2015 09:59 AM

I am (shocking to most people who know me) very political. However, don't get me started on voting since you said this wasn't a chance to debate with people. :p I take a very strong interest in local, state and federal issues and elections. Many of the issues that I am passionate about boil down to politics and getting changes made to improve things.

nesser1981 10-05-2015 10:19 AM

QOTD - Are You Political? - 10.05.15
Not really. I have my beliefs (very middle of the road). I don't follow politics, I hate this time of year, all the presidential primary stuff.

I try to vote, I don't always make it out.

I don't care about political parties, if I vote for you, it's because I like you & think you can do a good job.

I hate to vote if I'm not informed, I won't just go & check a name, the last local elections I read up on everything the night before. Lol!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LeeAndra 10-05-2015 10:26 AM

I'm apolitical. Hope y'all can still love me. :p :wub:

zakirahzakaria 10-05-2015 10:27 AM

I used to be very interested in my country's politics when I was younger, but not anymore :(
I voted for the first time in 2013, and will continue to do so in future elections if I can.

Do you know or have met any famous politicians? What was s/he like?

Hmmm...I think this is a safe place to talk about this LOL. OK. My dad was a well-known politician in my state. He had been a states assemblyman since I was born, but lost in the 1998 general election. I remember staying up with my siblings during the election day with the newspaper section of the GE tracker, sitting in front of the TV, writing down the election results on the tracker. We even wrote down the majorities, LOL.

I remember spending very little time with my dad during my childhood. I remember doing my best in school to get his attention & wanting him to be proud of me. He worked really hard, day & night. He still works hard now, but in the business field.

MamaBee 10-05-2015 10:32 AM

Yes, I'm political, but I keep my views to myself for the most part. I vote in every election, not matter how small... I read what is going on, but I have to admit I haven't been following real close to the primary.

Unknown fact about me... I love to watch the results come in during national elections... That is my oscars! Haha

I ran for student council when I was a freshman in high school... But didn't win because I wasn't popular.

YepBrook 10-05-2015 11:17 AM

I am. I personally feel like it's my duty and a privilege as an American to know what's going on and be able to make an educated vote.

JennNtheBoys 10-05-2015 11:25 AM

I am not a political person, but I do find myself wanting to learn more about how everything works the older I get (I'm sure age has nothing to do with it and it's just that fact that I need to feed the brain some new info LOL).

carrie1977 10-05-2015 12:13 PM

I'm not...I think that kills my husband. I find it hard to side with any politicians or parties.

wendyp 10-05-2015 03:02 PM

I'm not, at least i try to keep on track with the what going ons, but personally i hate it lol!!

kristijoy 10-05-2015 07:26 PM

I do make informed voting decisions, but I try really hard not to let it catch me emotionally. I see so many people destroyed when their candidate doesn't win or the legislator passes an unpopular law. I try to see it as opportunity to practice understanding, kindness, compassion, and generosity.

SeattleSheri 10-05-2015 09:15 PM

Despite being married to someone who has taught AP Politics and Government for 15 years, I'm not super political. I'm informed on popular topics and have opinions, but recognize I'm not likely to impact other's views and don't debate with people. I won't lie, I totally wish FB had a political filter I could use to remove political posts from my feed. Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions, but some comments on FB really irk me, lol. I have lots of friends/relatives who have different views than I do and we simply don't talk politics and it works!

I vote in major elections, but I don't vote for some of the smaller initiatives or races. I only vote if I've done my research.

I was part of student council in H.S., but wasn't very vocal. I don't have any friends who are politicians, but am 2 degrees of separation from several.

misfitinmn 10-05-2015 09:35 PM

I think politics at their core are very interesting - the things that separate the political parties, fundamental beliefs, etc. But I feel like it's all gotten super skewed in my lifetime and so, I find myself removed from it until it's time for an election - then I research and vote accordingly. I don't talk politics with people generally, and I'm not actively participating in political events with the exception of elections.

Traci Reed 10-05-2015 09:48 PM

Yes, I think it's our civic duty to understand how this country runs and to influence it via voting. I also think it's important to do research on the factual basis of misinformation that is spread around and not just toe the party line and spread lies via the internet to further dumb down the population.

carriesmom 10-05-2015 11:26 PM

I am somewhat political. I used to keep a lot better tabs on national politics but I stopped. I am very up to date on local politics (both my husband and my brother in law are elected officials plus several family friends are elected judges, etc.) I do go and vote at the elections I can. (I don't get to vote in the presidential primary due to being registered independent but that is an argument for another day), but I don't always vote for every office. Like I said, I keep tabs on local county politics because everyone we know seems to be involved. I have never run for office but my husband has run and won for high school school board and justice of peace.

During my life, I met a guy who was running for Governor (he withdrew midway but I would have totally voted for him), I have also met many local politicians, and Supreme Court Justice Kennedy and Hans Blix. Honestly, my opinion didn't change much but I really liked the governor guy.

lovely1m 10-05-2015 11:26 PM

My BS is in Political Science. I love politics. I find studying governments to be super interesting. I hope to run for office after I retire.

JenM 10-06-2015 06:35 AM

I'm not, I try to get information so that I can make an informed decision when it comes voting time but I like watching debates and I hate political commercials on TV where they are just slinging dirt at each other trying to see what will stick.

marlathrall 10-06-2015 01:42 PM

I BS is also in Political Science, Mari! lol. I've pulled away from politics a little bit in the last several years because the news was just too much all the time. Now I basically pay attention closer to the election and try not to get too obsessed.

In high school, I was class president several years... And I've met several of our officials in Oklahoma while working on their campaigns. Oh and I had breakfast with our state representative once in high school.

Keely~B 10-06-2015 01:55 PM

I am. I have a love/hate relationship with it as it can be very frustrating. I vote in every election from local to national and I make it a point to be informed and educated when I vote. I feel it's a duty and privilege as a citizen. Whether you like it or not it's going to impact your life.

I generally don't participate in political discussion on the internet/social media etc.

kristijoy 10-06-2015 06:13 PM

When I was in highschool I served as a Senate Page for our State Senator for a week. Our jackets were 'blue' so we were the 'smurfes'! That was awesomely cool. I got to see everything up close and personal.

But after that I met my DH and decided it was more fun hanging out with my boyfriend than being political! :w00t::hugs:;)

littlekiwi 10-06-2015 10:33 PM

I am! I love the election process so much I've worked as an election day worker 3 times so far. I've also been a student representative for my class at University last year

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Nettio 10-06-2015 11:35 PM

I watch The Daily Show, does that count? :D

I try to stay generally informed and always do my research during election time. But like Sheri, I wish there was a political mute button on FB because especially with the 24 hr news cycles, I find I have to bite my tongue a lot and it's exhausting, haha. I mean, is the fact that Hilary Clinton doesnt like pumpkin spice lattes really what we should be focusing on?? Drives me crazy.

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