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Neverland Scraps 08-29-2021 10:54 AM

Any Formula One Fans?
Are there any Formula One Fans in our lovely Sweet Shoppe Designs Community?

I was introduced to F1 a little over a year ago and was completely shocked how quickly I fell in love with the sport!! Let me back up a little. One of my Fortnite Family members talked about having to go to bed early to watch his favorite driver. Every Sunday afternoon, I would ask him about his driver and the race that he recommended me to watch Forumula 1: Drive to Survive on Netflix.


I'll be the first to admit, the first two episodes were slow, but then after that, I'm not sure what happened I fell in love with the drivers, the teams (Red Bull, Mercedes, etc) and the drama that happened both on track and behind the scenes. I often joke about F1 being the soap opera of the racing world! Now I'm hooked, following drivers on Instagram, paying for the F1 TV app to watch the races and looking forward to each race location as they race all over the world - including here in Austin and next year in Miami!!

So I guess what I'm wondering....are there any fans? If so, who is your team? Mine is Max Verstappen with Red Bull. While I love and look up to Lewis Hamilton with Mercedes, there is something about Max that I absolutely love and can't wait to see him beat the reigning king, Lewis Hamilton!


If you know nothing about Formula One, I 100% recommend Forumula 1: Drive to Survive on Netflix. Give it a chance, past episode 2 and hopefully you'll fall in love with it as much as I have and we can be racing friends!! I'm always looking to expand my racing family and would love more people to join our small group of fans! :wubs:

Scrap-therapy 08-29-2021 11:05 AM

Honestly I'm not a fan but the Netflix serie could be interesting so thank you for sharing!
The name that came to me with F1 are Prost but it's old now :D, Schumacher but it's also the past, I only think to Lewis Hamilton right now!:)

Neverland Scraps 08-29-2021 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Scrap-therapy (Post 1063061131)
Honestly I'm not a fan, but the Netflix series could be interesting so thank you for sharing!
The name that came to me with F1 are Prost but it's old now :D, Schumacher but it's also the past, I only think to Lewis Hamilton right now!:)

There is a Schumacher documentary coming to Netflix! I'm excited to see it because I've heard so much about him from my F1 friends!!


Neverland Scraps 08-29-2021 11:38 AM

I also recommend Rush which is about Niki Lauda, who was an amazing man and pivitol for Mercedes and their success!



Scrap-therapy 08-29-2021 11:52 AM

Thank you Wendy, I never heard about this! It's interesting! Maybe you'll convert me after this!:D
I'm going to watch if I can have it!:)

Leablahblah 08-29-2021 02:10 PM

I never liked any sports. My dad watches them all, Formula 1, soccer, tennis...
I would watch sometimes but never was really into it.

The tv show might be interesting though.

craftytam 08-29-2021 06:30 PM

I've never really watched Formula One, but have caught pieces if hubby is watching it. I think the Long Beach Grand Prix is Formula One? Hubby got to watch that from a friend's office building.

MamaBee 08-29-2021 06:40 PM

I've see some amateur races at our local race track - my husband's friend does... I guess you call drag racing? against two cars and short track. We just had an RV drop off (we rent out our RV when we aren't using it) at Road America in Elkart Lake, WI - which I guess is one of the most famous and history tracks in the US. haha - I've lived an hour away from is my whole life and didn't care. Now, I would love to go see a race there... I guess like all the famous drivers drive there, but I don't think Formula 1 does.

wendyp 08-29-2021 06:41 PM

Yep fan here too hubby, Dario and myself are team Max as well. But today the race was a huge drama. Or better saying the race who never came....

We watch every week when they are racing. And next week hopefully for the first time since a long time in the Netherlands, Zandvoort. If the cabinet allows it tomorrow...

MamaBee 08-29-2021 06:41 PM

thanks for the recommendations! I don't like watch sports... but I love watching movies and shows about sports, haha.

JoCee 08-29-2021 06:56 PM

my husband is a HUGE fan. but then he loves cars more than anything/anyone lol.

Hubs went to every F1 that we had here in Melbourne, and a few oversea, watches every race. In fact he stayed up very late last night to watch and it was delayed due to rain and then after a few laps... cancelled due to heavy rain.

Suffice it to say, there is much F1 chat in our house! (our son doesn't mind a race or two but he'd rather wake up at 1am to watch Manchester United play, lol)

Neverland Scraps 08-29-2021 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by wendyp (Post 1063061201)
Yep fan here too hubby, Dario and myself are team Max as well. But today the race was a huge drama. Or better saying the race who never came....

We watch every week when they are racing. And next week hopefully for the first time since a long time in the Netherlands, Zandvoort. If the cabinet allows it tomorrow...

Yes Team Max!!!!! :wub:

Today's race was rather a let down :thumbdown:
I so wanted to see how George Russel would do after losing pole position SO close yesterday to Max! I think if George replaces Bottas next season he's going to be giving Max a run for his money! He's very talented!

I saw that it's supposed to be coming your way and thought of you when I heard that!!! Wish money wasn't an issue, I'd love to see them all and then we could all see each other, watch the race together!! :thumbup:

Neverland Scraps 08-29-2021 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by JoCee (Post 1063061206)
my husband is a HUGE fan. but then he loves cars more than anything/anyone lol.

Hubs went to every F1 that we had here in Melbourne, and a few oversea, watches every race. In fact he stayed up very late last night to watch and it was delayed due to rain and then after a few laps... cancelled due to heavy rain.

Suffice it to say, there is much F1 chat in our house! (our son doesn't mind a race or two but he'd rather wake up at 1am to watch Manchester United play, lol)

WHAT?!! That's awesome that he has seen so many races!! My goal is to go with a friend from Canada to the one in Miami, maybe (hopefully) next year (probably will be 2023 though).

Today's race was a bust. I'm sorry he stayed up way too late waiting to see if it would be cancelled. The rain was horrible!! I felt gutted seeing Perez crash and taken out of the race during formation.

I'm just excited they are back from their summer break, although it also means school has started and my days to sleep in are now interrupted with F1 races! :D

Who does your family root for?

Neverland Scraps 08-29-2021 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by MamaBee (Post 1063061199)
I've see some amateur races at our local race track - my husband's friend does... I guess you call drag racing? against two cars and short track. We just had an RV drop off (we rent out our RV when we aren't using it) at Road America in Elkart Lake, WI - which I guess is one of the most famous and history tracks in the US. haha - I've lived an hour away from is my whole life and didn't care. Now, I would love to go see a race there... I guess like all the famous drivers drive there, but I don't think Formula 1 does.

I had to do a double check because I didn't think F1 had been there and sure enough, unless I read incorrectly they have yet to race in Wisconsin

I think I would love to see the most famous race track in the US, just to say I've been there!! :wub:

Neverland Scraps 08-29-2021 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by craftytam (Post 1063061196)
I've never really watched Formula One, but have caught pieces if hubby is watching it. I think the Long Beach Grand Prix is Formula One? Hubby got to watch that from a friend's office building.

If he saw the race in 1976 that would have been the only time they raced in Long Beach.

I also didn't know D watched F1! Although knowing what I know about him, I guess it doesn't shock me that he would be interested in racing, or cars at least.

JoCee 08-29-2021 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063061213)
WHAT?!! That's awesome that he has seen so many races!! My goal is to go with a friend from Canada to the one in Miami, maybe (hopefully) next year (probably will be 2023 though).

Today's race was a bust. I'm sorry he stayed up way too late waiting to see if it would be cancelled. The rain was horrible!! I felt gutted seeing Perez crash and taken out of the race during formation.

I'm just excited they are back from their summer break, although it also means school has started and my days to sleep in are now interrupted with F1 races! :D

Who does your family root for?

As we are 'Aussies' we always want Daniel Ricardo to be on the podium however we were huge fans of Schumacher in his day and Ayrton Senna when he was alive. Sadly we saw his crash live on tv many years ago and it is still so vivid in my mind.

Hubs has even been to Monaco to see the race once!! and he worked behind the scenes at a few down here too.

He once organised for Mark Webber (an famous Aussie F1 Driver from a few years ago) to drive his race car across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Was an amazing this to achieve and he still loves telling that story to anyone who will listen, lol

jaye 08-29-2021 10:52 PM

Years ago, when still married we followed NASCAR and would go to Michigan every year. We were all fans of different drivers so it made for fun rivalries in the house.

As for sports I follow baseball and hockey, go Jays, go Habs!!

renatasluis 08-30-2021 02:59 AM

I am not a fan, but i am from the Netherlands,
So hear a lot about it here. Because of Max.
The company i work for is a sponsor of Max.
Hope he wins this year. Doing good so far.

Neverland Scraps 08-30-2021 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by JoCee (Post 1063061217)
As we are 'Aussies' we always want Daniel Ricardo to be on the podium however we were huge fans of Schumacher in his day and Ayrton Senna when he was alive. Sadly we saw his crash live on tv many years ago and it is still so vivid in my mind.

Hubs has even been to Monaco to see the race once!! and he worked behind the scenes at a few down here too.

He once organised for Mark Webber (an famous Aussie F1 Driver from a few years ago) to drive his race car across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Was an amazing this to achieve and he still loves telling that story to anyone who will listen, lol

Love Daniel! I was truly sad when he left Red Bull for McLaren, but understand his move. He is one of the sweetest guys that I've seen and seems so playful, happy to be around!! I hope next season he does well with his car and proves to McLaren why they signed him on with his amazing driving skills!

Monaco!! Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous!! That circuit and countryside is gorgeous!!! Outside of Japan and their overnight race, Monaco is probably my second favorite place for the race!

Wow!! What an awesome opportunity for your husband!! He can tell me that story any time!! All of my F1 friends would LOVE hearing that story. What an honor!! :wub:

Neverland Scraps 08-30-2021 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by jaye (Post 1063061235)
Years ago, when still married we followed NASCAR and would go to Michigan every year. We were all fans of different drivers so it made for fun rivalries in the house.

As for sports I follow baseball and hockey, go Jays, go Habs!!

That's really awesome that you crossed the borders to see the races!!

Neverland Scraps 08-30-2021 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by renatasluis (Post 1063061243)
I am not a fan, but i am from the Netherlands,
So hear a lot about it here. Because of Max.
The company i work for is a sponsor of Max.
Hope he wins this year. Doing good so far.

Oh I bet you hear a lot about Max for sure!!! Even though you aren't a fan, I'm happy to see that you are Team Max as well!! I hope he wins this year and beats Lewis Hamilton, although his crash two races ago put him behind Lewis really put a damper in that scenario. I keep hoping Lewis has peaked and it's time for a new reigning king - Max.

EmmsCreative 08-30-2021 08:48 AM

Yes Formula one fans here in the Uk. My now hubby introduced me to it when we got together in 2005 - Mclaren Fans here though x

Neverland Scraps 08-30-2021 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by EmmsCreative (Post 1063061263)
Yes Formula one fans here in the Uk. My now hubby introduced me to it when we got together in 2005 - Mclaren Fans here though x

How sad were you when Sainz left for Ferrari? Awww I love Lando and Sainz and miss their bromance that they had! I do love that even though they are on different teams, they haven't lost their friendship and remain strong off track! :wub:

aussiegirl 08-30-2021 10:54 AM

It it wrong to ask who you are and what happened to the Wendy I knew?! :confused: :huh: :p :D

Neverland Scraps 08-30-2021 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 1063061275)
It it wrong to ask who you are and what happened to the Wendy I knew?! :confused: :huh: :p :D

There's a whole big world out there and I've crossed paths with many people who have been sharing their likes/interests broadening my horizons. Some things I have passed, but some things like Formula One, I fell in love with watching and following! I am VERY thankful for the people who I have crossed paths with in the last year plus as I believe they are helping me be a better well-rounded person outside of my little bubble that I've experienced. I am only getting better with each and every experience that is crossing my path! I'm excited about the things that I've learned, seen and been able to share with others that I can't wait to see what else I can add to my life. :wub:


JoCee 08-30-2021 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063061279)
There's a whole big world out there and I've crossed paths with many people who have been sharing their likes/interests broadening my horizons. Some things I have passed, but some things like Formula One, I fell in love with watching and following! I am VERY thankful for the people who I have crossed paths with in the last year plus as I believe they are helping me be a better well-rounded person outside of my little bubble that I've experienced. I am only getting better with each and every experience that is crossing my path! I'm excited about the things that I've learned, seen and been able to share with others that I can't wait to see what else I can add to my life. :wub:


I LOVE hearing you say this Wendy. so deserved.
HAVE A BALL with your life now
much love

jak 08-30-2021 08:30 PM

Huge F1 fans in my house too - hubby and my boys, not me so much. But then cars/motor racing is my husband's bread & butter - he was involved in F1 engine development in the 2000s, working with Mercedes-Ilmor (McLaren team at the time). He and my boys watch all the races, staying up to all hours because of the time differences. My oldest boy (15) can tell you who won every race, who crashed out, etc for the last several years!!

We support the Aussie drivers of course - Ricciardo, Mark Webber before that.

jen104 08-31-2021 08:54 AM

Huge fan for many years!!!! have yet to watch Drive to Survive, but I hear it's great. Really hoping to see Max win the Championship this year, I've been following him since his amazing debut at age 17 (before he even had a road licence!). It was easy to see from his driving style at such a young age that he was going to be a force to be reckoned with.

I grew up watching as my Dad is a huge fan, so we've had many favourites over the years. My current favourites are Max and and old days favourite returning with Fernando Alonso. Also love Danny Riccairdo, who doesn't? Can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings.

Now who is going to make an F1 kit? :P

Neverland Scraps 09-01-2021 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by JoCee (Post 1063061345)
I LOVE hearing you say this Wendy. so deserved.
HAVE A BALL with your life now
much love

Thank you!! I am happy!! :wub:


Originally Posted by jak (Post 1063061363)
Huge F1 fans in my house too - hubby and my boys, not me so much. But then cars/motor racing is my husband's bread & butter - he was involved in F1 engine development in the 2000s, working with Mercedes-Ilmor (McLaren team at the time). He and my boys watch all the races, staying up to all hours because of the time differences. My oldest boy (15) can tell you who won every race, who crashed out, etc for the last several years!!

We support the Aussie drivers of course - Ricciardo, Mark Webber before that.

What?! That's so awesome that he was involved with engine development!! What an awesome opportunity and experience!

I follow Daniel on IG - well some pages that people manage. He seems like such a sweetheart.

Neverland Scraps 09-01-2021 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by jen104 (Post 1063061420)
Huge fan for many years!!!! have yet to watch Drive to Survive, but I hear it's great. Really hoping to see Max win the Championship this year, I've been following him since his amazing debut at age 17 (before he even had a road licence!). It was easy to see from his driving style at such a young age that he was going to be a force to be reckoned with.

I grew up watching as my Dad is a huge fan, so we've had many favourites over the years. My current favourites are Max and and old days favourite returning with Fernando Alonso. Also love Danny Riccairdo, who doesn't? Can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings.

Now who is going to make an F1 kit? :P

I think I heard that Alonso signed on for another year, right?

Yay another Team Max fan!!!! I really hope this year is his year! He really is an amazing driver in the rain, so confident!

If you like F1 you will more than likely like the show! Season 4 was just announced, which was the documentary of last season. I really do like the tv series and I wish all sports did something like this as I think it would pull more people in to watch their sport or get invested!

Neverland Scraps 09-01-2021 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by jen104 (Post 1063061420)
Huge fan for many years!!!! have yet to watch Drive to Survive, but I hear it's great. Really hoping to see Max win the Championship this year, I've been following him since his amazing debut at age 17 (before he even had a road licence!). It was easy to see from his driving style at such a young age that he was going to be a force to be reckoned with.

I grew up watching as my Dad is a huge fan, so we've had many favourites over the years. My current favourites are Max and and old days favourite returning with Fernando Alonso. Also love Danny Riccairdo, who doesn't? Can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings.

Now who is going to make an F1 kit? :P

Yes, yes, yes!!!!
I'd LOVE an F1 kit!!! Then I could scrap the screenshots that I got on my birthday of Max's win!! :wub:

wendyp 09-03-2021 06:07 AM

I could try to make some day, since we are fans too ��

Neverland Scraps 09-03-2021 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by wendyp (Post 1063062086)
I could try to make some day, since we are fans too ��



Yes!!! That would be so awesome if you could make us a F1 kit!!! I'd be through the moon and could scrap my journey in to the F1 world and hopefully in the near future scrap my first in-person race!! :wub:

jen104 09-03-2021 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063061716)
I think I heard that Alonso signed on for another year, right?

Yay another Team Max fan!!!! I really hope this year is his year! He really is an amazing driver in the rain, so confident!

If you like F1 you will more than likely like the show! Season 4 was just announced, which was the documentary of last season. I really do like the tv series and I wish all sports did something like this as I think it would pull more people in to watch their sport or get invested!

Yes, I believe a couple more years for Alonso maybe? I will have to put Drive to Survive on my Netflix watch list! Hopefully someone comes out with a kit, I think Wendy would be perfect for it :p

renatasluis 09-05-2021 12:09 PM

Woehoe, Max won the race in Zandvoort

Neverland Scraps 09-05-2021 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by renatasluis (Post 1063062655)
Woehoe, Max won the race in Zandvoort

yes!!! was so excited to be able to watch the race, see Max win and be able to chat with Wendy at the same time!!! It was pretty awesome and amazing!! Great day for a win!! Well done, Max!! :wub::wub::wub:

renatasluis 09-05-2021 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063062662)
yes!!! was so excited to be able to watch the race, see Max win and be able to chat with Wendy at the same time!!! It was pretty awesome and amazing!! Great day for a win!! Well done, Max!! :wub::wub::wub:

This whole weekend the only thing on the news or social media was the race in Zandvoort.

wendyp 09-05-2021 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063062662)
yes!!! was so excited to be able to watch the race, see Max win and be able to chat with Wendy at the same time!!! It was pretty awesome and amazing!! Great day for a win!! Well done, Max!! :wub::wub::wub:

Yes that was so much fun!!

The race was awesome!!!

Neverland Scraps 09-12-2021 10:28 AM

well done Danny and Lando (both Mclaren) in their win today! Very well deserved and earned :wub:


Robin Carlton 09-12-2021 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063063723)
well done Danny and Lando (both Mclaren) in their win today! Very well deserved and earned :wub:


Today's race was bonkers! 100% Max fan here, but LOVE Danny too. Wish he was still at Red Bull so I could root for them together!

weaselwatchr 09-12-2021 07:57 PM

The one year the Indy 500 rained out, we had tickets. Yep I got to see like 15 laps and they postponed the race again. We didn't get to go the next day because we had to work. We did get pit paces that weekend too and that was fun to see the cars and some of the drivers before the race. One of the drivers yelled at us too for being there without anyone else, but we had passes.

That being said, I don't really follow F1 racing it was just a sporting event bucket list event to cross off since we lived a few miles from the track. We spent many a day at the museum when we had out of town guests.

jen104 09-27-2021 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063063723)
well done Danny and Lando (both Mclaren) in their win today! Very well deserved and earned :wub:


OMG ... isn't he the cutest guy ever? I am so saving this GIF :wub:

Finally got around to watching the first season of Drive to Survive ... what have I been missing!? It's amazing!!!! And have I spied an F1 themed kit in the early sneak peeks??? YEAH!!!!!

wendyp 09-27-2021 04:54 PM

I'm going to have a F1 inspired collection coming with DSD!!!

The race from last weekend was surprising with the rain at the end! So sad for Norris (somewhere his own fault with not changing tires with all the water). But well done Max woohoo, never expected THAT!?!?!

Gemma 10-02-2021 01:34 PM

Confession. I watched F1 a little bit when I was younger and didn’t stick at it. Then I watched drive to survive and I’m OBSESSED!!! Like I’m in love and I’m sad I’ve missed it all these years.

My favourite drivers are Ricciardo and Lando Norris. Max Verstappen too actually, I can’t forget about him :wub:

Neverland Scraps 10-02-2021 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Gemma (Post 1063067907)
Confession. I watched F1 a little bit when I was younger and didn’t stick at it. Then I watched drive to survive and I’m OBSESSED!!! Like I’m in love and I’m sad I’ve missed it all these years.

My favourite drivers are Ricciardo and Lando Norris. Max Verstappen too actually, I can’t forget about him :wub:

Uuugh Lando last week :crying: That was painful!!!!

Neverland Scraps 10-02-2021 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by wendyp (Post 1063066551)
I'm going to have a F1 inspired collection coming with DSD!!!

The race from last weekend was surprising with the rain at the end! So sad for Norris (somewhere his own fault with not changing tires with all the water). But well done Max woohoo, never expected THAT!?!?!


And here is my layout using this GORGEOUS collection

Thank you SO much, Wendy for making such an amazing product for all of us F1 fans!! :wub:

jen104 10-02-2021 03:22 PM

Yes!!! Amazing collection. When I finally get around to doing some shopping this weekend, this is the first thing going into my cart. Love your Max layout :)

rags 10-03-2021 05:27 AM

I just had to pop in and give a shout out to Lewis as there seems to be soooo many Max fans on here. Sorry ladies, I'm on any team but his! :thumbdown: Max is my new Schumacher ... the driver you just love to hate. To me he is the petulant child who bullies when he doesn't get his own way, and as much as I love the rivalries, he is way too "dour" as my old Mum would have said (Scottish word meaning sullen).
I've been a fan of Formula 1 for as long as I can remember and the funny thing is it is my Mum who I used to talk F1 with, not my Dad. She talked of Jim Clark in the 60's while Senna was my hero. Sadly, I never got to see him drive :crying:
I'm still a maclaren fan from way back and love Ricciardo and Norris together - it's like Laurel and Hardy meets F1!

It's always a juggle in our house which to watch live when there is a clash - MotoGP, WSBK, F1 or football (soccer). The kids are left to fend for themselves lol. I haven't been to a F1 since the kids came along - I was so disappointed when they cut the noise years ago, the sound of the cars in the 90's was epic. Would love to watch a race overseas one day if lockdown ever finishes.....

Ghislaine 10-03-2021 10:50 AM

Yup! One time when one of my kids was little we were driving around and it started to rain. My kid asked if we needed to change tires....

jen104 10-03-2021 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ghislaine (Post 1063068366)
Yup! One time when one of my kids was little we were driving around and it started to rain. My kid asked if we needed to change tires....

:D That's priceless!

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