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Rubia Padilha 02-20-2020 10:25 AM

Hey! Remember me?


If you noticed I was gone for almost an entire month, let me tell you just one thing: don't forget to make a backup of your stuff!!


I had a problem with my PC and couldn't work since, well, the last backup I made was 3 years ago...


But now I am finally back and I can't wait to get back to work!


I still have to make sure people were able to recover all my stuff from my old big huge HD and reinstall everything and organize my PC the way I like, buuuuut I am back!


Now that you know were I was, go and make your backup! I am serious!!



hollyxann 02-20-2020 10:33 AM


rach3975 02-20-2020 11:31 AM

I knew from IG that you were having computer troubles, but I didn't know about the lack of backup. Oh, no! Welcome back, and I hope you're able to recover everything!

Leablahblah 02-20-2020 11:34 AM

UGH!! I'm so sorry!!!
But so glad to see you back!

kristalund 02-20-2020 12:38 PM


bcgal00 02-20-2020 12:55 PM

Sadly I know what you've been thru. Hope they are recovering everything. I now make double backups which I should have been doing yrs ago...but...ugh....we get lazy, forgetful...just don't think about it. I'm pretty sure we can all relate to this.

Welcome back....you were missed!

icindi 02-20-2020 01:48 PM

Oh no!! Hoping they can recover your data! Welcome back!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Neverland Scraps 02-20-2020 09:12 PM



Sorry about the computer issues :( But I'm SO glad you are back!!! I've missed you!!! :wub:


LynnZant 02-20-2020 10:04 PM

So glad you're back! I just went through it--my hard drive failed second week in January. Most of my stuff is recovered, on new computer, and clouded (is that a word?). I hope you get everything back the way you like it soon.

HeyJude 02-20-2020 10:14 PM

So happy you are back in the saddle again, Ru!!

cherrygutz 02-20-2020 10:45 PM

Aw man, that was some serious pain in the mouse! So glad you're back, hope everything was recovered!

Oh, yes, the gif:

Rubia Padilha 02-21-2020 09:30 AM

thanks, girls! still organizing everything and installing stuff, but, yes, I am back! :)

joelsgirl 02-21-2020 07:00 PM



NeverendingJen 02-21-2020 08:47 PM

Oh no! Welcome back. And this is why I gladly pay money every month for a continuous online backup that automatically runs.

craftytam 02-24-2020 11:37 PM

I just came back, too, Ru! I've been gone 5 months (but for a totally different reason).

Now that you're back, all is right with the world!! :wub:


CarolynK 02-28-2020 11:03 PM

I've just got my laptop back today after being without it for over a month, I feel you! Luckily I back everything up, so I didn't lose anything - I'd be heartbroken if I lost 3 years worth of work. Glad you are back though :)

angels 02-29-2020 01:20 PM


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