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**Holly** 01-06-2014 01:33 AM

So my 8 yr old DS is OBSESSED with it. Like badly lol. To the point where I ended up having to limit his video game time to only an hr. Never really had a problem before he discovered this game. :thumbdown:

Anyway... anyone else's kids into it too? Most of the items on his Christmas list were Minecraft related as well. lol Silly kids.

Also anyone know if there is a Minecraft inspired kit?

haydensmommy217 01-06-2014 01:37 AM

My son is extremely obsessed
There is this kit :D from Shawna and Penny such an amazing kit

**Holly** 01-06-2014 01:41 AM

OMG exactly what I was looking for!!! Going on my wishlist for next payday... seriously... I need a whole scrapbook dedicated to how addicted this kid is lol

haydensmommy217 01-06-2014 01:49 AM

me too and the youtube videos he watches on minecraft, oh my lord that kid could spend hours if i let him lol.

**Holly** 01-06-2014 01:52 AM

haha yes mine too!!! He loves watching the YouTube video's while he is playing the game... lol goofy kids!

Sherri Tierney 01-06-2014 02:14 AM

Sounds very much like my 8 year old son! My 11 year old daughter is pretty obsessed too. We use a program on the computer that limits their time. Right now we have it set for no time daily without a code. We set up codes based on their behavior and how well they do their chores, etc. My kids are always asking what they can do to earn more time. LOL My 11 year old's 'boyfriend' plays minecraft too so my two will call him and they will meet in different worlds or whatever to play together. When they don't have computer time I have to be careful or my 8 year old will watch minecraft youtube videos on his ipod all day.

**Holly** 01-06-2014 02:38 AM

Haha that is so cute! I need to discover this program. I wonder if there is anything like that for the Xbox 360. We play it on that. My son wanted the PC version as well and I said no way... we already paid for it on the Xbox lol.

flergs 01-06-2014 03:12 AM

Both of my kids are obsessed and so are their cousins. Mine play on the iPhone & the PC. Anything Minecraft! And I need that kit too!

flergs 01-06-2014 03:14 AM

And OMG to the You Tube videos! It's on one screen while the 11 Yr old plays it on the other. I like it though because through this game he's found a HEAP of new friends at school this year :D

tanyiadeskins 01-06-2014 10:03 AM

Both my 15 yr old daughter and my 12 yr old daughter love Minecraft, though not quite as much as last year. The 12 y old loves watching YouTube tutorials and videos about it as well. :thumbup:

Gemma 01-06-2014 10:10 AM

My 12 & 8 year old love it. One of my 12 yo birthday presents was a minecraft account as the one he used before was hacked but was his frieds who stopped playing so we couldn't fix it. They also have it on their iPod and tablets and watch a million vidoes a day lol.

ChristyHC 01-06-2014 10:35 AM

Haha. As I was reading this thread my 8 year old asked if he could wake dad up so he could play mine craft. Usually they can only play in the afternoon for a half hour, but this Christmas break dh has been building a world with my two boys and so they have been spending a lot of time on it together. At least it is bonding time for them. Lol

Keely~B 01-06-2014 10:38 AM

My girls love it. I don't get it but whatever! :P

Shawna Clingerman 01-06-2014 11:03 AM

My boys are all obsessed! For the most part I don't mind too much, in the grand scheme of things it is a pretty awesome video game to be obsessed with - with all of the room for creativity and also the way it makes them think about how things work.

HOWEVER, the hours and hours of watching minecraft videos on youtube, now that I totally don't get!

**Holly** 01-06-2014 11:29 AM

Yes I am glad it's this game he is obsessed with and not some shooting game where your killing people. This really has blossomed his creativity. So it's all good lol

Glad to see I am not the only one dealing with this in my house lol.

lingovise 01-06-2014 11:35 AM

we're totally out of the loop on this one... but I've seen the minecraft app for their kindle fires, but hadn't bought it, as it's $7!! for an app!? plus I wasn't sure what sort of game it was ... so would you guys recommend it ?? my boys are 7 & 4 [8 & 5 this spring].

Jengerbread88 01-06-2014 11:41 AM

My 13 year old brother bought it for XBox, but then realized there was so much he wanted to do on the computer after watching so many minecraft videos on youtube, and he wanted to play all of the mods. For Christmas, my parents recruited my boyfriend to build him a gaming computer (at their expense) and he immediately installed minecraft. It's been trouble to get him away from the computer since then.

Stacey42 01-06-2014 11:49 AM

My 10 & 11 year old love it. They watch all the you tube videos and they play it on the PC and the Xbox, but the xbox version is more limited and can't access the same servers as teh PC so they have different worlds going on the xbox than on the PC. They are business men in Minecraft. They build homes and sell them or build to spec for various prices. They make and sell objects too. They have a handful of friends who also play and they all get on at the same time (4:30 every afternoon or when homework is done and again at 7p) and play for an hour or so. They message one another about things.
You do have to be careful about the messaging. I didn't realize how much of it went on until Newton happened. I was still working out how to tell them about it when they told me they'd heard about it on Minecraft because people were talking about it.
We got them some Minecraft books for Christmas. On the kindle, written by some of their favorite You Tube people and others.

gethane 01-06-2014 11:53 AM

Both my younger kids (8-girl and 10-boy) are obsessed too. Thanks for the kit suggestion, btw. Like everyone else here, I can get playing the game, but the hours they spend watching the youtube videos are ridiculous! On a car trip home for Thanksgiving they burned up almost all my data download on my cell phone. I just didn't realize how much data it was since usually its on wifi at home. My daughter built an amazing animal "amusement park" with giant pigs with waterslides over Christmas break.

On the other hand, it is nice seeing something they enjoy doing together, LOL

marnel 01-06-2014 11:55 AM

Yup, my 11yr old got the 9yr old and now 6yr old addicted to it. They play on pc, laptop, i-pod. I also limit it to an hour.
They all watch the videos on you tube with a bowl of popcorn and sippy cups full of apple juice from the xbox/wi and I'm like wth are you watching and I smh!! They all get along at this time so I leave em. <3

Julie Billingsley 01-06-2014 12:23 PM

my 22 year old and 10 year old sons are both obsessed with it. Over Christmas break they both watched a million hours of youtube videos and played the game like crazy. Both of my boys only play on their own world, no interaction with others.

Which youtubers are you all letting your young kids watch? My oldest son found one youtuber that is clean and not swearing all the time, so my youngest son could watch him. And of course I can't remember his name right now. Would love any recommendations that are clean and decent!

**Holly** 01-06-2014 12:33 PM

I may just invest in the PC version as it is so different then the Xbox one. I don't let him play with friends yet... unless they are over at the house and play as two player.

As far as youtube goes. Honestly having a hard time finding "clean" YouTuber's he can watch. Most of them have bad language lol. There are a few that are "clean" but I can't remember their YouTube handle.

**Holly** 01-06-2014 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by lingovise (Post 1184602)
we're totally out of the loop on this one... but I've seen the minecraft app for their kindle fires, but hadn't bought it, as it's $7!! for an app!? plus I wasn't sure what sort of game it was ... so would you guys recommend it ?? my boys are 7 & 4 [8 & 5 this spring].

I honestly have no bad things to say about it. (besides him ALWAYS wanting to play) I think it is a great game for creativity. He builds all kinds of things and loves hunting for certain objects. The only "killing" in it is killing animals for "food" or leather. So no super violent at all.


jk703 01-06-2014 12:57 PM

Add mine to obsessed list... they are 9 and 5.5 years old.

I only let them watch Stampylonghead (or it might be Stampylongnose)... because he uploads a new video daily, and he doesn't curse. I cannot tolerate his voice, but the boys don't care either way!

I refuse to put the game on the computer or they will never get off. They have it on their ipods and kindles.

For Christmas, they got the Mincraft torches (among other Minecraft stuff), lol! We even put them on the wall... they loved them!

ChristyHC 01-06-2014 01:36 PM

My dh says that the main guy he watches on youtube is ethoslab. His videos are a bit on the techy side, but my 8 year old loves them. Dh says he is clean and doesn't use inappropriate language. Dh says he has debated making his own videos to put on youtube for this age as he has had the same trouble finding videos appropriate for our boys to watch. I'll let you know if he starts. :)

jk703 01-06-2014 02:06 PM

Yes please, Christy! Also, thanks for the other name to check out! My sons will be thrilled if I ok it too! :)

Julie Billingsley 01-06-2014 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by ChristyHC (Post 1184669)
My dh says that the main guy he watches on youtube is ethoslab.

yes, that's the one my son watches! Thank you for saying the name, I have been racking my brain for his name! My oldest son is 22, so he has watched a lot of videos and recommended that guy as okay for Logan. Jacob did mention that when ethoslab does videos with other players, the language can be pretty questionable. So my son is restricted to just ethoslab by himself.

Yes, please let me know if you husband does some videos! That would be awesome!

KristinCB 01-06-2014 02:45 PM

here too.. with the youtube videos and all. We got my son a cheap tablet for christmas in hopes he wouldn't want my iphone anymore. but then he figures.. oh i can watch the youtube WHILE i play minecraft on the kobo.. /headslap

Penny Springmann 01-06-2014 03:46 PM

My boys 9 and 10 would play from sunup to sundown if I let them! I honestly am amazed by the worlds they create, the servers they build, etc. Jackson is even interested in learning how to program now because of the game. :) They are on the Minecraft Wiki all the time as well.

KristinCB 01-06-2014 04:03 PM

The future generation will not need to go to school to become architects or engineers. They can put on their resumes "minecraft"

lingovise 01-06-2014 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by jk703 (Post 1184658)

They have it on their ipods and kindles.

so did you buy the $6.99 app for the kindle, Jenn??

lingovise 01-06-2014 04:52 PM

I recently grabbed the MonsterCrafter app from amazon [it's free!] and my boys have been loving it... though they don't do the share/multi player options. so it sounds like MineCrafter would be a very natural progression.

Julie Billingsley 01-06-2014 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by KristinCB (Post 1184730)
The future generation will not need to go to school to become architects or engineers. They can put on their resumes "minecraft"

I'll make sure Jacob puts that on his resume when he is job hunting later this year after he graduates.

Oregon State University, BS in Civil Engineering with Hydrologic emphasis.
Minecraft, over 10,000 playing hours

Does that look good? LOL

KristinCB 01-06-2014 05:09 PM

totally! LOL!!

Kara 01-06-2014 05:15 PM

Yes! My boys are obsessed with Minecraft!

Lindsay 01-06-2014 05:19 PM

Definitely post if your husband starts making videos Christy, mine too are addicted to the game but I'm baffled by the watching of YouTube videos of others playing the game. Jotting down the names listed so far!

jk703 01-06-2014 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by lingovise (Post 1184740)
so did you buy the $6.99 app for the kindle, Jenn??

They did.... Lol! Each had gift cards that they received.... And since it's all on a shared account, the oldest bought it once for the iPod, and the youngest bought it once for the kindle. It's can then be downloaded to each child's device. Buy once on one device but download to both, so I don't really double pay. Hope that makes sense?!

Pocket Minecraft is different than full blown computer Minecraft. I am holding off on that as long as possible. Right now, the word is no, I refuse! Lol!

flergs 01-06-2014 09:39 PM

My 11 year old loves the Minecraft Papercraft Studio paper craft app. You print out and assemble characters. We got him official packs for Christmas and he just spent his own $$$ buying more :)

flergs 01-06-2014 09:45 PM




Shawna 01-06-2014 10:35 PM

Yep my kids (ages 12, almost 10 & almost 7) are all obsessed with it here too. They each have an account so they can play on my computer & DD's laptop plus we have the pocket app on my iPad & iPhone, their iPods and DD's Kindle Fire. They drive me crazy because they have taken over all my devices lol!

**Holly** 01-06-2014 11:06 PM

Oh that paper craft thing is cool. I'll have to show my son that!

Tronesia 01-07-2014 01:34 AM

I think my 5 year old daughter breathes Minecraft. She plays it on the iPhone, iPad and PC. If she's not playing, she watching others play it on YouTube or Twitch TV. I definitely need to get better at limiting her. It's hard cause that's what we all do in the house (play some type of PC game) and her dad has even created a world that he plays online with friends and streams live for her sometimes.

fifilur 01-07-2014 07:28 AM

My 5yo son loves to play Toca builders on my iphone but I should totally get him minecraft instead.

joelsgirl 01-07-2014 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by jk703 (Post 1184658)
I only let them watch Stampylonghead (or it might be Stampylongnose)... because he uploads a new video daily, and he doesn't curse. I cannot tolerate his voice, but the boys don't care either way!

^^That is who my kids watch, and I'm often blown away by how annoying he is. My kids are desperate to be included in one of his videos.

We have a rule that they can't talk about MC to people who don't play it, so that has helped me tolerate it more, but yes, they love to watch the videos AND play at the same time, makes. me. crazy. But I guess it's kind of like watching a movie and scrapping at the same time, so I can't really talk.

Stacey42 01-07-2014 10:39 AM

I told my kids there will be no phone minecraft until they get their own phones. :) No one uses my phone but me and I just can't get into the game. I understand the lure of world building, I play Civilization but I can never see myself watching videos of others playing Civilization. Not on a regular basis. A time lapse of a specific game goal, maybe once but regular viewing? I just don't get it. but then I watch maybe two things on You Tube a week, if that and they are random links from Facebook. :) Maybe its a generational thing.

gethane 01-07-2014 10:54 AM

I think it is a generational thing. My youngest two interact with technology in different ways than I did or my older three kids did (young adults now). A couple months ago I noticed how my (now) 8 year old daughter interacts with my phone. She doesn't go to Google and search, she hits the voice search button and just tells google what she wants to see. I had to ask her how to do it because I had no idea how to activate my voice search :P

kscwgirl 01-08-2014 09:46 PM

Here too.. 10 yr old dd and 7 year old ds both play.

Lukasmummy 01-09-2014 12:31 AM

Lukas and Mark addicted to it too. The don't play with other people though. The craziest thing for me is that Lukas will get up over an hour earlier than he has to for school so he can watch Youtube videos before school, although at least it solved Mark having to drag him out of bed every morning lol. Doesn't get it from me, I would never willingly give up sleep to watch a stupid video.

kim21673 01-11-2014 02:31 AM

My boys (7, 6, 3) are CRAZY obsessed with Minecraft. They would play 24/7 on their iPads if we let them!!!

adi&co. 01-11-2014 04:52 AM

oh man, we got a free trial of minecraft the other day and our kids didn't really "get" it. they're big into skylanders. maybe it's a good thing they didn't get it, lol!!

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