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ChristineF 07-21-2020 02:32 PM

University (not scrapping related)
I quit my job, which I hated and am going to university come August. A little scary to be making such a big change in the middle of my 30s, but if not now when right?

Anyone ever did something to change their lives up completely in hopes of making it better?

Kimberly27 07-21-2020 05:08 PM

Congrats! Change is scary but it can be fun too. I always encourage my kids to do what they love, not what makes the most money. I also have been encouraging them to learn as much as they can in whatever interests them. My soon to be 16 yr old is taking a bunch of free classes this summer on all sorts of topics like sign lanugage, creative writing, criminology and more.
Good luck! I am sure you will do great.

StacyLynn 07-21-2020 05:18 PM

WOW! Thats great! But def a little scary!!! I wish you the best of luck!!

In 2012 I left my teaching job to start my own child care from home.... it was scary at first and the last 4 months.... but it was the best decision for me and our family!

joelsgirl 07-21-2020 09:04 PM

That's so exciting! I love new adventures. We relocated from Malaysia to the Philippines when I was 35 and had just had a baby to take a new job with our organization, and it was such a good decision! It was a huge learning curve, and it was so hard, but I think we both grew a lot from the experience.

ChristineF 07-22-2020 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kimberly27 (Post 1063013152)
Congrats! Change is scary but it can be fun too. I always encourage my kids to do what they love, not what makes the most money. I also have been encouraging them to learn as much as they can in whatever interests them. My soon to be 16 yr old is taking a bunch of free classes this summer on all sorts of topics like sign lanugage, creative writing, criminology and more.
Good luck! I am sure you will do great.

That sounds exciting with all those different classe. Criminology sounds really interesting.
And thank you for the well wishes.

ChristineF 07-22-2020 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by joelsgirl (Post 1063013169)
That's so exciting! I love new adventures. We relocated from Malaysia to the Philippines when I was 35 and had just had a baby to take a new job with our organization, and it was such a good decision! It was a huge learning curve, and it was so hard, but I think we both grew a lot from the experience.

That's a big change. I'm glad it was a good one and you both got something out of it.

ChristineF 07-22-2020 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by StacyLynn (Post 1063013155)
WOW! Thats great! But def a little scary!!! I wish you the best of luck!!

In 2012 I left my teaching job to start my own child care from home.... it was scary at first and the last 4 months.... but it was the best decision for me and our family!

When I was younger I always though of doing something of my own and starting ym own business, never did that though. It sounds somehow more scary than just changing jobs, I'm glad it was right for you.

rach3975 07-22-2020 01:53 AM

Scary but exciting! What are you going to school for?

I haven't made that kind of life change, but there's a decent chance I will within the next 5 years. (And to make it scarier, I'm about 10 years older than you!) I was a SAHM when the kids were little. By the time I went back to work, DS2's special needs and DH's long hours meant that I had to change fields and work part time. That's still our situation. DS2 is 14 now. He's on the autism spectrum and has speech and writing disorders that will affect him for life. When he graduates, I don't think anyone will hire him even though he's capable of doing the right job. Some special needs parents in that situation end up starting businesses and employing their adult children, and I'm starting to think about whether something like that might be in the cards for us. Ultimately I don't know if anything will come of the idea, but with DS starting high school in the fall I'm starting to feel like we need to think more seriously about his future. I'm also starting to look ahead to a time when I don't need to work part time anymore to make it all work. I like my current job, but I don't want to work in this field full time.

jema 07-22-2020 08:04 AM

Proud of you for having the courage to take a chance.

I too left a job I had done for 20 years without another job or college to go to. Because of others life choices, a job opened up which was perfect for me. I've been at this new job for 18 years.

Change is scary, but many times we have to take a leap of faith and dive into our next great adventure.

Good Luck

Leablahblah 07-22-2020 01:27 PM

Good for you!! It is scary but if that's what was calling you then that's awesome!

icindi 07-23-2020 01:52 PM

Good for you for taking a leap of faith Christine! What will you be studying? I haven't made any changes like that but commend those that aren't afraid to do what's right for them.

Neverland Scraps 07-23-2020 05:18 PM

Yay for changes that are making a better, happier you!!! I'm so happy for you. As far as me, no I can't say that I've done something like that unless you count following my husband all over the country starting over every 1-3 years?

You got this and I'm so proud (and excited) for you!! :wub:

ChristineF 07-28-2020 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by rach3975 (Post 1063013185)
Scary but exciting! What are you going to school for?

I haven't made that kind of life change, but there's a decent chance I will within the next 5 years. (And to make it scarier, I'm about 10 years older than you!) I was a SAHM when the kids were little. By the time I went back to work, DS2's special needs and DH's long hours meant that I had to change fields and work part time. That's still our situation. DS2 is 14 now. He's on the autism spectrum and has speech and writing disorders that will affect him for life. When he graduates, I don't think anyone will hire him even though he's capable of doing the right job. Some special needs parents in that situation end up starting businesses and employing their adult children, and I'm starting to think about whether something like that might be in the cards for us. Ultimately I don't know if anything will come of the idea, but with DS starting high school in the fall I'm starting to feel like we need to think more seriously about his future. I'm also starting to look ahead to a time when I don't need to work part time anymore to make it all work. I like my current job, but I don't want to work in this field full time.

I'm taking a bachelor in English. It seems the bare minimum for people hiring you is a bachelors degree or a masters so I'll just have to start. Eventually I hope to build it into a master, then add on so I can teach, but we'll see what happens.
I hope you can find a solution that works for both your DS and yourself.

ChristineF 07-28-2020 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by jema (Post 1063013198)
Proud of you for having the courage to take a chance.

I too left a job I had done for 20 years without another job or college to go to. Because of others life choices, a job opened up which was perfect for me. I've been at this new job for 18 years.

Change is scary, but many times we have to take a leap of faith and dive into our next great adventure.

Good Luck

Thank you! It's a bit scary, but oh so relieving when you leave a job that's not right for you. In my case the work and coworkers were alright, but my boss was unorganised and it made work chaotic. Also my body is fighting me and the job got to heavy. So when they offered up a severance check I jumped on it. When one door closes, another will open.

ChristineF 07-28-2020 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by icindi (Post 1063013306)
Good for you for taking a leap of faith Christine! What will you be studying? I haven't made any changes like that but commend those that aren't afraid to do what's right for them.

Bachelor in English, then hopefully build on that into a masters degree and more so I can teach or get a job I like.
Having them offer up severance payment helps.

ChristineF 07-28-2020 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps (Post 1063013339)
Yay for changes that are making a better, happier you!!! I'm so happy for you. As far as me, no I can't say that I've done something like that unless you count following my husband all over the country starting over every 1-3 years?

You got this and I'm so proud (and excited) for you!! :wub:

Thank you!
That does sound a bit more scary, starting over every 1-3 years.
This will be good for me and my future self.
Also, I can do my 3rd year in Hawaii if I get the grades, so talk about motivation!

craftytam 07-30-2020 03:29 PM

That's so exciting, Christine! You are a brave woman making this move. I can't wait to hear about your new adventure!

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