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-   -   Uploading / Commenting in the gallery... (https://www.sweetshoppecommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98556)

Robin Carlton 04-17-2024 10:47 AM

Uploading / Commenting in the gallery...
...can you upload layouts to our gallery or post comments or are you getting an error?

Trying to troubleshoot an issue and wondering how widespread this problem is.

If you can post details on what your experience is, I would appreciate it.



kristalund 04-17-2024 10:51 AM

I can upload and comment :)

Robin Carlton 04-17-2024 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by kristalund (Post 1063169938)
I can upload and comment :)

Have you successfully uploaded in the last 24 hours? This would have started Monday night...

bienejen 04-17-2024 11:04 AM

I uploaded just now and commented.

Robin Carlton 04-17-2024 11:08 AM

Thanks for letting me know Jenn!

Lidia G 04-17-2024 11:33 AM

I uploaded a layout late last night, so within the last 24 hours and had no issues. No issues with commenting either.

LynnZant 04-17-2024 11:35 AM

I just tried commenting on a super old layout of mine and did not receive an email notification.

Robin Carlton 04-17-2024 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by LynnZant (Post 1063169949)
I just tried commenting on a super old layout of mine and did not receive an email notification.

It's probably in your spam folder... gallery notifications have been going there.

LynnZant 04-17-2024 12:02 PM

It wasn't in spam either. Notifications were turned on with the layout. I did get a comment on a recent layout from another member that went into spam which has not happened before. I've added SSD as a contact to see if that will help. My email is Gmail as I gave up on Yahoo letting anything SSD come through.

Robin Carlton 04-17-2024 12:10 PM

Yahoo is probably working since our server move if you want to try it. Gmail addresses are the ones I've seen put gallery comments into spam since the move. If you guys could click those "Not spam" buttons, that would be amazing!

Romajo 04-17-2024 01:17 PM

Yesterday I tried uploading a layout to the gallery. There was no problem after the first page (where you upload your page) and was able to fill in everything on the second page (where you can choose your galleries, etc.). After hitting 'ok' (or submit?) I got an error.
Today I tried again without any problems. I figured it had to do with the migration and that the error got solved.

And for those not receiving the message a commant has been posted: it might have to do with the gallery your layout is posted and in which gallery the comment has been posted. E.g. if you have you layout posted in your own member gallery, the CYOA gallery and the designer's gallery, the only notification in your e-mail you get, is when it's posted to a layout added to your own member gallery. Hope this makes sense. This was already a thing before the migration.

Robin Carlton 04-17-2024 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Romajo (Post 1063169957)
Yesterday I tried uploading a layout to the gallery. There was no problem after the first page (where you upload your page) and was able to fill in everything on the second page (where you can choose your galleries, etc.). After hitting 'ok' (or submit?) I got an error.
Today I tried again without any problems. I figured it had to do with the migration and that the error got solved.

Thanks for sharing these details and when the error happened for you! It's super helpful to have this kind of info!

Romajo 04-17-2024 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Robin Carlton (Post 1063169960)
Thanks for sharing these details and when the error happened for you! It's super helpful to have this kind of info!

I think it was around 10.30/10.45pm (my time, I am at EDT+6). I decided to go to bed and try again today after work, which worked for me.

Leablahblah 04-19-2024 08:53 PM

I was trying to upload my first layout since the server switch and this is what I've got

We're sorry, but the system experienced an unrecoverable error. Please try again later.

I tried 4 times with the same result. I use Chrome.

I have no problem commenting.

I am trying with microsoft edge now and it's working... but I really want it to work with my normal Chrome

Robin Carlton 04-19-2024 09:09 PM

Lea, will you try again in Chrome? Wondering if it had to do with our newsletter going out in batches earlier.

For the life of me, I cannot duplicate this error : /

~Cindy~ 04-19-2024 09:16 PM

I'm using Microsoft Edge and could upload plus commented on a layout.

Leablahblah 04-19-2024 09:37 PM

So I just tried again now after clearing all cache and cookies and it worked. Not sure if it is because of what I did or what you did. (I'm sorry I only saw your message AFTER I tried to clear the cache and cookies)

angels 04-20-2024 06:43 AM

uploaded now without problem (google Chrome)

LynnZant 04-20-2024 08:02 AM

I’m not getting email notifications about gallery comments. Yes notifications are activated. I’m using Gmail.

Saar 04-20-2024 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by LynnZant (Post 1063170196)
I’m not getting email notifications about gallery comments. Yes notifications are activated. I’m using Gmail.

Check your spam folder. Mine were in there. I am using gmail as well.

LynnZant 04-20-2024 09:07 AM

So, I've found newer comments in Spam and have added that address to my contacts and marked all of them as Not Spam. It might be a Gmail problem because I have a newsletter from a designer (not SSD) that keeps getting put in Spam not matter what I do. This has been happening for months and months now. Also, I tried again today to comment on a very old layout and did not get an email notification in my inbox or in spam. Maybe I can't comment on my own pages?

Saar 04-20-2024 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by LynnZant (Post 1063170199)
So, I've found newer comments in Spam and have added that address to my contacts and marked all of them as Not Spam. It might be a Gmail problem because I have a newsletter from a designer (not SSD) that keeps getting put in Spam not matter what I do. This has been happening for months and months now. Also, I tried again today to comment on a very old layout and did not get an email notification in my inbox or in spam. Maybe I can't comment on my own pages?

I just tried commenting on my own pages and that works for me. Not sure what the problem might be.
I commented on your pages earlier today and it worked for me as well.

HeatherH 04-20-2024 10:24 AM

So weird... I just uploaded 3 pages with not issues at all then I tried to upload the 4th page and got the unrecoverable error message. I'm using Microsoft Edge.

HeatherH 04-20-2024 10:39 AM

I got the same message using Firefox but then I cleared cookies and browsing history and it worked!

nietis 04-21-2024 12:10 AM

Everything works fine with me here. I use google chrome and I had no error message whatsoever.
I also notice that the site loads slightly faster for me here, which is good. :)

Leablahblah 05-03-2024 10:18 PM

Did I break the gallery??
I was uploading my load of layouts until suddenly I get the same error as last time.

We're sorry, but the system experienced an unrecoverable error. Please try again later.

I tried several times and even cleared the cache and cookies and retried but same error everytime... I even tried with Edge instead of Chrome but same result :crying::crying:

lorigaud 05-03-2024 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Leablahblah (Post 1063171762)
Did I break the gallery??
I was uploading my load of layouts until suddenly I get the same error as last time.

We're sorry, but the system experienced an unrecoverable error. Please try again later.

I tried several times and even cleared the cache and cookies and retried but same error everytime... I even tried with Edge instead of Chrome but same result :crying::crying:

Just happened to me as well. I uploaded 4 LO's with no problem, but the 5th gave me that message. Retried with same result. :(

LynnZant 05-03-2024 10:33 PM

I also got that message tonight. I couldn't resume posting until I closed all my SSD tabs and cleared my history. I then came back in, and it was fine. But, maybe it was just good timing.

Leablahblah 05-03-2024 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by lorigaud (Post 1063171771)
Just happened to me as well. I uploaded 4 LO's with no problem, but the 5th gave me that message. Retried with same result. :(

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!! lol sorry to say! But that means it's not my machine doing something wonky.

Leablahblah 05-03-2024 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by LynnZant (Post 1063171772)
I also got that message tonight. I couldn't resume posting until I closed all my SSD tabs and cleared my history. I then came back in, and it was fine. But, maybe it was just good timing.

closing all my tabs!!??? That's how I keep track of stuff! lol no way I want to close them! haha

tjscraps 05-03-2024 10:36 PM

Jaye was having an issue tonight too and deleted her cache from the last 24 hours and it worked again ... try that?

Leablahblah 05-03-2024 10:37 PM

I did. Even tried restarting the computer. That's what I did last time it happened and it worked but not tonight. I even tried on another browser with just one tab opened and same result.

Leablahblah 05-03-2024 10:43 PM

I saw that I had 2 images waiting to be processed (in the queue) so I clicked on that and was able to upload from there... who knows if it fixed it for good. I don't have any more to load to try

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