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bcgal00 10-26-2020 11:18 AM

QOTW: 10/26 Artwork
What's on your walls?

Do you have any artwork hanging on your walls? Do you display any of your layouts? Lots of family photos?

bcgal00 10-26-2020 11:25 AM

I bought 12x12 frames and printed out some LOs that I will wall mount in my office but got side tracked by my back injury. It may or may not get completed by Xmas, we'll see...but at some point I will fill up the wall with multiple sized frames of photos I've taken and LOs.

I created a scrapbook canvas many years ago when I was a paper scrapper and a few pieces have become unglued and fallen off over the years but I still have it hanging on a hallway wall, it makes me smile, remembering those times of getting together with scrappy friends and attending classes and workshops together.

I've got some photo canvases on the fireplace and we've got wildlife (Bateman) framed prints on the LR walls. We've had those for many years and love them but I no longer buy anyone elses artwork anymore. I'd rather frame and display my own photos, they have much more emotional impact for me. I love my three framed macro shots of ice frosted roses that hang in my foyer, they are a reminder of my FIL who gave the rose plant to us when we first moved into our home. The roses have lasted almost 25 yrs so far.

ashersmommy 10-26-2020 06:00 PM

We have lots of paintings the kids and I have done and framed photos. Other than a calendar, that's really all we have on our walls. My daughter and son have recently been taking art classes and I love finding new places to put their paintings.

lovely1m 10-26-2020 06:08 PM

I mostly have pictures of my family or of our travels up. I do have one large abstract painting in the living room and a beautiful floral alcohol painting in my laundry room. I also have some pretty little decorative pieces. The only scrap pieces I have are a handful of word art pieces I made in my bedroom & my laundry room. My son has lots of nerdy pieces up in his room.

LeeAndra 10-26-2020 09:06 PM

What a timely question as I've been perusing Fy this afternoon.


I don't currently have much on the walls but will be buying a house next spring/summer so I'm "pre-decorating" and figuring out the kind of aesthetic I want. I definitely want photos on the walls but not just the typical things so I've been looking around for ideas for that, too.

Besides photos, I do want to have art but I want it to be very intentionally-chosen not just because it's "pretty." I'm specifically looking for multi-cultural/people-centric art, inspirational words (but contained in a frame/canvas), and/or art that is personally meaningful e.g. created by someone I know or tells something about me or my kids like where we've lived, our favorite things, etc. I'm extra-excited as I've decided that my bathroom's theme will be pro-body positivity and have "fat babe" prints and motivational/sassy sayings that are maybe not appropriate to be displayed elsewhere in my house but would be fun (& helpful) for me tucked away in my own bathroom.

MamaBee 10-27-2020 01:39 PM

I have things like quotes, 3d elements, one family photo and one of our son... no other family photos. The only time I put up layouts is for my son's birthday... I print out layouts of what he did from the last birthday to now and tape them up on the wall in a huge mural. This year I thought I would be smart and just print a book - and then covid hit and no party, haha. Which ended up being smart as I didn't spend $50 on separate layouts only to have them printed a book form, eventually. :)

Kimberly27 10-27-2020 02:59 PM

I have a mix of art and photos, no layouts. I am still trying to get my act together to do a travel gallery wall....I may do a scrapbook layout there but haven't decided. I am still in the planning phase on that wall.

AmieN1 10-27-2020 10:20 PM

My grandma who has since passed away- painted and I have a good amount of her paintings hung throughout our home- she was definitely a hobbyist & by no means professional, but I love them just the same. Otherwise, I have a few family photos up, and our "w" wall where I hang "w's" that we have collected over the years. Many of our walls are pretty blank, since I just don't know what to put on them, but It works for us!

rach3975 10-27-2020 10:35 PM

Photos are our main form of wall decorations. One room has a wall with 6 framed 11x14's, one room has two black metal bulletin boards with unframed 5x7's, and a few other rooms have photo collections, too. A few rooms also have painted canvases (two florals and one abstract world map). As far as scrappy things, we have a calendar hanging on the kitchen wall and a few hybrid (non-photo) projects hanging in our bedroom. Decorating some of our walls was one of my summer projects last year since I don't work in the summer. If not for the pandemic, I probably would have finished decorating a few more rooms this summer. One of these days!

lholuska 10-28-2020 12:48 AM

Well currently I have next to nothing on my walls because we knew we would be painting ASAP and didn't want to hang anything until then. But I have a lot of stuff for my walls. I have a few things I've picked up from stores - a bunch of photo frames I was gifted when we first got married, stuff from stores with sayings on them. Right before moving I bought a couple of wall art pieces from someone on FB Marketplace, one said "Love grows in houses just like this" and it felt like the perfect piece for "our first home" so I bought it for $5. I also must have bought about 10 or so canvas wall prints that Dollar Tree had, they're about 6x6 and they had so many perfect for our decor - bought 2 coffee mug ones because that's my kitchen theme and I'm obsessed with coffee, a couple for my bathroom, a couple for my craft room, and I'm sure a couple others but I can't remember at the moment.

But mostly I try to avoid buying wall art and decor because I need a lot of the space for my own art. I do cross stitching, diamond painting, paint by numbers, and I've recently taken up dot mandala painting. I've amassed a lot of my own art, both finished and yet-unfinished. So far I've got two cross stitches for my kitchen (coffee themed of course), one for my living room (and a very recent embroidery that will go there somewhere), and several in my craft room. One of my finished diamond paintings also hung in my living room (a recreation of Van Gogh's Starry Night), I'm undecided on whether it will stay there now or whether it might fit better in our bedroom. A bunch of my diamond paintings also hang in my craft room. Admittedly, a lot of my finished projects end up in my craft room not because they're my crafts but because I usually pick my projects based on something I really like - so there's a lot of fairies, cats, a violin cross stitch (I used to play), sparkly things, and a diamond painting of my all-time favorite band (20+ year fan and yes still obsessed). But when they fit with the theme of the rooms that are more family-focused they end up there. I just finished a diamond painting that will be hung and go either in the living room or right above the staircase (which is basically in the living room anyway). I also have a really beautiful paint by numbers canvas that is REALLY close to being finished that matches so well with our new bathroom, so it will go in there we think. It's going to look so beautiful. I don't have any of my dot mandala paintings up yet, I'm more focused on making pieces to sell because I'm starting a shop at the end of November, but I plan on it eventually.

If I tried to show everything I've created it would take up an entire thread, but here's a couple I'm particularly proud of. First one of my favorite cross stitchings, my beaded angel. A lot of work and tiny stitches put into this one.


And since I doubt most people know what "dot mandala paintings" are, here's an example of one I've done.


I've got a lot more pictures of finished and unfinished art projects on my blog, so I hope it's okay if I drop the link here in case anyone wants to see any others. http://flossandfibro.wordpress.com

lholuska 10-28-2020 12:53 AM

Oh, and so far as putting my own layouts up...I haven't in this house (or our previous) yet. But I have before. In one of our houses we previously lived in I had a couple of my digital pages printed as 8x8s and hung up in a frame, and I liked them. I may consider it this time. I bet a few would look great staggered down our staircase as you go down. It'd even be awesome to change them out as seasons change. (Ideas, ideas! lol)

aussiegirl 10-28-2020 10:03 AM

I used to have a large painting I earned from an at home party back when we were 1st married. But a few years ago, my family bought me a large "L" for the wall. That turned my main wall in my Living Room into my focus wall. The "L" is in the center, and we have placed family photos and travel photos in multi photo holders all around it. I LOVE my accent wall! I still have a few paintings/pictures/wall art elsewhere scattered around the room and house, but my large "L" with photos is my absolute favorite!

bcgal00 10-28-2020 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by LeeAndra (Post 1063023738)
What a timely question as I've been perusing Fy this afternoon.


I don't currently have much on the walls but will be buying a house next spring/summer so I'm "pre-decorating" and figuring out the kind of aesthetic I want. I definitely want photos on the walls but not just the typical things so I've been looking around for ideas for that, too.

Besides photos, I do want to have art but I want it to be very intentionally-chosen not just because it's "pretty." I'm specifically looking for multi-cultural/people-centric art, inspirational words (but contained in a frame/canvas), and/or art that is personally meaningful e.g. created by someone I know or tells something about me or my kids like where we've lived, our favorite things, etc. I'm extra-excited as I've decided that my bathroom's theme will be pro-body positivity and have "fat babe" prints and motivational/sassy sayings that are maybe not appropriate to be displayed elsewhere in my house but would be fun (& helpful) for me tucked away in my own bathroom.

How fun! Hope you share pics when you're in the new house and its decorated. I especially love the bathroom theme!

bcgal00 10-28-2020 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by lholuska (Post 1063023819)
Oh, and so far as putting my own layouts up...I haven't in this house (or our previous) yet. But I have before. In one of our houses we previously lived in I had a couple of my digital pages printed as 8x8s and hung up in a frame, and I liked them. I may consider it this time. I bet a few would look great staggered down our staircase as you go down. It'd even be awesome to change them out as seasons change. (Ideas, ideas! lol)

Glad you shared pics of your talent! They are beautiful,you are so talented!

stasianary 10-28-2020 08:02 PM

This last year I got really into watercolor painting (LMA, anyone??) and I want to hang up my watercolor paintings! I just moved, so there is nothing on my walls at the moment. But I like having photos of my daughter as well as other pictures. One of my best secrets is buying the $1 greeting cards at Trader Joe's and putting them into frames! The art on those cards is so pretty!! Most people think that they are much fancier!

EventHorizon 10-29-2020 05:18 PM

Mostly art on the walls, and only a couple photos. I like to put my layouts on the TV with the Chromecast, like a screen saver.

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