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LeeAndra 10-11-2015 01:30 AM

QOTD - Flying (The Plane Kind) - 10.11.15
We're dropping DH off at the airport at the buttcrack of dawn tomorrow to fly out to see his son in Indiana for a few days. I don't mind flying, but I don't get to fly much. I think the last time I flew was in 2004 from Indy out to WA to see a friend.

Do you like to fly? When was the last time you flew? What's been your worst experience at the airport or on an airplane?

If you have never flown before, why not?

jacinda 10-11-2015 01:46 AM

I don't mind flying, but I'm not a big fan of it either. I'm fine if it's a smooth flight, but if it's bumpy I feel crook pretty quick. We fly once or twice a year domestically to see the in-laws, and occasionally overseas for family holiday. Hubby and I have done LOTS of flying with the military, to various exercises or deployments. You can bet however, that flying with our Air Force is NOT a walk in the park. Generally it was on a Hercules C-130 military transport aircraft, where the seats are sideways. If they had to fly tactically, then we'd contour fly, which was REALLY, really really horrible. I would feel so sick I couldn't even move my little finger. I think that's what put me off flying even in normal planes now. Hubby racks up lots of air miles these days, flying around the world for work. The last time he came to the States I got to come with him. Thankfully it was a civilian flight.

mariewilcox 10-11-2015 07:13 AM

I like flying and I have flown a lot but not much in the past 12 years since coming back to Maine. The last time I flew was 2 years ago out to San Diego to visit my sister.

Fortunately I haven't had too many bad experiences. I've had a lot of long flights - when we lived in San Diego, Hawaii, and Guam and I've flown to Europe and Japan a few times and really the worst thing has been losing luggage for a week when we only went as far as Florida.

annet83 10-11-2015 07:25 AM

I like the view, but apart from that the thought of flying scares me. When I first flew at 18 years old I wasn't scared at all, but at 18 all I thought about was my sunny beach destination.
I haven't flown for years after that, till 3 years ago. But I was suffering from full on anxiety attacks then, so that was a horrible experience. And a couple of weeks ago I flew to Prague, I was terrified because of my last experience with the anxiety attacks. But fortunately I have those under control now, so this was a much better experience. Still try to avoid it though, I just don't feel comfortable up in the air. My longest flying trip was 3 hours, I doubt I'll ever fly further than that.

jumbbumble 10-11-2015 07:25 AM

i love the fly but not long flights like 12 hours or something like that i love to viset the usa one day but the flight time is what i am afraid off , i don't like it if i feel trapped so i can not leave the plain makes me scared

i dit fly to tunesia a year of 6 ago it whas a 3 hour flight and that whas perfect

JenM 10-11-2015 09:05 AM

I don't mind flying but as much as I love to travel overseas, I really don't like the long overseas flights. I thought the flight to South Korea was going to kill me! But at the same time Korean Air hands down BEST AIRLINE to fly!! And the airport in Korea was so nice, we ended up stuck there for 12 hours and there was so much to do that it was easy to keep a 10 and 7 year entertained!!

Kiana 10-11-2015 10:52 AM

Have never flown!!! Why?....haven't had the need to yet. I like driving and don't mind a long trip so when we go visit family in TN (9 hours drive) we just hop in the car. It's much cheaper!

nietis 10-11-2015 10:59 AM

I've flown so much that I lost count on how many planes I've been... I used to get excited, but now I'm bored when I'm on a long flight. I did dread flying when my son was little, but it turned he does good every time we fly. Now, I'm quite comfortable to fly just the two of us when hubby is not flying with us. :)
The last time I flew was August to attend my brother's wedding.
The worst experience would be the 6 hours delay in Manchester Airport, when I woke up (after a restless excited sleep because I was going home from UK) at 4 am, got to the airport around 8 am for a 10 am flight, only to find it was delayed indefinitely until 4 pm. It was dreadfully tiring!

The best airport is Singapore Changi airport and the best airline is Singapore Airlines. Emirates is second in line. :)

lauren grier 10-11-2015 11:22 AM

My uncle worked for American Airlines; so I flew standby from 2-18 and then now again since the boyfriend is an airline pilot. I've only flown maybe 4 rev flights in my life - but 3829272728292 non rev flights.

Worst experience was flying home from Ireland in 2000. Bad storm coming in over the Atlantic. Everyone around me vomited. It was terrible. I hate puke. -.-

Last time I flew was .. Whenever I went to DC. Not that long ago. I'm hoping to carve out a few days and do a little trip down to Atlanta again soon. I want to go when it's not 90000 degrees this time. I was miserable there last year :p

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

carrie1977 10-11-2015 11:41 AM

I just took my first plane trip back in June....37 years old and the first time on a plane. LOL! We flew to Maui and it was a great experience. No issues with flying. The kids did great. No huge delays. We had a great experience all around which was pretty good considering 19 of us flew together. :)

Traci Reed 10-11-2015 12:23 PM

I had a few years where I was terrified of flying but I've flown a lot recently and seem to be getting over it

SeattleSheri 10-11-2015 12:58 PM

I'm flying to Boston tomorrow and again in two weeks. I don't love long flights. I get pretty restless sitting for long periods of time. I booked my flight less than 2 weeks ago so I'm stuck with a middle seat, which I'm no fan of, lol. I've flown maybe 10 times within the last year.

JuliaM 10-11-2015 01:06 PM

I don't mind flying as much as I used to. My last flight was actually three weeks ago today coming home from Disney. It probably qualifies as my worst experience, as well, although that too place in the airport. I asked for pre-boarding because of a partial vision loss from a stroke I had 8 years ago and also because I'd recently begun having bouts of intermittent double-vision. The JetBlue at the podium went out of her way to be as mean and humiliating as possible. She went as far as to point me out to other JetBlue employees and laughing at me (loud enough the other passengers could hear) and telling the flight crew I was going to be a problem passenger. It did not make for a very good flight.

BrattyMeg 10-11-2015 01:24 PM

I fly a lot...just checked in for a flight in the am..and flying again in a little over 3 weeks (i mean besides flying back home in a few days)

I don't love it though especially when it's turbulent and stormy. Also I manage to get sick every time i fly..so many germs that have no where to go when you fly

also I like my own personal space and it never fails that I have somebody all up on me lol

yah not a huge fan of flying

MamaBee 10-11-2015 01:33 PM

I don't mind flying... I used to travel a lot for business - like being gone for 3-6 weeks or 70% of my time was traveling. I did go through a fear of traveling when I became a mama... but once I know that J can follow instructions, I'm better. :o I really miss the "glory" days of travel... before seats were crammed together, canceling flights to make fuller flights... no food on longer flights...

My worst experiences have been

...flying days after 9-11... a very tense time...

...having food poisoning on a flight to London from Minneapolis

...flying through severe weather that was producing tornados - oh, that was the worst turbulence I ever experienced and we had a flight attendant that was bound and determined to serve beverage. haha! Finally landed only to have the airport closed and Delta put me up in a horrible hotel... I didn't even undress for bed, it was so bad...

Keely~B 10-11-2015 05:17 PM

I like flying. I don't love the lines and waiting and the sketchy seat mates etc. but the flying itself, no problem. I like looking out the window and having some time where it's fine to just read or knit or whatever.

Willemijne DSI 10-11-2015 06:17 PM

I'm not a fan of flying. It always scares me and I also feel sick pretty quickly, especially with turbulence. I'm always very happy when we are back on the ground safe! My last trip was 'back home' to The Netherlands, which is such a long trip! It takes you about 36 hours door to door. :blink:

misfitinmn 10-11-2015 09:54 PM

I am TERRIFIED of flying, but I still do it occasionally, because the destination is always worth the fear I experience. Once I'm in the air, I'm usually okay but takeoff and landing are hard for me. ESPECIALLY takeoff. (Which is weird, you'd think landing would be harder for me, but I think by then I've had time to relax and be realistic about the safety of flying.) I've flown overseas once and down to Hawaii once, and several times within the states. Actually my very first flight was as an unaccompanied minor - it was scary but went really well. I even had a layover!

My worst flights - once we were landing in Chicago, had to have been within a year or two of 9/11 and we started to descend, and then popped back up and looped over Lake Michigan, it was turbulent, people were vomiting all around me, everyone was in a panic because the pilot didn't announce anything for a few minutes. It was due to the wind, but I do wish the pilot had kept us in the loop a little more and saved us all some panic.

Also, we flew on Ryanair from Germany to Spain and basically...that whole process was really quite scary. Plus we were already jet lagged from flying from Minneapolis to Germany only a day or two before.

marlathrall 10-11-2015 09:59 PM

I don't mind flying... it's the airlines and stressing about missing flights I hate.

In May, I flew home from Austin after photographing a wedding. I was up at 5AM after a 12 hour day of shooting only to arrive at the airport and find out weather had canceled my flight. I was supposed to make it home by noon. Instead I arrived home at 2AM. It was the worst day ever! Oh and they lost my bag... It was a disaster.

rach3975 10-11-2015 10:29 PM

I don't mind flying, especially if I get to fly by myself. I always worry about long delays since we never have much extra time built into whatever our travel plans are, but so far we've been lucky.

We used to fly from DC to Arizona every year to visit DH's parents. It was easy pre-kids and became much harder when we were juggling babies and carseats. But my inlaws passed away 4 years ago, and since then I've only flown once, when I went to a conference in St. Louis last year. My next flight will probably be next summer, when that same conference is held again, and we may also go on a vacation in the spring that we'd have to fly for. Most of our travel is visiting family 5-8 hours away, so we do it by car or train.

lovely1m 10-12-2015 02:08 PM

I do like flying, ever since I flew at night and it felt like the closest I would get to space travel. The last time I flew was in April when we went to Las Vegas and Utah. The worst experience I have had flying was last year when we flew to Orlando to go on a cruise. As we were departing the ship, I got an email saying our flight from Chicago to home was canceled and we were rebooked for two days later! I started making phone calls and no one could tell me why, so it was suggested that I go to the airport. The person there couldn't tell me why either, but suggested I just check in and fly to Chicago anyway. When I got to Chicago, I found out they had been expecting a blizzard that never showed up, so they had canceled the whole days worth of flights and then rebooked. I spent hours waiting for that flight so I could get my seat assignments changed because they had me and my 7 year old on opposite ends of the plane. The check in person finally showed up 5 minutes after boarding was supposed to start and refused to talk to anyone. They realized the plane was overbooked and instead of asking for people to reschedule, she just sent people to the side who needed help, like me. Luckily, a pilot who was flying home knew me and got me on the flight and home, but a lot of people just got left there to figure it out. The airline never apologized or even acknowledged my complaint.

janedee 10-13-2015 07:37 PM

We fly quite a bit - just got back from visiting our daughter in Montreal. I used to enjoy it but not so much the past few years. I don't like the declining levels of service, the squashed seats and endless delays in security!
Last time we flew on a nine hour flight, there was no inflight entertainment. You were supposed to bring your own tablet or laptop and download their "app"!!! Ugh!

KristinCB 10-13-2015 08:24 PM

I hate flying - not because of the flying part (that doesn't bother me) but the worrying about getting to the right gate.. making a flight.. lost luggage.. and the worst is wondering who you might have to sit by/near. ahhhhhhhh

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