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MandaT 06-16-2011 11:08 AM

Husbands...are for the birds!!
He decided that we're leaving tonight to go camping, when he gets home...which I wasn't planning for this weekend.

So I scheduled a bridal consult on Saturday morning and was going to spend today putting stuff together & catching up from being gone all last weekend. Not to mention I should have my visitor soon, & we're going to the boonies (more so than where we already live, we're going to a campground with NO running water).

And we'll be camping by the water (super nasty don't swim in it or it will disease you water)...extra stress for the mom of fearless toddlers (one of which tried the falling in a lake trick already).

ColleenSwerb 06-16-2011 11:12 AM

I would tell him that he can go by himself, but I have things to do this weekend since we weren't planning on being away again this weekend. :)

BrattyMeg 06-16-2011 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by ColleenSwerb (Post 833036)
I would tell him that he can go by himself, but I have things to do this weekend since we weren't planning on being away again this weekend. :)

i just snorted..literally b/c you'd NEVER say that to Jordan haha

I however...agree with the statement that I'd just say you need to do a little work this weekend and can we go a diff weekend

emmasmommy 06-16-2011 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by FlirtatiousBrat (Post 833058)
I however...agree with the statement that I'd just say you need to do a little work this weekend and can we go a diff weekend

same here. if we don't make a decision together, odds are i'm going to be even more against it in the long run :D

ColleenSwerb 06-16-2011 11:28 AM

Not true! I've done it before! LOL! We always consult each other on weekend plans, especially when it involves going away.

Nettio 06-16-2011 11:40 AM

I'm pretty laid back when it comes to last minute plans (kind of a requirement with the military LOL) but in this case since you already have things scheduled and such, I think it's fair to say no since it's so last minute. Maybe suggest a different weekend instead and if he doesn't like that plan, tell him he's welcome to still go without you. That's what I'd do.

julia 06-16-2011 11:43 AM

:D I'd tell him no way. But I'm the independent one in our relationship so he'd know better :p

HeatherKS 06-16-2011 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by emmasmommy (Post 833059)
same here. if we don't make a decision together, odds are i'm going to be even more against it in the long run :D

Yes, this.

nun69 06-16-2011 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by emmasmommy (Post 833059)
same here. if we don't make a decision together, odds are i'm going to be even more against it in the long run :D

same thing here :)

newfiemountiewife 06-16-2011 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by julia (Post 833073)
:D I'd tell him no way. But I'm the independent one in our relationship so he'd know better :p

This is what I would do :D

nanienamou 06-16-2011 12:56 PM

ya... I'd say, sure you can go as long as you take the kids and I'll stay home. :p I really hate camping.

jessica31876 06-16-2011 01:01 PM

Id say to him go with the kids and have a good time.

ColleenSwerb 06-16-2011 01:07 PM

I wanted to add that if I didn't have any specific plans for my weekend other than say, cleaning the house, or working on some crafts, then I'm more inclined to go along with him (even though I'm always mad he made plans without asking first). But if I had legitimate plans, like you do with a prospective new client, I wouldn't go. It's happened a handful of times and I'm always angry about it so he's pretty much learned his lesson to ask first (and I've done it to him too, so I've learned too).

*Celeste* 06-16-2011 01:21 PM

i would have laughed at him when he called and told him no way! but then add if he'd like to take the boys for the weekend that would be fine. :)

AmyG 06-16-2011 01:26 PM

Boo. I hate camping tho. I live in TX. It's hot. No running water and a cesspool water feature? Double no!

Yea, I'd say please please please reschedule, play up ladytime, anything to not go lol. Then it would be, do you want to go so badly that you want me to go and be pissy the whole time? Prob not! Good luck getting out of it!

carriesmom 06-16-2011 01:26 PM

Oh this is the story of my life. DH is the king of last minute plans. Like calling on his way home to tell me that we are babysitting in like 15 minutes and my house is a wreck. It has taken 4 years just to get him better about this habit.

I tell him no a lot. I have told him, I don't do well with last minute plans especially if they involve me having to clean my house or be nice to others. He has started given me 24 hours notice or just going himself.

LeeAndra 06-16-2011 02:27 PM

Sounds more like torture than camping to me! The boonies, no running water, a deadly lake, an active toddler... no way you'd be signing me up for the third ring of Hell if I had any kind of excuse to not go! :p

Ditto the suggestion on playing up 'ladytime.' That always freaks 'em out and ends a discussion right where you want it.

maryinaz 06-16-2011 02:31 PM

We'd never make plans without checking with the other first, but then we've been married a long, long time.

That does NOT sound like fun at all!! Third ring of Hell is right! LOL I would just say no way, not going. I hope you get out of it!!

MandaT 06-16-2011 02:38 PM

Don't get me wrong, I love camping & spending time out in the woods with the family. Just slightly irritable (okay today, more than slightly) & overwhelmed with the thoughts of this trip. It is Father's Day weekend, and it is tradition to go camping, I'd just much rather have waited a weekend and gone, to say, the Oregon Coast, with a little extra planning.

So, we're going... all 5 of us. And there will be no complaining when I return the favor of 'pop-up planning' & decide I want to go to the craft/fabric store which is an hour away and/or take a trip to Eugene for the weekend when my sister has her baby...without the kids!!

ColleenSwerb 06-16-2011 02:47 PM

Bahahahaha, I love the revenge tactic! :P

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