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suze 08-08-2011 10:46 PM

who is doing project life??
what do you guys think?? I'm really thinking about starting but I'm waiting to see the new releases in November.

How are you doing with keeping up with it?

tanyiadeskins 08-08-2011 11:03 PM

What is it?

nun69 08-08-2011 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by tanyiadeskins (Post 858795)
What is it?

I was wondering too :)

haydensmommy217 08-08-2011 11:07 PM

im curious too

MamaBee 08-08-2011 11:15 PM

Are you referring to Becky Higgins' version of P365? I have daily photos - but fell off the bandwagon for scrapping them... :)

jewelz729 08-08-2011 11:39 PM

I've been doing it since the beginning of the year and I love it! I find I don't have as much time as I used to for regular scrapping, so this let's me at least get *something* documented. I do take a photo a day but I'm also adding tons of extras to the basic kit - memorabilia, extra sheet protectors for photo collages, etc. I'm actually really proud of myself because I'm totally up-to-date on it. :)

*Celeste* 08-09-2011 06:47 AM

Here's a link to Project Life.

Ali Edwards has been doing it...

You could do this digitally. Traci Reed's Slip Ins would be a great way to start!

ColleenSwerb 08-09-2011 08:15 AM

I'm doing this for 2012. I have wanted to do it for several years, but now with the baby coming I want to do it even more. I plan to do the baby albums and stuff digitally, but I still want to be able to collect memorabilia and stuff too. This way it will capture the last 2 months of life without baby, and then the first 10 months or so of babies life. I'm really excited :) I plan to keep it out all the time like Ali does, and get my husband and family to chime in with journaling when they can/visit/what-have-you.

julifish 08-09-2011 10:00 AM

I have serious scrappers envy over Ali Edward's Project Life. I've been thinking about trying a digital version for the month of September and seeing how it goes. I just don't know that our lives are "that" exciting, but I know there are little stories I'm missing and maybe this project would help capture more of that.

I'm wondering how hard it would be to do with a mix of digital and memorabilia. How are you guys planning on doing that?

Gabbina 08-09-2011 10:10 AM

I'm doing it!!! I am a little behind and need to catch up, but love how it can be easy to document the daily life with no need to open PS, no need to use glue or anything. She have a sneak peek of the new Project Life products coming this fall...

ColleenSwerb 08-09-2011 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by julifish (Post 858935)
I have serious scrappers envy over Ali Edward's Project Life. I've been thinking about trying a digital version for the month of September and seeing how it goes. I just don't know that our lives are "that" exciting, but I know there are little stories I'm missing and maybe this project would help capture more of that.

I'm wondering how hard it would be to do with a mix of digital and memorabilia. How are you guys planning on doing that?

If you did it digital but printed the pages individually, you could use divided page protectors to add in your memorabilia. Sort of a hybrid approach I guess.
I'm not sure how you would make it work if you printed a photobook instead. That's kind of why I'm doing it as a standard paper album, so I can corral all the baby goodness into one spot. Although that plan may get tweaked next year as things progress. IDK.

Nettio 08-09-2011 10:47 AM

I started my Project Life in July so it's pretty new but I'm liking it so far. I did a blog post about it here with an example of one of my spreads.

I'm a little behind right now since I put Project Life on hold to do A Week In the Life. I'm doing my Project Life to document the last year of my 20s so my album will go end of May '11 to end of May '12 since that's when I'm turning 30.

If you're excited about doing Project Life, I would argue you just start now. I've found I much prefer to start these big projects in the middle of the year rather than at the beginning of the year when I'm usually burnt out from the holidays and the photo-ops aren't as good since it's the middle of winter. It's much easier to get through winter when I'm already in the groove of taking photos and such.

Plus the great thing about Project Life is it's super adaptable so once the new products come out, you can easily add those in to your album going forward and it won't even matter.

ColleenSwerb 08-09-2011 11:32 AM

I totally hear ya Lynnette. I thought about just starting, but I want to see the new products first. I have a few other things going on in the mean time to keep me busy anyway, lol! Growing a human, the pregnancy album that I still haven't started cuz I can stand to sit at the computer at night, I'm dead set on getting my December daily for this year actually done, etc etc etc. :)

suze 08-09-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by MamaBee (Post 858803)
Are you referring to Becky Higgins' version of P365? I have daily photos - but fell off the bandwagon for scrapping them... :)

yep exactly!! or Liz or Ali Edwards takes on them. They both use project life too. Just wondering how everyone does with doing your project 365/life with that scrapbooking format.

I'm just as excited I do have Ali envy too!! she simplifies it, but captures everything.

I'm having such a problem with trying to paper scrap thats where I'm worried. Its such a great looking album tho.

suze 08-09-2011 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Gabbina (Post 858941)
I'm doing it!!! I am a little behind and need to catch up, but love how it can be easy to document the daily life with no need to open PS, no need to use glue or anything. She have a sneak peek of the new Project Life products coming this fall...

Thats what I like about it too! I figured I would still add in some digital layouts too as I go. Print them in 8x10 and place an insert into the album!

I love the fall releases, but I have to wait another month to see the new ones :):)

suze 08-09-2011 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nettio (Post 858962)
I started my Project Life in July so it's pretty new but I'm liking it so far. I did a blog post about it here with an example of one of my spreads.

I'm a little behind right now since I put Project Life on hold to do A Week In the Life. I'm doing my Project Life to document the last year of my 20s so my album will go end of May '11 to end of May '12 since that's when I'm turning 30.

If you're excited about doing Project Life, I would argue you just start now. I've found I much prefer to start these big projects in the middle of the year rather than at the beginning of the year when I'm usually burnt out from the holidays and the photo-ops aren't as good since it's the middle of winter. It's much easier to get through winter when I'm already in the groove of taking photos and such.

Plus the great thing about Project Life is it's super adaptable so once the new products come out, you can easily add those in to your album going forward and it won't even matter.

thats very true!! I keep thinking about waiting to see what her new releases will be, but I plan on doing a leather album, and I'll be doing some different journal cards anyway...

I refuse to start anything new until I finish this darn Baby Album! Tho I should step away and re-think it.

suze 08-09-2011 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by ColleenSwerb (Post 858979)
I totally hear ya Lynnette. I thought about just starting, but I want to see the new products first. I have a few other things going on in the mean time to keep me busy anyway, lol! Growing a human, the pregnancy album that I still haven't started cuz I can stand to sit at the computer at night, I'm dead set on getting my December daily for this year actually done, etc etc etc. :)

sounds like my task list!!

except not PREGNANT lol

I wanna do her baby album, finish up her baby layouts, figure out how I wanna do it all ;)

and I really for sure wanna do December daily!!! Every year I love it and so going for that. I actually finished week in the life, so I'm off to a good start actually finishing something.

scrap2day 08-10-2011 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by *Celeste* (Post 858865)
You could do this digitally. Traci Reed's Slip Ins would be a great way to start!

Ok. This is probably a stupid question, but how would I use the Slip ins? Do I need to get the templates also? I love the look of them but I guess I'm confused on how to use them.

heathergw 08-10-2011 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by scrap2day (Post 859256)
Ok. This is probably a stupid question, but how would I use the Slip ins? Do I need to get the templates also? I love the look of them but I guess I'm confused on how to use them.

no, the templates are different... you can go through Traci's gallery and see how they're used and Traci also has an awesome tutorial on her blog.

DawnMarch 08-10-2011 09:57 AM

I have been doing Project Life since the beginning of the year and I absolutely LOVE it! It is the first time I've kept up with actually documenting our lives and including the little details in our lives. I do a 2 page spread/week, but not necessarily one picture per day, just however it works out. The great part about it is that the stuff is pre-made and coordinating so it's really easy; you can slip in lots of miscellaneous stuff like receipts, tags, hotel key cards, whatever you want. Since I'm photography obsessed, I tend to use lots of pictures and add some additional inserts (or even an 8x8 scrapbook page) for them as needed.

One other thing I'll mention that may be a little controversial to scrapbookers. One of the reasons I fell behind with my scrapbooking was that I'd try to do a page for every "set" of pictures that I'd have. So, if in one week we went to the zoo, to a fun restaurant, an evening walk as a family and took the dog to the groomer, I'd end up making 4 completely separate pages (which took forever to select the photos, select the kit, scrap etc). In PL way, I have one or 2 photos from each event added to the one spread in PL and it actually lets me get it DONE.

And I find as the kids get older, we tend to repeat a lot of things that I don't necessarily want to scrap again - like how many times do I have to scrapbook us going to a soccer game when my son has been playing soccer for 7 years?). In PL, I can just throw in a picture of a soccer game here or there to show that it's still part of our lives. It ends up being much more representative of our everyday lives where it's a whole jumble of things all together!

So, I love it. I do still make traditional scrapbook pages for special events or for pictures that I particularly love, but this really lets me document our day-to-day lives in a way I've never been able to accomplish before.

Oh, and of course, you can make your own PL either digitally or in hard copy. It's very similar to the p365 pages that people do. I find the pre-made aspect of it very easy, but you could easily select a digital kit or 2 that coordinate and pre-print a bunch of stuff to use in the PL page protectors. That way you'd have the ease of having it pre-made and still be able to use whatever kits you like. Or you could just do it more like a digital P365. I don't really like the digital versions of the real PL -- too restrictive and I don't think you "own" the page so that you could use it in your own book. I think you just finish it and then they print it for you.

scrap2day 08-10-2011 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by heathergw (Post 859293)
no, the templates are different... you can go through Traci's gallery and see how they're used and Traci also has an awesome tutorial on her blog.

Thank you. Going to check it out.

julifish 08-10-2011 03:02 PM

I'm going to try the page protectors and mix traditional andsome digital stuff to print out. It might be easier. Doing one month for a try and if it works then I might keep it going.

adrianka 08-10-2011 04:20 PM

Might sound totally off, but I would love this for the photos and stories from my previous workplace... and maybe from my current one as well. Except that I don't trust myself to really be able to create it... Anything project-ish sounds like too much effort right now (but right now I'm very uncreative). Still, once I feel creative again I think this might be perfect for what I have in mind.

Irma, what format are those slip-ins? I have loads of photos printed at 10 x 15 cm (I think), do you think they might fit? I ask you because you are from Europe, too, and the formats may not be compatible.

heathergw 08-10-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by adrianka (Post 859482)
Irma, what format are those slip-ins? I have loads of photos printed at 10 x 15 cm (I think), do you think they might fit? I ask you because you are from Europe, too, and the formats may not be compatible.

I'm confused... Traci's Slip-ins are digital... or are you talking about the page protectors?

adrianka 08-10-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by heathergw (Post 859487)
I'm confused... Traci's Slip-ins are digital... or are you talking about the page protectors?

Oh, yes, the page protectors... Sorry for the confusion!

suze 08-10-2011 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by DawnMarch (Post 859329)
I have been doing Project Life since the beginning of the year and I absolutely LOVE it! It is the first time I've kept up with actually documenting our lives and including the little details in our lives. I do a 2 page spread/week, but not necessarily one picture per day, just however it works out. The great part about it is that the stuff is pre-made and coordinating so it's really easy; you can slip in lots of miscellaneous stuff like receipts, tags, hotel key cards, whatever you want. Since I'm photography obsessed, I tend to use lots of pictures and add some additional inserts (or even an 8x8 scrapbook page) for them as needed.

One other thing I'll mention that may be a little controversial to scrapbookers. One of the reasons I fell behind with my scrapbooking was that I'd try to do a page for every "set" of pictures that I'd have. So, if in one week we went to the zoo, to a fun restaurant, an evening walk as a family and took the dog to the groomer, I'd end up making 4 completely separate pages (which took forever to select the photos, select the kit, scrap etc). In PL way, I have one or 2 photos from each event added to the one spread in PL and it actually lets me get it DONE.

And I find as the kids get older, we tend to repeat a lot of things that I don't necessarily want to scrap again - like how many times do I have to scrapbook us going to a soccer game when my son has been playing soccer for 7 years?). In PL, I can just throw in a picture of a soccer game here or there to show that it's still part of our lives. It ends up being much more representative of our everyday lives where it's a whole jumble of things all together!

So, I love it. I do still make traditional scrapbook pages for special events or for pictures that I particularly love, but this really lets me document our day-to-day lives in a way I've never been able to accomplish before.

Oh, and of course, you can make your own PL either digitally or in hard copy. It's very similar to the p365 pages that people do. I find the pre-made aspect of it very easy, but you could easily select a digital kit or 2 that coordinate and pre-print a bunch of stuff to use in the PL page protectors. That way you'd have the ease of having it pre-made and still be able to use whatever kits you like. Or you could just do it more like a digital P365. I don't really like the digital versions of the real PL -- too restrictive and I don't think you "own" the page so that you could use it in your own book. I think you just finish it and then they print it for you.

this is fantastic!! its exactly how I feel and I'm really excited now!! ;)

suze 08-10-2011 07:13 PM

I've come up with an idea to really try it out! I'm going to pick up some 12x12 page protectors that split into 4x6 areas and start inserting photos and journaling cards that I cut with my cricut and and start to document Emma's 1 st year this way and see how I like it. I have a bunch of baby stuff like documents and accessories that I can't really get to paper scrap right, so I need to do something. It will be a great test for myself anyway. I for some reason can only scrap digitally!! ;)

DawnMarch 08-10-2011 10:07 PM

There is a forum and gallery at Big Picture Classes devoted to Project Life. It's great inspiration. You have to sign up to see it, but sign up is free.

suze 08-11-2011 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by DawnMarch (Post 859611)
There is a forum and gallery at Big Picture Classes devoted to Project Life. It's great inspiration. You have to sign up to see it, but sign up is free.

I'll try to check it out! I signed up for week in the life there... didn't look but once :thumbdown:

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