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KristinCB 12-10-2011 12:06 PM

s/o Board Games for Adults
What are some of your favs for get togethers with adults? We LOVE apples to apples - I think its a riot!! What are some other good ones?

*Celeste* 12-10-2011 12:08 PM

we are getting say anything this year. it's kind of a twist on apples to apples. and last year we did would you rather. my sister loves scattegories. we try and buy one a year and play it on xmas at some point when my sister's family comes over.

digideb 12-10-2011 12:09 PM

We love that one too!
Imaginiff is a lot of fun!
DH & I love the Game of Life! lol
Buzz Word is good.
Settlers of Catan!!
Cranium - TONS of laughs!! :)

KateD 12-10-2011 12:10 PM

Apples to Apples is a lot of fun!! We like the Settlers of Catan games as well. Our friends have another word game that's a blast, but I can't remember the name. I hope someone posts it here! It has cards and a buzzer and you're trying to get people to guess a word, but can't use the words listed on the card.

ETA: Deb posted it while I was typing. The game is Buzz Word!! (Thanks, Deb!)

digideb 12-10-2011 12:10 PM

OH yes, I forgot about Scattegories! Haven't played that one in years!

digideb 12-10-2011 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by KateD (Post 909719)
Our friends have another word game that's a blast, but I can't remember the name. I hope someone posts it here! It has cards and a buzzer and you're trying to get people to guess a word, but can't use the words listed on the card.

Those are both good!
So is Catch Phrase!

KateD 12-10-2011 12:12 PM

Deb, the one I was thinking of is Catch Phrase :) Taboo is also a lot of fun!

And I like Mind Trap.

juliemarie 12-10-2011 12:25 PM

Our favorite is 5ive Straight. It's simple yet can be very strategic and challenging. It says 2-6 players, but we prefer doing the 4 person so there's 2 teams.

NeverendingJen 12-10-2011 12:27 PM

Apples to Apples, Hand & Foot, Monopoly Deal

adrianka 12-10-2011 12:31 PM

When we still had a boardgame period with my friends, we used to love:

- Ticket to Ride (all of them, but Europe is my fave),
- Outrage!,
- Cluedo,
- Scrabble (yes),
- most of all - Carcassonne - it's even better if you have more installments, i.e. more cards (you don't have to play the additional rules, we always decide which rules we play and which we ignore). This is my fave and we still play this one.

I have never played it, but The Settles of Catan are quite popular with some of my friends, too.

Lyd 12-10-2011 01:07 PM

We love Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride as well. We used to play board games a lot more often before DH's sister got divorced. That was one thing we did with them a lot. I kinda miss it, even though I don't miss her ex at all. :)

SmallMoments 12-10-2011 01:10 PM

Yep- Scattergories & Apples to Apples are our stand-bys at family functions. We also love True Colors.

Joel loves Settlers of Catan, but I can't get into it. LOL

I put The Logo Game, Name 5, Hedbanz for Adults, and Dicecapades on my list this Christmas. (Although Dicecapades may be a kids' game. I'm not sure. LOL)

xboxmom 12-10-2011 02:06 PM

We really really really LOVE this game


You need at least 5 adults to play though but its sooooo fun!

Also its already been said but Ticket to Ride Europe is awesome!

BrattyMeg 12-10-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by SmallMoments (Post 909754)

I put The Logo Game, Name 5, Hedbanz for Adults, and Dicecapades on my list this Christmas. (Although Dicecapades may be a kids' game. I'm not sure. LOL)

I put the Logo Game on my wishlist too!

I still love Clue..just the original Clue

I like to play cards a lot too..spades, rummy, hearts, etc

Sarah8914 12-10-2011 03:02 PM

We love Ticket to Ride also, though I love the simple America version best.
Settlers is awesome. With the Cities and Knights expansion especially. Although, we got an American edition (newish) and it's my new favorite. We REALLY like it.
My newest favorite game is Dominion. It's AWESOME. I'm super addicted and could play it all day. And 2 players can do it, so it's nice we can play with or without friends.
Risk 2210 is fun too, much better (and maybe shorter...) than the normal risk. But I know not everyone is a fan or Risk.

nesser1981 12-10-2011 06:12 PM

Apples to Apples
Pictonary Man
Any of the Scene It games
Dirty Minds
Smart Ass we just bought & its a lot of fun too

We have tons of board games, I have a small addiction to them. I'd have to pull out the others & see exactly what we have.

Settlers of the Catan, I think I need to get that. Off to learn what it is. LOL!

robinforman 12-10-2011 07:20 PM

Bananagrams is a hit with our family :)

mrshobbes 12-10-2011 09:57 PM

Settlers was waaaay too strategic for me, like I had to use too much of my poor brain, lol.

I LOVE Apples to Apples and Taboo and Cranium :) Pictionary is always awesome, too!

LeeAndra 12-11-2011 02:18 AM

Loaded Questions is my favorite board game. :)

tuneskids 12-11-2011 02:37 AM

Dirty Minds, Catch Phrase and any Trivial Pursuit game (I really love our So 90s version, I kick butt on it!! lol).

adrianka 12-11-2011 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by mrshobbes (Post 909934)
Settlers was waaaay too strategic for me, like I had to use too much of my poor brain, lol.

Same here. This is why I never played them. When I heard it was a big time strategy, I never even attempted it. The part of my brain responsible for that kind of thinking is poorly lacking. But I enjoy simpler ones like Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne, those are much fun even if I only ever win by chance, not by planning. :-)

Joana1n 12-11-2011 04:43 AM

We love Sequence, too.

DeepGirl 12-11-2011 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by adrianka (Post 910005)
Same here. This is why I never played them. When I heard it was a big time strategy, I never even attempted it. The part of my brain responsible for that kind of thinking is poorly lacking. But I enjoy simpler ones like Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne, those are much fun even if I only ever win by chance, not by planning. :-)

Adrianka was the one who taught me Carcassonne - it is a fantastic game!

For Christmas I have bought several board games for me & my hubby to be played also with friends and family. But I don't think they exist in the U.S.

SweetMelissa 12-11-2011 08:26 AM

You Don't Know Jack ( I believe its for the Xbox & Wii). So much fun!

adrianka 12-11-2011 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by DeepGirl (Post 910019)
Adrianka was the one who taught me Carcassonne - it is a fantastic game!

For Christmas I have bought several board games for me & my hubby to be played also with friends and family. But I don't think they exist in the U.S.

I deffo recommend Carcassonne to anyone with interest in board games. It seems like easy and simple at first sight, but it's actually strategic, yet not in an over-the-top way (I dislike games that take hours and hours to finish), and it's always different. Genius really.

Kenzi 12-11-2011 02:42 PM

Yay games! We love to play games. Our favorites are Carcassone, Settlers of Catan, and Ticket to Ride. We've played Dominion too and it was lots of fun. My BIL owns a game company called Tasty Minstrel. He is waaaaaaaaay into all kinds of strategy board games. We get a new one for Christmas every year from them. Last year we got Eminent Domain and this year we are getting Belfort, which we played at thanksgiving and it was also tons of fun.

iScrap 12-11-2011 04:06 PM

We love Scattergories. Maybe a little too much. I get a wee bit competitive. lolol
We just got the UDraw tablet for our Wii and fell in love with Pictionary again.

Andrea G 12-11-2011 09:57 PM

Our favorites are:

Ticket to Ride
Settlers of Catan
Apples to Apples

Also, there's an awesome Ticket to Ride ap for the ipad that my family loves, too - which makes it easier when traveling (and yes, we've been known to actually pack Ticket to Ride when going on vacations!)! :)

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