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MommaTrish 06-07-2013 12:28 PM

Things you can't stand.
What are some things that you absolutely can't stand?

Me, I can't stand people talking right next to my ear. Like if I'm sitting and a kid is standing next to me talking, or John is, or anyone. It's like nails being driven into my ears.
(guess what the kids keep doing today? lol)

SeattleSheri 06-07-2013 01:14 PM

Bad drivers! (which is probably pretty subjective, lol)
People that walk on the street instead of the side walk
People in stores that are completely clueless to their surroundings by blocking the aisle, etc

I'm sure I'll come up with more ;)

KristinCB 06-07-2013 01:21 PM

my list of what doesn't bother me would probably be smaller ;) LOL!

I am sensitive to most noises..

Stacey42 06-07-2013 01:38 PM

People looking over my shoulder to see what I am doing/watching/reading drive me crazy! I hate having someone stand that closely behind me in general but when I know they are looking at what I am reading or watching or whatever I want to scream. It's not that I'm doing something wrong or embarrassing or anything. I just really don't like it.

Milmomma 06-07-2013 01:50 PM

When people don't watch their little ones.
People reading over my shoulder.
People that do not close their mouths when they eat.
When I have to wait an absurd amount of time at a restaurant for my food even though they are not busy.
I could contiune on for a long time on this list.

farrijc 06-07-2013 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Stacey42 (Post 1131225)
People looking over my shoulder to see what I am doing/watching/reading drive me crazy! I hate having someone stand that closely behind me in general but when I know they are looking at what I am reading or watching or whatever I want to scream. It's not that I'm doing something wrong or embarrassing or anything. I just really don't like it.

This exactly! I also can't stand it when we're at the dinner table and one of my kids is randomly standing up while they're eating...since when is that allowed? Lol

erica zane 06-07-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by farrijc (Post 1131239)
This exactly! I also can't stand it when we're at the dinner table and one of my kids is randomly standing up while they're eating...since when is that allowed? Lol

lol, I have one of those! :w00t:

glumirk 06-07-2013 02:30 PM

Kids who think that in order to see something it has to be right in my face. I'm actually a little far-sighted, so I can't see it up that close. I have this paranoia about paper cuts in my eyes and constant claustrophobia.

Lyd 06-07-2013 02:34 PM

Everything that you have all listed, and so much more. I'm really hard to live with.

YepBrook 06-07-2013 02:43 PM

Today, every freaking thing is annoying the crap out of me. I can't even stand the way my clothes feel. Ugh. BUT. Yesterday? You could have put double-sided tape on every surface of my house and body and I would have been grinning like a fool. LOL. It all depends on the day. Usually there's not much that drives me nuts. I'm pretty laid back.

kelley 06-07-2013 03:02 PM

Hmmm....so many things LOL

But off the top of my head right now, the things drive me nutty the most:
1. People that aren't respectful to others feelings/thoughts and think they are always right.
2. When my kids won't let me have a moment of alone time without asking what I'm doing and standing right next to me watching.
3. Cigarette smoke.
4. Profanity around my kids or from the mouths of children.
5. People who don't pull their pants all the way up.
6. Cashiers who socialize with other employees while ringing up my groceries and basically act like I don't exist.
7. People who give me crap about homeschooling and act like they are superior to me because their children go to public school.
8. Littering.
9. When someone leaves a dish in the sink dirty and expects me to wash it (We have a use it - wash it rule in our house excluding my 5 year old who isn't tall enough to reach the faucet).

Oh boy I could go on and on!! But I'm sure there is an equal number of things that I do that annoy others too :P

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 03:04 PM

So so so many things.

Lately, I'm really annoyed by grown women being dramatic in their judgment and condescension of others. There's a way to express disappointment, disagreement or a different perspective without using so much barbarism, hyperbole and solecism. Because we often process online expression with the warped perspective of not knowing somebody outside of the internet, such behavior fosters chasms of misunderstanding and social segregation. It often makes people feel defensive, which can make them want to remove themselves from the community or to employ the same sorts of declarations in defense of their actions...even if the original statement was just an observation which could have been simply and elegantly shared to illuminate the poster's preferences as part of capturing their true character.

I'm also bothered by trends to illustrate positive character development like winning a competition or striving to be more beautiful as politically incorrect. Wanting to be the best version of yourself should be something that we encourage rather than marginalize or even vilify.

Lyd 06-07-2013 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by krystalhartley (Post 1131265)
So so so many things.

Lately, I'm really annoyed by grown women being dramatic in their judgment and condescension of others. There's a way to express disappointment, disagreement or a different perspective without using so much barbarism, hyperbole and solecism. Because we often process online expression with the warped perspective of not knowing somebody outside of the internet, such behavior fosters chasms of misunderstanding and social segregation. It often makes people feel defensive, which can make them want to remove themselves from the community or to employ the same sorts of declarations in defense of their actions...even if the original statement was just an observation which could have been simply and elegantly shared to illuminate the poster's preferences as part of capturing their true character.

I'm also bothered by trends to illustrate positive character development like winning a competition or striving to be more beautiful as politically incorrect. Wanting to be the best version of yourself should be something that we encourage rather than marginalize or even vilify.

Who else is fighting the urge to pull out your dictionary? Love you, Krystal!!

MamaBee 06-07-2013 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by kelley (Post 1131264)
Hmmm....so many things LOL

But off the top of my head right now, the things drive me nutty the most:
1. People that aren't respectful to others feelings/thoughts and think they are always right.
2. When my kids won't let me have a moment of alone time without asking what I'm doing and standing right next to me watching.
3. Cigarette smoke.
4. Profanity around my kids or from the mouths of children.
5. People who don't pull their pants all the way up.
6. Cashiers who socialize with other employees while ringing up my groceries and basically act like I don't exist.
7. People who give me crap about homeschooling and act like they are superior to me because their children go to public school.

Yes!! and Yes to people who stand WAY too close...

Also people who don't know how to use a blinker... and people who yap on the their cellphone while driving - like anyone is THAT important that you can't talk to them when you aren't driving.

Physically able people who are super slow walkers annoy the hell out of me... especially when shopping - I'm always stuck behind someone who is a slow walker in the store... or my 6 year old who has no concept of time!

jacinda 06-07-2013 03:26 PM

People who smoke around children. Well, smoking full stop really.
People who don't buckle their kids into cars, or use carseats.
People who are late for anything. If you agree on a time, be there. (That's the Army in me coming out). That goes for CT work, meeting up with friends, appointments etc.
Swearing or crude language.

JuliaM 06-07-2013 03:30 PM

Oh boy could I have a list.

- People at work who can't be bothered to respond to an email I send asking for information I need to complete a project for them....and then complain when the project isn't completed in the timeframe they want.

- People on the subway who think it's perfectly ok to push and shove me because I happen to be smaller than they are.

- That person who knows he/she cannot fit on the subway train but is determined to stand in the door holding it open and holding up the train from departing...despite the fact that if they just wait another 2 minutes, there'll be another train.

- People who have to keep a big, overloaded backpack on their back while riding a crowded subway train and then keep hitting me with it because they can't be bothered ot be aware of their surroundings. (Yes, I do have a lot of "issues" with public transportation...probably because I take it ever day. *LOL*)

- People who can't go for two minutes without checking their phone for a text or reading their Facebook feed etc and then get in front of me walking as slow as possible and weaving back and forth. If you really need to read or send that text, please, step out of the way and let others pass.

- When someone asks if I'm married and have children and, when I answer in the negative, either give me a pitying look or outright express their sympathy as if I can't be happy and fulfilled without being married and having children.

- When I say I don't particulary care for dogs and I'm then treated as if what I actually said was that my favorite sport is kicking puppies down a bowling alley as hard as I can.

emmasmommy 06-07-2013 03:43 PM


jacinda 06-07-2013 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by emmasmommy (Post 1131278)


nikkiARNGwife 06-07-2013 03:57 PM

Walmart on a Saturday...there is an entire different set of WM people who come out on Saturdays...I like to stick to my early tuesday shopping with the little old ladies :)

Reckless driving makes me INSANE...b/c they aren't just endangering themselves but everyone else on the road especially my kids in back seat.

Cussing (that's foul language in the South lol)

When i buy a pint of ice cream that will last me a week and DH finds it and eats it all in one sitting. I have to hide it from him geez.

LeeAndra 06-07-2013 04:04 PM

Leave it to KH to pull out the big gurl words. :wub::wub::wub:

--tardiness (especially if coupled with ridiculous excuses or justifications)
--people talking (and even worse if it's directed at me) during movies/TV shows/events/church
--coworkers who leave crumbs all over the break room table after they eat
--people who ignore road signs/lane closures until the last minute and expect you to throw on the brakes and let them merge in
--people who anonymously post vitriol online and expect to be taken seriously
--companies who make their food products smaller/less so they can charge the same price (CHIPS AHOY, I AM LOOKING AT YOU!!)

Jenn Barrette 06-07-2013 04:11 PM

When people scrape their teeth on their fork when eating.

When you are telling someone about a problem and they turn the conversation back to themselves without acknowledging your issue at all.

When people try to break down confident people; saying that person is an attention whore, narcissistic, spends too much time/money on hair/clothing etc. Why do people need to break others down to feel good about themselves?

Negative people that are always complaining but never to anything to change their situation. I can only hear you complain about your job, your husband, your cat, your toothbrush, your whatever so many times. If you are unhappy, do something about it!

And today - people. As Laura so eloquently put it. I am having one of those days where everything annoys me.

Lyd 06-07-2013 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by emmasmommy (Post 1131278)

That should have been my answer. :D

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 04:24 PM

Laura FTW

If you asked my husband this question about me, he wouldn't even think two seconds before responding with that answer. The irony, of course, is that people are often the cause for smiling and laughter. Although I do amuse myself frequently,,,

Milmomma 06-07-2013 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by emmasmommy (Post 1131278)

♥ you

SeattleSheri 06-07-2013 05:20 PM

Talking on a cell phone while driving

maryinaz 06-07-2013 07:50 PM

- Cliques - IRL and online.
- Being interrupted! I have 2 friends who do this so badly, I don't even want to be around them anymore.
- People who give advice when they have no experience with the issue.
- Non-use of turn signals.
- My space being invaded.

And so much more!

Txcorey 06-07-2013 08:14 PM

-Oh, I am so with you on being interrupted. That drives me crazy.
-Also, close talkers. I need my space.
-Bad grammar-written or spoken. One of my son's friends constantly says "ain't". I correct him every time. It annoys my husband that I correct him, but obviously his parents aren't telling him that he's not speaking correctly, so someone should.
-Sending an email or text asking for specific information and getting a reply that doesn't include the information I needed.
-Windows 8

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Txcorey (Post 1131354)
-Windows 8


krystalhartley 06-07-2013 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by LeeAndra (Post 1131290)
--people who ignore road signs/lane closures until the last minute and expect you to throw on the brakes and let them merge in

Yes! And it's especially frustrating when there is really no way to combat the behavior. Well...not if you're like me and like to drive safely and defensively.

joelsgirl 06-07-2013 09:06 PM

Drivers who pass on the side of the road in traffic or refuse to merge until there is no more lane, as though the rest of us are not nearly as important as they are.

Being climbed or jumped on. This one is a killer since I have boys, and they think jumping on someone is the best way to show love.

Having my helper in my house all day long. Blah blah, I know I'm spoiled to have someone clean my house, but having her here all day and having to be nice to her the entire time is exhausting. Almost as exhausting as doing my own cleaning & laundry.

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by JuliaM (Post 1131272)
- When I say I don't particulary care for dogs and I'm then treated as if what I actually said was that my favorite sport is kicking puppies down a bowling alley as hard as I can.

I was just having a conversation about this very thing. And how dog people don't like cat people. Crazy how people can get.

And also relates a little to my rant earlier in the thread. Our first instinct seems to be to make everything somebody else does or says about ourselves, easily getting offended and wanting to defend our position with rational debate or aggressive comebacks. And when it happens online where it is easy to jump in with a "like" or other agreement, the person "guilty" of said belief/action (even though it was NEVER specifically targeted towards him/her) feels vilified and/or ostracized, leading to a lot of other issues. Bandwagon prejudice and hostility is particularly disconcerting for me. It makes me really sad and wish that we could change the way we express our opinions to make them less inflammatory.

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by joelsgirl (Post 1131374)

Having my helper in my house all day long. Blah blah, I know I'm spoiled to have someone clean my house, but having her here all day and having to be nice to her the entire time is exhausting. Almost as exhausting as doing my own cleaning & laundry.

Being social can be very taxing on my resources. I have to psych myself up to deal with anyone outside of my family. And I have to recover afterwards.

MommaTrish 06-07-2013 09:13 PM

mwuhahahahaha! so many of you would hate to be around me irl.

I cuss - a lot.

I use bad grammar - a lot. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. Even though I left inner-city Memphis 12 years ago I still have some troubles with proper language. Just because I *know* that something is the correct way doesn't mean that it sounds right in my head.

I am a very very very slow walker. And eater. lol I am a slow eater because I talk a lot, and I have a deep down issue when people talk with food in their mouth.

Back to things I can't stand
People who don't use blinkers (turn signals whatever...)
People who try to correct my pronunciation of things. (I got into an argument at Disney World once with a man who tried to tell me that I said Mississippi incorrectly)
People who post/talk about political things that have no idea what they are talking about.

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 09:14 PM

I was gonna ask...how many of us are "guilty" of some of the things in this thread? Without being specific, of course. We wouldn't want you to end up on somebody's "can't stand them" list. :)

I am guilty of a few.

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by MommaTrish (Post 1131380)
People who try to correct my pronunciation of things. (I got into an argument at Disney World once with a man who tried to tell me that I said Mississippi incorrectly)

How many ways are there to pronounce Mississippi?

KristinCB 06-07-2013 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by krystalhartley (Post 1131378)
Being social can be very taxing on my resources. I have to psych myself up to deal with anyone outside of my family. And I have to recover afterwards.

me too... :)

MommaTrish 06-07-2013 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by krystalhartley (Post 1131383)
How many ways are there to pronounce Mississippi?

weeeeell... I say "Miss-sip-ee" everyone I know - mind you I live right above the state and half my family lives there, and hello, that big ol' river is right next to me - says it this way too. I don't remember HOW that man was saying it. Probably pronouncing every bit of it since he said my way was lazy.

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 09:23 PM

Gotcha. :)

LJSDesigns 06-07-2013 09:24 PM

I think I would sum my main one up in two words: mean people. Can't stand them.

KristinCB 06-07-2013 09:25 PM

I can't say mississippi without also spelling it in my head thanks to being in a production of "annie" as a kid. LOL!

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 09:26 PM

Any time I type Wednesday, I actually sound it out WED NES DAY. Same with February.

KristinCB 06-07-2013 09:28 PM

Same here. haha! It makes me feel SO much better that you do also :)

JuliaM 06-07-2013 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by krystalhartley (Post 1131396)
Any time I type Wednesday, I actually sound it out WED NES DAY. Same with February.

I end up doing the same thing as well.

joelsgirl 06-07-2013 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by krystalhartley (Post 1131396)
Any time I type Wednesday, I actually sound it out WED NES DAY. Same with February.

Yes, definitely.

I also can't stand it when perfectly healthy people take the elevator one or two levels, ESPECIALLY when it means that I can't fit on the elevator with my stroller and kids. If you've got bags or kids or something, I get it, but there are some lazy folks riding the elevator.

And just so that I can always be self righteous about it, I ALWAYS take the stairs, unless I have a stroller.

ETA: I even carry my stroller up stairs sometimes just for the sake of feeling like I'm better than other people.

Is there someone who can't stand when people think they're better than other people and I'm all driving you crazy? Sorry 'bout that. ; )

krystalhartley 06-07-2013 10:17 PM

You crack me up, Kellie.

~Cindy~ 06-07-2013 10:28 PM

- When people scrape their teeth on their fork when eating. (this is totally one of my major hates)

- I hate people that invade my personal space. It's my space for a reason. I'm not fond of hugs either. I tolerate them from my son or kids. Grown ups not so much unless you are a close friend or family. (Even then I'm not too thrilled with the idea)

- People that constantly say huh? In my house this happens so frequently its unreal.

- Liars

I'm pregnant and majorly moody. So I could add to this all day lol!

Traci Reed 06-07-2013 10:33 PM

I'm a cusser :) It's how I roll. Not EVERYTHING I say is cussing but I will drop some bombs if I'm particularly keyed up about something I'm saying! I think it's a generational thing because most people I know that are my age are the same, while people who are only 5-10 years older gasp in horror. HA!

emmasmommy 06-07-2013 10:51 PM

don't get me wrong, i don't hate ALL people...just most of them :D

YepBrook 06-07-2013 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by krystalhartley (Post 1131382)
I was gonna ask...how many of us are "guilty" of some of the things in this thread? Without being specific, of course. We wouldn't want you to end up on somebody's "can't stand them" list. :)

I am guilty of a few.

Actually, I'm guilty of so many things mentioned I almost posted that something I can't stand...

.... Is this thread. :o

nun69 06-07-2013 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Traci Reed (Post 1131424)
I'm a cusser :) It's how I roll. Not EVERYTHING I say is cussing but I will drop some bombs if I'm particularly keyed up about something I'm saying!

yep this is me....of coarse I blame it on 20 years in the Navy :D

things I can't stand:
1. people that don't understand kids that have special needs (not every kid that is screaming and misbehaving is doing so just because they are being bad, sometimes they can't help it)
2. people that don't watch their own damn kids in the store...HELLO....the rest of us are NOT THERE to be your babysitter! if you can't watch your kids, DO NOT take them!:cursing:
3. people that don't have working:D turn signals on their vehicles
4. people that constantly JUDGE (I know we all do it to an extent, but some people are just OVER THE TOP)
5. STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!! plain and simple...STUPID PEOPLE!

(and Trish, my grammar sucks too:D)

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