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scrappinnewbie 03-17-2020 07:44 AM

Vacations being rescheduled?
I wondered how many others are dealing with disappointment over vacations having to be rescheduled. We had planned a trip to Disneyland for the girls Spring Break and sadly had to cancel. The girls are old enough to understand, but that doesn't mean they aren't disappointed. Heck I am totally bummed! I so needed this break, but wasn't meant to be.

We have already rescheduled our flight for the fall and that has helped with the sadness. I am also formulating some fun pre-trip things to build up the excitement.

In the meantime, Spring Break is now a staycation and trying to find things to do that are new, interesting exciting, available and entertaining.

Anyone else dealing with a vacation that ain't happening? Kiddos who are bummed out?

And I love this page by Lynn! I am so going to lift it to document my own disappointment.


Saar 03-17-2020 08:14 AM

So sorry to hear that Melinda. I can imagine how tough it is. And how bummed you feel.
We were planning a vacation with some friends, but we had nothing booked yet.

I LOVE Lynns' layout. I love that she used the California template from Cindy for her page. And I love the way she used Wendy and Amanda's kit.

StacyLynn 03-17-2020 08:19 AM

We have a WDW trip planned at Easter. I didn’t cancel it yet, but I am 99.9% sure it will be canceled. This was to be our daughters senior trip gift. She was bringing two friends. Now we have no idea how we are going to be able to do the trip before the girls leave for College. (We gift each child a trip to a destination of their choice with 1-2 friends)

We are all disappointed right now. But I especially feel sorry for all the seniors right now. The high schoolers have their senior year basically ruined and my college senior now has no clue if she will be able to graduate.

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littlekiwi 03-17-2020 08:29 AM

No trips planned but I did pull the pin on an international job application for a variety of reasons but the straw that broke the camels back was a total of 4 weeks self isolation at this point (2 in Australia then 2 back home in New Zealand) if I was to have to do any face to face interviewing. Who knows what the situation would be in 1-2 weeks.

nesser1981 03-17-2020 08:43 AM

We have a cruise planned for June 20th. I'm not sure things will be resolved by then. I feel like everyone is in a holding pattern.

KingsQueen82 03-17-2020 09:00 AM

We have a June 12th WDW trip that I am pretty certain we are cancelling too. I was waiting to see what happened in the next 2-3 weeks because we need to purchase our tickets by then in order to reserve Fast Passes. They're military tickets with different rules and expirations than the ones Disney sells too. I don't know if they'd sell us tickets if the parks are still closed at that time, or if the FP system is even up and running. I definitely don't want to wait until June and just "wing it" at the parks b/c I feel like it's going to be overflowing with reschedules if it does happen to be open.

We're sad but I know there'll be another chance someday. I'm reminding myself that for some people this may have been their only chance (like the Make a Wish families). My niece and I were also planning on doing a guided tour in Europe in July this year but a couple months ago we decided to wait until next summer (for other personal reasons). So so glad we made that decision and that's one less thing we have to worry about now!

LeeAndra 03-17-2020 09:12 AM

We were supposed to go to Disney World this Spring Break. It would have been my kids' first time on a plane, first time at Disney, and first time in Florida.

I'm trying not to think about it too much until I get my bearings again from them being off school & me trying to figure out how my job is going to work.

biancka 03-17-2020 09:29 AM

We are...my husband had to leave for Seattle last saturday for the Microsoft MVP Summit and for the first time, our 16yo was going to join him. It was a vacation combined with work experience for school. Yeah, it got cancelled and our son was very disappointed but seeing the chaos that is happening at airports etc now..he's just happy he didn't have to experience that. We got a voucher for his ticket so they'll be going to the USA probably in February 2021 now. Fingers crossed life is back to normal then.

lorigaud 03-17-2020 09:46 AM

I was supposed to drive to FL with a friend over April break, and I was super excited about going to the Epcot Flower and Garden Show, since I've never been.

I'm more concerned about my trip out west on June 12th.... supposed to go to the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Arches, Zion, etc.... waiting to see how things play out. I'm holding out hope that travel will be ok by then, but preparing myself mentally for the likelihood that it's not going to happen. :(

mmbstaley 03-17-2020 09:53 AM

Pretty sure my twins' college graduation will be cancelled before too long - it was supposed to be April 30 - since they announced yesterday that they were indeed going to make everyone in on-campus housing move out. I had only made hotel reservations for that trip and they can be cancelled easily at this point still. It is disappointing, but at the same time they are mostly concerned about just getting to graduate regardless of whether they can walk across a stage in a cap and gown. The university announces changes practically every day lately and it doesn't seem like they have thought through, or maybe not even bothered to ask all of the departments, how that will affect their students.
Carissa is a nursing student and yesterday they were told that they were not allowed to precept at the hospitals anymore - while she was in the midst of a 12hr shift, which means she doesn't have all of her hours completed for that which was supposed to be a requirement for finishing. She also had lots of hours still left to complete for her community health class that can't be done now; those she thinks they can just give them computer simulations that will meet the requirement somehow. My computer engineering daughter, Elizabeth, has senior projects to finish that she can only do on campus in the engineering computer lab and she isn't allowed to go there. Last week they were saying that they would be allowed to, but now that has changed. At least they live in apartments off-campus so their housing situation is stable for the time being, but they have friends who are scrambling to find someplace to go. Elizabeth's fiance had a housing scholarship and has to move out of his campus apartment by next weekend.
Elizabeth and Cameron's wedding is planned for June 28. We are now in the initial phase of thinking about what to do if we have to, or should, cancel it. We have until the beginning of May to cancel the venue and get our deposit back. Of course we just ordered the printed invitations last week :huh:

LynnZant 03-17-2020 10:47 AM

My SIL called me yesterday to tell me my niece got married. It was supposed to be on the 19th; however, they heard that city hall would be closed today, so they hurried up and went there yesterday. MY SIL and BIL didn't have time to make the trip to D.C. and weren't there. :( No one was. I'm thinking their honeymoon to Mexico won't happen. Sad.

And thanks to everyone for the nice comments! I bought that template in anticipation of my trip, so I at least got to use it. Now I'll have to find a use for the California kit that I bought. LOL

I can't imagine missing out on Disney--especially for the kids. (((HUGS))) to everyone.

mmbstaley 03-17-2020 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by LynnZant (Post 1062996625)
My SIL called me yesterday to tell me my niece got married. It was supposed to be on the 19th; however, they heard that city hall would be closed today, so they hurried up and went there yesterday. MY SIL and BIL didn't have time to make the trip to D.C. and weren't there. :( No one was. I'm thinking their honeymoon to Mexico won't happen. Sad.

And thanks to everyone for the nice comments! I bought that template in anticipation of my trip, so I at least got to use it. Now I'll have to find a use for the California kit that I bought. LOL

I can't imagine missing out on Disney--especially for the kids. (((HUGS))) to everyone.

That would be sad to miss the wedding, but at the same time I'm glad they just went and did it anyway. Evidently one of the twins' friends was supposed to get married next week and they just cancelled it. It sounds like they will go to the courthouse now (eventually), but she is so upset about having to cancel the wedding that she has told people to not even mention it at all to her. :unsure:
We tend to be more 'practical' people and are OK with celebrating holidays and birthdays whenever is most convenient for the people we want to be with for that. My BIL an his family are like 'it has to happen on the holiay/birthday' sort of people, which can make things harder. We have enough time make adjustments to the wedding and could probably just have a small, family only ceremony somewhere. The big party they want to go with it can happen another time after the fact, if need be. While I would be super sad to miss being there, at this point I would just want them to go do it. Elizabeth's job she has lined up to start in August means having to move them both and it will just make everything involved with that easier if they are married already.

My first trip to WDW last year happened a exactly a year ago and I've been seeing the photos pop up in my memories on FB. I'm glad the band only does big trips like that every other year and we are in an 'off' year so we aren't missing out on something we had been looking forward to for a long time. It was disappointing that the history class trip up to WADC was cancelled - I was looking forward to finally being able to go see the African American museum. But, we only live a couple of hours drive from there and I can go whenever I want normally, just have to decide to do it.

LynnZant 03-17-2020 01:23 PM

Melinda, I totally forgot about the band trip. Historically, is was over spring break and every other year, but they changed it this school year to marching New Year's Eve. I was kind of a stinker complaining about it not being spring break, but it would have been canceled. She came home with the worst flu (ironic) that she ever had from that trip, but she at least got to go. I'm with you, though. We can celebrate stuff whenever. I did Valentine's Day two weeks early this year because I got a good price on tenderloin end of January. :)

lorigaud 03-17-2020 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by LynnZant (Post 1062996632)
We can celebrate stuff whenever. I did Valentine's Day two weeks early this year because I got a good price on tenderloin end of January. :)

Hahaha! Flexibility and practicality are key!

craftytam 03-17-2020 02:08 PM

I'm so sorry you all have had to cancel plans!
Hubs was supposed to drive down to CA for a "skate trip" with a couple of friends next week, but a lot of the skate parks are closed, so they've cancelled the trip. He's more bummed because part of that trip was to visit our daughter & new grandbaby. Once all this blows over, we'll schedule a trip down.

BrattyMeg 03-17-2020 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by KingsQueen82 (Post 1062996617)
We have a June 12th WDW trip that I am pretty certain we are cancelling too. I was waiting to see what happened in the next 2-3 weeks because we need to purchase our tickets by then in order to reserve Fast Passes. They're military tickets with different rules and expirations than the ones Disney sells too. I don't know if they'd sell us tickets if the parks are still closed at that time, or if the FP system is even up and running. I definitely don't want to wait until June and just "wing it" at the parks b/c I feel like it's going to be overflowing with reschedules if it does happen to be open.

We're sad but I know there'll be another chance someday. I'm reminding myself that for some people this may have been their only chance (like the Make a Wish families). My niece and I were also planning on doing a guided tour in Europe in July this year but a couple months ago we decided to wait until next summer (for other personal reasons). So so glad we made that decision and that's one less thing we have to worry about now!

While I'm optimistic Disney will be back open by your trip--the military tix are good thru Dec 18

we just rescheduled our April trip today until end of May..hopefully it's back open!

aussiegirl 03-17-2020 04:33 PM

We were supposed to do a couple more college visits around Spring break, but with the college's closed, I'm thinking we can't do those!

Other than that, we have no trips planned for the immediate future! My older 2 were working on their trip bucket lists today! It was fun to see them dream and hope for trips they hope to take someday!

We are still planning our trip to Disney for Oct of this year. We will use my dad's timeshare again. He asked me if we wanted to cancel it with everything going on. I told him NO! I imagine a lot of people cancelling now will reschedule for other times, including fall. I don't want to miss out on our trip, so I plan on going ahead!

aussiegirl 03-17-2020 04:34 PM

I'm sorry for those of you having to reschedule or cancel trips! But it sounds like a lot of the planning work has been done! That can carry over to another trip at a later date. I am holding out hope that things will be back to normal soon, and Disney will be open mid April!

KingsQueen82 03-17-2020 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by FlirtatiousBrat (Post 1062996645)
While I'm optimistic Disney will be back open by your trip--the military tix are good thru Dec 18

we just rescheduled our April trip today until end of May..hopefully it's back open!

I would have to purchase the tickets in time for our Fast Pass window in April -- or would really like to at least. I'm holding onto our hotel reservation for now! I won't be able to take the kids after summer break (my rising 7th grader will be taking all honors classes and a high school level language class for her H.S. GPA and doesn't want to miss anything) so I am just sitting on it for now. I figure I have a few more weeks before I HAVE to decide. Have you heard anything about them extending the military tickets like they have for the regular ones? I hadn't but I honestly hadn't looked either. I figured I would decide when it got closer. I tend to be the worry wart, emotion based so I'm trying to go against my nature and be calm. Lol...

Leablahblah 03-17-2020 08:20 PM

ugh that's such a bummer having to cancel trips! I'm sorry for you all!

No trips or vacations planned here until my parents and sister (and family) come for Christmas so hopefully it will all be forgotten by then!!

icindi 03-17-2020 09:19 PM

My heart breaks for those canceling weddings. In Ohio weddings and funerals are exempt from the 100 person gathering rule. Now if the caterers are still willing to serve.... Hoping there's fewer disappointed couples here, but suspect many will choose not to attend even if the event continues.

I am supposed to go to Mexico on Saturday. We shall see, it's not be cancelled yet. We have a family trip to Hawaii in May. Very much on hold at the moment.

Our 2 college students are home. One had to totally move out of his dorm today and hand in his key. They already told them they will not be returning.

Sherri Tierney 03-17-2020 11:29 PM

We haven't had a vacation in a few years, BUT we had planned to go away this weekend. We have never been away overnight without kids. My oldest is 17.5. so that tells you how long its been since we've gone away together and not had little people with us. Anyway, we canceled. Not worth it. People there have been diagnosed, people here are in quarantine from having contact, its just best to wait. School has been shut down for the remainder of the year. Floored me. We will see what happens.

nietis 03-18-2020 12:29 AM

Pretty sure we won’t have any vacation for the rest for this year. School is probably rescheduled so that summer break would be shorter/none, that includes my husband’s teaching schedule too, and our baby is due in September. So we have a busy year ahead.
We might *just might* have some sort of local getaway/staycation if our financial situation allows. This whole pandemic situation has resulted in a lot of unexpected spendings for our little family.

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JoCee 03-18-2020 01:26 AM

we had a big seven week overseas trip planned as our belated 25th wedding anniversary gift to each other.

We were going to visit our son in Israel where he is on a gap year programme studying at a religious institution (that's on hold right now), spend time with friends, then head to the UK to see the in-laws and then hubs and I were off to Europe, and a mediterranean cruise... we have postponed the whole thing in the hopes of at least being able to get to Israel and the UK later this year, hubs needs to see his folks, they are nearly 88 and we will plan to do Europe next year, provided it still exists :(

stay safe, healthy and sane everyone.
be good to each other

ellasspace 03-18-2020 02:31 PM

Ours was to start tonight, we canceled flights the other night but our condo is not refundable. We have started tossing other ideas around but I’m honestly not in the mood to plan another right now. I’m beyond disappointed we haven’t been away in almost 3 years due to Doug getting hurt. We all needed a getaway badly. Doug’s being a trouper and evening throwing dream vacations out there but honestly I don’t even want to talk vacation at this time. I’ve struggled with depression as it is due to a very tough year. His being released medically should have me ecstatic, don’t get me wrong it’s great news but I’m struggling to be me once again. Being the caregiver has taken a hard hit on me leaving me both mentally and physically exhausted and causing my self harm issues to flair up.

rach3975 03-18-2020 11:02 PM

We're cancelling a trip to Chicago. Luckily it's something we can easily reschedule, so it's not that big a deal. At first we were thinking we'd just stay home(literally, home and no place else!) for Spring Break and do Chicago this summer, but I'm wondering if that's going to be enough time for travel to be safe again. :( We'll have an airline credit that needs to be used before January, so we'll probably plan something for November or over Winter Break. I don't know that we'll do Chicago at that time of year, so maybe someplace warm instead.


Originally Posted by KingsQueen82 (Post 1062996655)
I won't be able to take the kids after summer break (my rising 7th grader will be taking all honors classes and a high school level language class for her H.S. GPA and doesn't want to miss anything) so I am just sitting on it for now. I figure I have a few more weeks before I HAVE to decide.

I think you might be in our county. If so, I don't know how long you were thinking of going for, but we usually have a 4-day weekend in November that's a pretty popular time to go to Disney because it's not a big vacation week nationally. I haven't checked the 2020-21 calendar yet to see if it's scheduled again next year, but it's usually the weekend before Election day through that Tuesday. Don't leave early because the Friday before is generally the end of the marking period and there are tests and assignments due, but the kids don't usually miss much if you take a day or two off after Election Day since it's the very beginning of the 2nd quarter. My kids' middle and high schools operate on an every other day schedule (ie, half their classes one day and half the next), so we can take the next 2 days off and only miss each class once. Not sure if that will be the case for your DD's school, but maybe. Also, I learned when we went to Disney that weekend in 2018 that if you fill out the forms for an excused absence most teachers/schools will approve it even for a family vacation. Once they've approved it, they're required to let your child make up anything they miss. I hope you're able to go sooner and don't need any of this info!

Dalis 03-19-2020 10:40 AM

We had no vacation plans, I must say my kiddo is really disappointed about her hockey district camp tryouts. They said it's postponed I told her most likely canceled.

mariewilcox 03-22-2020 10:05 PM

No vacation plans here. I started a new job this past July and I've been focused on that (it was a big career change for me and I've been concentrating on that and moving up as well, which has paid off!). I'll take a few days this summer and get away to the mountains here in my state. I'm not the type who really needs to "get away" - give me a lake and mountains and I'm reborn :D My daughter had to move out of her dorm over a week ago and is hoping they'll be able to go back this fall. She starts her on-line classes Wednesday to finish the semester. At this point, I'm just grateful that my job is essential and I still have an income. My daughter is worried about being able to work enough this summer to save up for her expenses next semester.

lovely1m 03-26-2020 12:20 PM

Luckily we had just done our big Florida trip in February, but I was supposed to go the Kentucky Derby the first weekend in May. It was rescheduled for September, but I am sad. Hoping it all still works out.

KingsQueen82 03-26-2020 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by rach3975 (Post 1062996852)
We're cancelling a trip to Chicago. Luckily it's something we can easily reschedule, so it's not that big a deal. At first we were thinking we'd just stay home(literally, home and no place else!) for Spring Break and do Chicago this summer, but I'm wondering if that's going to be enough time for travel to be safe again. :( We'll have an airline credit that needs to be used before January, so we'll probably plan something for November or over Winter Break. I don't know that we'll do Chicago at that time of year, so maybe someplace warm instead.

I think you might be in our county. If so, I don't know how long you were thinking of going for, but we usually have a 4-day weekend in November that's a pretty popular time to go to Disney because it's not a big vacation week nationally. I haven't checked the 2020-21 calendar yet to see if it's scheduled again next year, but it's usually the weekend before Election day through that Tuesday. Don't leave early because the Friday before is generally the end of the marking period and there are tests and assignments due, but the kids don't usually miss much if you take a day or two off after Election Day since it's the very beginning of the 2nd quarter. My kids' middle and high schools operate on an every other day schedule (ie, half their classes one day and half the next), so we can take the next 2 days off and only miss each class once. Not sure if that will be the case for your DD's school, but maybe. Also, I learned when we went to Disney that weekend in 2018 that if you fill out the forms for an excused absence most teachers/schools will approve it even for a family vacation. Once they've approved it, they're required to let your child make up anything they miss. I hope you're able to go sooner and don't need any of this info!

Sorry I just saw this! Brain's a little preoccupied lately! Lol... We were going for 10 days (6 park days, 4 rest/non park days) so we've decided to just reschedule for next summer and in the meantime start saving for some extras to make that trip even better like the Keys to the Kingdom tour and maybe an extra day or two to combat the crowds of other people who probably had the same thought?! Lol... I feel like trying to squeeze it in somewhere else is just going to add further disappointment so we'd rather wait and have it the way we want it, just later than we expected. The initial sadness has worn off and the girls are "okay" now. We've come to the point where getting a Lunchable delivered from Amazon Fresh is "so awesome"! LOL! I'll take all the wins I can get right now!

rdjrneace 03-26-2020 07:48 PM

We had a trip planned to Gatlinburg TN for late May and after hearing that some states is saying 2-3 weeks more of "stay at home" I think we are cancelling. Tennessee has substantially more cases than Kentucky so I think we would be safer staying home and looking at going another time. It was just hubby and I (plus dogs) so no big problems but it is a little disappointing.

I really feel bad for the families that have had to cancel that has children. It is always so hard to try and explain to children. I know children will get over things but some things are special and hard to get over (my granddaughter is entering high school and they cancelled her "visit" day which is sorta a once in a lifetime event) -- I really hate this for people that are missing those special events.

rach3975 03-27-2020 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by KingsQueen82 (Post 1062998022)
Sorry I just saw this! Brain's a little preoccupied lately! Lol... We were going for 10 days (6 park days, 4 rest/non park days) so we've decided to just reschedule for next summer and in the meantime start saving for some extras to make that trip even better like the Keys to the Kingdom tour and maybe an extra day or two to combat the crowds of other people who probably had the same thought?! Lol... I feel like trying to squeeze it in somewhere else is just going to add further disappointment so we'd rather wait and have it the way we want it, just later than we expected. The initial sadness has worn off and the girls are "okay" now. We've come to the point where getting a Lunchable delivered from Amazon Fresh is "so awesome"! LOL! I'll take all the wins I can get right now!

That makes perfect sense! Since they're saying 12-18 months for a vaccine, there may be later waves that affect travel. Later plans like yours are probably more likely to work out. And after missing 3 months this year, who knows what changes they may make to next year's calendar.

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