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bcgal00 11-02-2020 12:07 PM

QOTW: 11/02 Planning
Are you a planner?

Or do you just wing it? Do you like to be organized or just go with the flow and hope that everything gets done?

What do you plan or not plan in your life?

bcgal00 11-02-2020 12:15 PM

I'm a wanna-be planner LOL. I try so hard. I do succeeed at a few things but for the most part, I just wing it. I think about planning, maybe write some things down, and then somehow I go off in another direction and all the planning goes out the window.

I make plans for every wkend and I don't think a single one has gone as planned. But I can go with the flow so don't stress when my "plans" go awry.

I try to plan out dinners b/c in our household it is challenging. Hubs likes a lot of fatty meals, daughter is low carb, I eat plant based, meatless meals. I have started to take out 2-3 meats to thaw out in the fridge so I know what to feed the family for a few days and then have to decide on veggies, sides, etc. It's exhausting to try to plan 3 different types of meals so I try to keep it fairly simple. When I can, I cook or prep extra which helps for other meals throughout the wk.

I plan a to-do list and almost never get it all done but at least I get some.

I do succeed in planning our TV PVR schedule each day :) I look online, find out what's on that night, make a list of shows I need to PVR and then set it up each afternoon. We almost never watch any in real time, we like to PVR and then fast forward through commercials.

So, I do a lot of planning, succeed in following thru with some of it, but don't stress when my plans don't work out. So I'm ok with that.

(this would be great to journal on a page, I'll have to keep this in mind and copy this text for journaling on a page about "planning" soon)

AmieN1 11-02-2020 01:10 PM

TOTALLY a planner! My sister calls me a planny plannerson! ;)

I'm not very good with 'go with the flow' and like things organized, HOWEVER, I can relax more & more as I've gotten older & realized some things are just not in my control. For example- halloween- my daughter wanted to get ready at her best friends house (the only friend she's been able to 'see' during pandemic) so I said sure but I wanted pics of the kids together when they were done trick or treating (read: stealing grab bags off neighbors porches!) Of course they were not done at the same time & by the time she was home, my son was already out of his costume. It was tough to 'let it go' but they are getting to the ages that I have less control over those types of things... growing pains! ;)

biancka 11-02-2020 01:13 PM

I would love to be a planner. Esp when it comes to doing the cleaning etc. I am so bad when it comes to that but even if I do have a schedule written down...my health varies so much from day to day that it's pretty impossible to stick to it so I am just happy when something gets done that day :)

stephc777 11-02-2020 01:24 PM

When I had all 4 of my kids at home, I was forced to be a planner in order to survive. Even though I only have one kid at home now, I am still fairly organized in my use of my calendar.

I am getting back into meal planning. It just makes my life easier. At least I have a plan and if I decide to go off plan, I just roll that meal into the next week because I have the groceries for it.

I do use remember the milk to keep track of my to do list. I wish I was better about having a cleaning schedule for my house - every time we move furniture or have someone come stay with us, I realize that housekeeping is not an area of strength for me =)

knittingbec 11-02-2020 01:55 PM

I am mostly a planner. But sometimes I get in too deep and feel overwhelmed. Then, I give up on the plan and just see what happens ;)

I like to have plans in place that I can use over-and-over to minimize stress & maximize laziness. I have a chore/routine plan that I don't always finish, but if I do even just some of it, I feel like I'm better than I would have been without the plan. I also have a meal plan/rotation so I don't have to think every week about the grocery list or meal prep.

Kimberly27 11-02-2020 03:04 PM

I am a planner by force..LOL Hubby is more the planner but I am the doer.

For meals I have a calendar I write out meals for a few weeks in advance and try to have groceries ready for it so we are ready. I even plan in an eat out night or so esp since we are eating at home more and cooking a lot more now.

When we travel I write out our packing list and then put up a folding table so the kids can lay out their stuff , then check it before we pack. I am a tad OCD when it comes to packing and traveling. We manage to travel even for a week or longer in carry ons. The only time we don't do carry on is when we visit family for Christmas. We usually take a larger suitcase to bring gifts back but even that is getting less now that more my boys are bigger.

For most other things I am pretty laid back, probably more laid back for my husbands liking at times LOL :) Laundry/housework is mostly done by the kids now so besides occasional dishes or picking up here and there and my own laundry there isn't much to plan there.

rach3975 11-02-2020 11:35 PM

I'm a planner. I have a small monthly calendar on the fridge, and at the beginning of every month I plan the month's dinners. I research decisions, everything from buying household items to planning trips. (I wish that were a thing right now!) I think one of the things I love about Disney vacations is that I can plan them out for months and months ahead of time, LOL! I make to-do lists and pre-Covid I used my planner for everything. (These days I can fit all of our few commitments on the wall calendar that I used to use for only the kids' commitments.)

I'm great at researching and planning things like household routines/purchases, a daily schedule, work stuff, and big trips. But where I fail epically is in being the family's activities director. I need to do more planning about our weekends--when I don't plan things, we do nothing. And some of the time that's fine because we like lazy weekends at home, but we do too many of them.

lovely1m 11-03-2020 05:58 PM

I am a planner. Having been a single mom who works shift work far away from family, it was absolutely necessary to be a planner. Now I just feel less stressed that way.

rdjrneace 11-03-2020 06:07 PM

It's interesting that you posted this since just this past weekend I decided to do more planning specifically more around budgeting but I also decided to start being more organized and planning out my day.

Sherri Tierney 11-28-2020 11:02 PM

I like the idea of planning. I hate the execution. I can lay out plans and then realize I don't want to do anything on my list. So I don't. I've learned that I have to do what I'm in the mood to do when I'm in the mood to do it.

We plan finances. That's about the only planning we do though. We used to plan things out but after so many things fell through we stopped and now just take it day by day.

MamaBee 11-28-2020 11:38 PM

nope - I don't plan anything - it never goes according to plan. haha

littlekiwi 11-29-2020 02:07 AM

I aim to be a planner but in reality that doesn't happen. I've decided to go back to a paper planner for next year in the hopes I'm a wee bit more organized than the last few years

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