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Old 08-12-2012, 06:36 PM
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thompsonc2007 thompsonc2007 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 250

Challenge Points: 17
NR Points: 3
Total: 20

27. Use inspiration from this amazing blog to capture those little moments, from a story perspective, in your photos. Scrap those photos, along with the story behind them. -2 pts.

40. Darcy has some AMAZING freebies at Use one of her free fonts on a page (journaling, title, etc doesn't matter where!). 1 pt = 1 NR (Sweet N Sassy released 8.25 uploaded 8.26) 2 its

33- Superheroes seem to be hot in the movies right now. Take this fun quiz to see which superhero qualities you have. Scrap your inner superhero or about a super power you'd most like to possess if you could - 2 pts

15. Click to see the source of this image and all the other beautiful embroidery hoop projects. Choose one of them for a circle-inspired layout. - 2 pts.

31-Mixing different patterns is a huge trend right now. That the fashion inspiration and mix up at least 4 different paper patterns on your layout. - 1pt

35- What is your recipe for happiness? Use this super cute word inspiration to scrap what it takes to make you happy! -1pt

2 - This month's featured designer is not only churning out spectacular products in the shoppe week after week, but she's also a spectacular scrapper with a style all her own. Get to know Lynnette in this month's featured designer spotlight and scraplift her to earn points! - 1 pt.

13. On a layout, use alpha brushes to create your title, separating the letters by color rather than by space. - 1 pt. = 1 NR pt = 2pts (Half Pack 55 - Page Fillers 2 by Cindy Schnieder...released 8.25 uploaded 8.30)

25. Family Time...what does it look like at your house? Create a two page spread that shows what family time looks like in your house. Include a quote from one or more family members that illustrates what family time means to them. 2 page layout = 2 pts. total = 1 NR pt (Sweet and Sassy released 8/25 uploaded 8.30

14. Use this adorable closet as inspiration for a layout(s). - 1 pt per layout up to 3 LOs (All the shelves and rectangles reminded me of these slip-ins

6 - What do YOU want to do all day? Use this print as inspiration to create a LO about your perfect day - it can be silly or serious, up to you! - 1 pt.

39. Are you an introvert or estrovert? Explain why and earn 2 pts

Last edited by thompsonc2007; 08-31-2012 at 11:02 PM.
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