Thread: Hey guess what
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Old 09-19-2012, 11:20 AM
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Lyd Lyd is offline
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I also remember the days before the internet well. My brother moved across the country in 1995, and we were the first people in our neighborhood to use email. But, back then, my mom had a super clunky modem that connected to our local library through dial up, and we used their system to send emails to my brother in Texas. Wow.

I started my first post-college, professional job that same year, and we didn't even have email or internet in our office. They existed but were still new and not widely used. My first work computer had 32 MB of RAM. CRAZY!! I don't know how that computer even functioned at all. Lol.

I would NEVER want to go back to the days when I couldn't sent emails, do research, keep in touch with family and friends, etc., etc., etc. on the computer. Certainly, there are bad things about all of it, but for me, the good outweighs the bad by a HUGE margin.

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