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Old 11-05-2012, 07:33 PM
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Libby Pritchett Libby Pritchett is offline
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Lydia, you are such an inspiration! I can't believe you've lost so much so quickly! I feel like I'm just barely keeping my head above water. I started back in August, I think, and I'm only down 13. I know what you mean about the out of the ordinary events though. I ate SO much the week of my grandma's funeral. I'm a stress eater, and there was LOTS of food. So, I didn't even try to be good.

Laura, I totally understand! I reached my goal once several years ago and swore I'd never gain it back. Then I gained all that back plus a lot more... I was so disgusted with myself. I started losing it again 2 years ago ... and wound up pregnant! LOL Now, I'm determined to take it off once and for all.
♥ Libby
My Shoppe
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