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Old 03-19-2014, 11:06 AM
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MamaBee MamaBee is offline
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Even though I'm not good at y'all in keeping up with scrapping weekly (in the current year )... the best for me is that PL forces me to stop and take photos of things I wouldn't think of taking photos of... even when I go back and scrap pages from 2012, the photos jog my memory as to what happen that day. And even though I'm 2 years behind on scrapping... I'm happy that I've stuck with it and some day I'll get those pages done... like now I have to work on 2012 - I need the space on my hard drive and those pictures need to go! haha (note - they are also backed up, but I have 2012 full year on my desktop... think of all the digi supplies I could store on my hard drive if that year was archived for good! haha)

worst for me is how long it takes me to do a page - especially 2013... I so want to have them be clean and simple, but I end up wanting to add elements... well pretty much everything but the kitchen sink... haha. I love my pages in the end, but they take three times longer to scrap than my regular layouts!

yeah... I have the same problem with photo selection, Sara... I take way too many photos!
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