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Old 03-19-2014, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by misfitinmn View Post
Last year I really wanted to include EVERYTHING in my album but I have changed my mindset to now knowing that I will be selecting 1-2 photos from each "event" (I mean, I'll do more for birthdays and such) that I feel best represent the day/event and putting those in, and the rest I cover in my scrapbook pages. It's a system I'm still working on - editing and choosing my photos for a spread is still by far the longest part of the process for me!
That's something I'm working on this year, too. Last year I tried to fit too much in my PL pages and didn't save enough for "regular" pages, so I'm trying to find a better balance. I've got to admit that I love the weeks when I sit down to do a spread then realize it was a slow week and I only have a handful of photos I want to use. That doesn't happen too often, unfortunately! I'm wondering if that will change in the fall when my youngest starts full day school.

Originally Posted by MamaBee View Post
worst for me is how long it takes me to do a page - especially 2013... I so want to have them be clean and simple, but I end up wanting to add elements... well pretty much everything but the kitchen sink... haha. I love my pages in the end, but they take three times longer to scrap than my regular layouts!

yeah... I have the same problem with photo selection, Sara... I take way too many photos!
Yes, yes, yes! My PL layouts take forever. I think the embellishing stage takes me about as long as it would for a regular 2-pager, but the photo selection and placement easily take double (or more) what I spend on the scrapping itself. Because my PL layouts are so busy I'm starting to really crave simplicity and white space in my regular LOs, which makes them even faster in comparison.

One way I deal with it is to batch my PL LOs. Rather than planning to sit down and do a PL LO every week, I plan on every 3rd week being a PL week. That week I only scrap PL LOs and get caught up. I learned last year that when I try to do it weekly it ends up taking over and leaves me no time for regular scrapping. Doing a few back to back helps me stress less over every individual decision and get into a better PL groove.

Originally Posted by mummytothree View Post
The best thing about PL for me is it has gotten me in the habit of writing everyday!!
The worst thing - I'm not even sure there is a worst thing. I did switch from 100% digital to 1005 paper this year and of course that was a challenge but once I got a system down it's actually way easier to do it in paper then in digital!
Yeah for writing everyday! Journaling is what brought me into scrapping in the first place; I didn't want to forget what was happening in my photos and knew there had to be a better way to pair photos and stories.

I see all the gorgeous paper and hybrid LOs, but they intimidate me! I started last year using pockets with the intention of doing it paper or hybrid. I think I got through about 6 weeks before I'd switched to using digi kits, and by mid-year I was doing it all as 100% digital 12x12s. What makes paper faster for you? Is it having fewer options?

Last edited by rach3975; 03-19-2014 at 09:18 PM.
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