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Old 05-04-2015, 07:46 PM
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shunnstergirl shunnstergirl is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Utah
Posts: 1,174

1) Snap a selfie, change your avatar & say hi! Hi!!
2) What's your name and how did you choose your username? My name is Alyna. Pronounced like "Lynn" with a short "a" at the beginning and end. My username is a combination of my DH's old username when we were first married and "girl". I know, real original. lol!
3) How long have you been scrapping / digi-scrapping? DIgi-scrapping about 6 years. I never paper scrapped before that.
4) Share your favorite layout from your own gallery!

5) Share your favorite layout from someone else's gallery!

6) Early Bird or Night Owl? Definitely a night owl!
7) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? It used to be ice cream, but that's been catching up to me lately, so I might have to change my mind!
8) What are you afraid of? Drowning.
9) What's your favorite book / movie / tv show? That's hard to pick just one, but I'll say my favorite TV show right now is Revenge.
10) What are you listening to? My girls chit chat as they play a video game.
11) Who is your favorite designer? I am in love with everything KCB creates! <3
12) What was the last thing you spent money on? A phone charger for my DH.
13) If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you live? France
14) Who do you admire? Why? My sister because she's been through a lot and she's still happy and stays positive.
15) Describe yourself with one word. OCD. That's one word, right?! lol!
16) Do you have a pet peeve? I have a few. One that comes to mind is people who park in no parking zones. Come on!
17) If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why? My oldest daughter so I could figure out what's going on in her head and be able to communicate with her better!
18) Leave a little love in the gallery and give a shout out to those scrappers here! angustia17 - annet83 - crystalbella77
19) What is the last thing that made you laugh? My son giggling at his sister!
20) Why do you love Sweet Shoppe Designs? All the amazing talent - both in the shoppe and in the gallery!
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