Thread: OLW 2016
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Old 12-02-2015, 11:27 PM
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LeeAndra LeeAndra is offline
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My 2015 OLW was forge & specifically the verb as opposed to an actual forge... but both ended up applying to my life.

I was able to FORGE through the hopeless situation we were in Indianapolis... FORGE through moving cross-country to a brand new place... FORGE through finding out the move was not what we had hoped for or intended... FORGE through moving cross-country a second time & the unexpected fallout the move had on a relationship (not my marriage) of mine... and now I am FORGING through restarting my life in my hometown which has been a dream of mine for the last 5 years. The whole year has really been a FORGE in which I have been reshaped into a bigger better stronger vessel.

The best thing I did was creating a Facebook cover page with my OLW on it so I saw it multiple times a day almost every day for the last year. It helped so much.

I knew what my 2016 OLW was going to be several months ago, actually. It's hard to describe, but sometimes I just see things in my head (like a vision but not all religious-y and weirdo-like) and that's what happened with this word. My word is going to be (em)BODY.

What I mean by that is I am going to embody my best self by focusing on my physical body (see what I did there?!) for the year. I have ignored my body & my looks for years & years and dismissed them as not important or shallow or vain, and while caring ONLY abt the physical body is not that great, caring abt the physical body as much as you care abt your soul, spirit, heart, mind, etc. is perfectly reasonable & logical. Because I am always all in, I have set for myself two 'impossible' goals: running a half marathon (I currently do absolutely NO physical exercise) & having a boudoir session (I hate photos of myself let alone photos of MY SELF). I have other smaller goals, too, like getting real 'grownup' makeup, eating more whole foods, etc.

I am excited to see how the year SHAPES (wokka wokka wokka!) up for me!
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