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Old 12-30-2015, 12:54 AM
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I using a paper planner. I've tried so many calendar and list making apps, and when life was less busy they worked fine. But a year and a half ago (right about the time I went back to work) I threw in the towel and went back to a paper planner. It works much better for me. I use it to keep track of appointments and special days, things I need to get done, work commitments, and school/activity calendars.

I love the way pages look decorated, but I'm very hit or miss with it. Over the summers, when I'm not teaching and have more free time, I do some decorating with washi and a few stickers. When life is busy, I don't decorate at all. I like the way my planner looks decorated more than I like the actual decorating, so for 2016 I did something different. I digiscrapped 12 undated inserts, one for each month. Then I got a year's worth printed. So I have 1 design for all of Jan, 1 for Feb, etc. I think it will be the perfect compromise for me, having pretty pages to use without having to put in the weekly work to make them that way.

Originally Posted by scrap2day View Post
What do you do with tasks that don't get finished on a certain day? Do you leave them and go back or do you transfer them to the next day?
I use a week-on-2-pages system. So as long as I'm still on that 2-page spread, I leave things on their original day and know I will see them. If something hasn't gotten done by the time I need to turn the page, that's when I transfer it. Some of the planner girls I follow on Instagram like to put their more fluid to dos on a post it. Then if they don't get done, they just move the post it over.

Last edited by rach3975; 12-30-2015 at 12:56 AM.
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