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Old 12-31-2015, 06:01 PM
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Shawna Clingerman Shawna Clingerman is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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This year my Christmas present to myself was the purposeful planner by Corrie Clark. I knew I wanted something spiral bound and something with a daily page for each day. With this planner I really fell in love with the format of the daily pages. It is really beautiful and I think simple enough that I'll be able to use it to just check in every morning and set my goals/plan my time...

I don't think I'll do a lot of decorating and such but I mean who knows, for me the goal is simply to get my life a little more orderly and to track what I'm doing each day and make reasonable goals for myself. (I did order some silhouette sticker paper though... LOL)

Here are some pictures of it in person, nothing is filled in yet because, well, it starts tomorrow, but I did do some of the goal setting work sheets at the beginning and I'm really excited! I literally just took these pics on my messy desk just now as you can see...

For me limiting my self to just a pre-bound planner with daily pages seemed ideal, the less obsessing and decision making I can do the better... In addition to the daily spreads there are monthly spreads, no weekly, but honestly I always look at my weekly pages in other planners like little individual days and I find the transferring from month to week redundant so I'm hopeful it will be just what I need.... we will see!!

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