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Old 05-07-2016, 02:21 PM
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rach3975 rach3975 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 8,724

901) How long have you been digitally scrapping? Twelve years
(02) When or how did you first discover SSD? On opening day The digiscrapping community was much smaller then, with only a few big sites, so a shop opening was a pretty big deal.
(03) What's your favorite non-scrapping way to unwind after a hard day? Reading
(04) What's the last show you binge-watched? No idea...I can't scrap and watch tv, so I don't watch much tv.
(05) What's your biggest pet peeve? Not being acknowledged when I speak to someone. DH and DS do it all the time. Grrr!
(06) What's your best quality? I'm patient and reasonable.
(07) Where did you go on your last vacation? We were in Disney World in March and spent a weekend visiting family in Connecticut in April.
(08) What's your favorite time of day? Why? Night. I've always been a night person, and since having kids that's become my time for hobbies and relaxing.
(09) What was your worst (first) date like? Ummmm...I haven't had one, LOL. DH and I started dating when I was 19. I had boyfriends before him, but they were all people I knew well before we started dating so no first date fails.
(10) What's your go-to dish/recipe to make when you're having people over or bringing something to someone else's house? Reservations! I hate cooking for people.
(11) If you could travel back in time to change one thing or event in your life, would you? What would it be? If not, why not? I wouldn't have gone to grad school. I went shortly before having kids, thinking that the degree would offer me more options and higher pay for part time work in my field. But things didn't work out like that, so my Master's degree has mostly been an expensive piece of paper. At least I did it part time while working, so I didn't come out of the program with any debt.
(12) If you could be a character in a book, TV show, or movie, whom would you choose & why? The people I'd like to be temporarily aren't fictional; I would rather see the world from my children's or DH's POV to understand them better.
(13) What's your least favorite household chore? It's a toss up between vacuuming and handwashing dishes.
(14) What's one thing you know to be true? There is never going to be enough time to do it all, so you have to make time for the things that are truly important to you.
(15) What are you looking forward to doing or seeing this year? DS's 6th grade graduation, though I'm both looking forward to and dreading it. How is he old enough to go to middle school already?!
(16) If you had to choose, would you choose to be obnoxiously smart or obnoxiously rich? Rich! I feel like I could solve more problems (mine and the community's) with money than brains. There are already lots of good solutions out there that aren't being funded.
(17) What's your favorite memory of/with your family? Why is it your favorite? Our Disney trip in March. It's the first vacation we've taken in many years that was just the 5 of us, and it was so nice to spend time together making happy memories.
(18) Who is your hero/ine? Why? My grandmother. She was brave and never met a stranger, both traits that I struggle with. She came to the US alone as an older teen with only an 8th grade education and little to no English.
(19) What's been the best/favorite (Halloween) costume you've ever worn? I can't remember. My parents didn't like buying Halloween costumes, so many years my sister and I went dressed as gypsies wearing my mother's clothes, scarves, and costume jewelry.
(20) What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Extreme Chocolate Moose Tracks. It's chocolate ice cream with a ribbon of chocolate fudge and chocolate candies. Yum!
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