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Old 12-15-2016, 04:49 PM
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KingsQueen82 KingsQueen82 is offline
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Default You guys! I have to share

Ok you guys! I am so flippin' excited that I have to share! So I recently reconnected with an old friend of mine. She's an artist at Art You Can Hug. I asked her to make this drawing of my daughter's "Avocado Girl" into a plushie for my little girl.

Well, she totally rocked it! I had intended on giving it to my daughter for Christmas but she was having such a rough day that I gave it to her today. (She's sick today and a little boy has been bullying her in school so she was crying when I picked her up). It totally made her day! She kept asking "How?!" Lol..

Isn't it great?! I'm totally going to scrap a page about it of course!

And now I'm going to shamelessly plug my friend's business in case you all want to get some of your kiddo's (or heck your own!) creations made into a reality. Lol.. I'm just so impressed and it was only $25 including shipping! You can't hardly buy a regular stuffed toy at Walmart for that let alone one with such meaning.

Last edited by KingsQueen82; 12-15-2016 at 05:14 PM.
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