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Old 08-27-2017, 07:00 PM
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Julie Billingsley Julie Billingsley is offline
The Ghost of Awesome Past
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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I was a cheerleader in high school but in an era and location that it was just the simple pom-pom cheerleading, not the super athletic basket-toss-type cheerleading. Anyway, we were "kidnapped" in the very early morning. Blindfolded, egged, glopped with mayo, glittered, etc. And we had to attend school that day. It sucked. My hair was horrible but repairable, however it ruined my clothes which wasn't awesome. I grew up fairly poor so didn't have many clothes, so it was a real loss to me. My mom sacrificed a lot to pay for my cheer fees and was not pleased that the stupid hazing cost her even more.

My oldest son was in high school football and they had a huge no hazing policy. I was glad. Nobody needs that.

My dad was in the Navy and when he made E-7 they had a big hazing ritual. This was back in the 80s. He and the other new chiefs were required to dress in drag and a lot of other things. The Navy no longer allows hazing like this, supposedly.
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