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Old 08-01-2018, 09:36 PM
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Originally Posted by AshleyMilfd View Post
Uh.. Houston we have a problem. I don't use alphas and since I have limited space on my device I don't download any alphas. I'm almost certain my purchase downloads have expired..... How can I go about with that one now
You can turn a font into an alpha. Type your word then add an outside stroke to it, and a drop shadow. I usually separate the text and stroke into separate layers, then add a drop shadow to the stroke layer. Does that make sense? Then you can use any font you like for your title.

For example, on this layout I used a font for the word 'favourite'. Added an outside stroke and a dropshadow.

On this one (after separating the stroke and text layers) I added a small dropshadow to the text, and another dropshadow to the white outer stroke.

Alternately, if you don't have the ability to do a stroke, type each letter of your title on a separate layer. Using a chunky font would probably look best. Rotate/angle each letter so it looks a little crooked, then add a drop shadow.

Last edited by jacinda; 08-01-2018 at 11:57 PM.
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