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Old 09-03-2018, 04:31 PM
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
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Aw, you guys, I love reading your good news. Yay LeeAndra for finding someone to watch your girl! I know you've been worried about that.

Jennifer, what's your role at

Sarah, lazy weekends are the best. I try not to schedule anything in the weekends too.

Renatasluis, my girls would love to have a kitten in the house. Me....not so much I bet it's super cute though.

I love the hot air balloons Wendy. Are your husbands next orders expected to deploy him, or move the whole family to a new location?

Reba, that is SO cool for your Mom! I've not heard of a hearing assisted dog before, but our neighbours train guide dogs for the blind and it's been fascinating learning about the process.

Marla, I hope you're keeping a notebook of his little sayings. That was the best thing I ever did when my kids were going through the same stage. You think you'll always remember the funny things they say, but age creeps up on you, and it's amazing what you forget.
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