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Old 11-13-2018, 10:03 AM
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I don't know yet how I'm going to handle 2019. If I start a project or album, I make myself finish it. So I've got finished PL albums (with lots of tradtional pages mixed in) for 2013-2017. (Well...almost 2017. I have a few December PL pages and about 15 traditional pages left to finish.) But I've been in a scrapping slump most of this year. I feel like I'm falling farther and farther behind. I've made plans to catch up a bunch of times, but I'm just not motivated enough to follow through.

The one thing I know I'm not going to do is keep scrapping linearly, starting 2018 now then trying to finish all of this year before I go onto 2019. I've thought about scrapping 2018 and 2019 simultaneously, but I'll never manage that. I'm having enough trouble getting one year at a time scrapped! Do I skip 2018 and start fresh with 2019? Scrap 2018 since I've got it prepped and journaled but take 2019 off? Find a way to get them both done? I don't know. I've already simplified as much as I'm interested in. The hold up is organizing and choosing photos then sitting down and making myself get layouts done. It's not that the scrapping itself is too time consuming.

For now I'm not making any real decisions. I'm trying to get motivated to do a lot of scrapping between now and the end of the year. Then I'll see where I am and decide how to handle 2018 and 2019.

Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
I have really struggled with PL this year.

I really do not enjoy the process of PL but I love the results.
That's how I feel about it, too. I don't want to give it up because I love the final album, but the last few years I've been struggling with it.

Originally Posted by g8rbeckie View Post
If you do PL, is all of your scrapping in the same PL style? or do you guys do your typical digi scrap style and then ensure you have a weekly PL layout?
I do traditional digi layouts for my favorite photos and stories or big milestones. I do a PL layout for everything else. Before starting PL, I had lots of random photos of things that I wanted to remember but didn't really need to devote a full page to. For example, the books the kids were reading, a picture one of them had drawn, and a cute sibling interaction that I'd only gotten a blurry photo of. Now I'd put all of those on a PL page and then do a traditional digi layout of a nice photo of DD raking leaves. If I had a bunch of raking photos that I liked, I might use the best 1 or 2 on the traditional page and then put a few others on the PL page.

Last edited by rach3975; 11-13-2018 at 10:07 AM.
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