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Old 11-29-2018, 11:12 AM
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LeeAndra LeeAndra is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: northern Indiana
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So far, we have decorated my ILs' and my parents' houses for Christmas, cut down our own tree, visited Santa at the tree farm (best Santa ever!), decorated our tree, bought the kids' yearly ornaments, visited the world's largest Christmas store and met St. Nicholas (not the same as Santa), and bought chocolate Advent calendars.

Before December is over, we will have sent out Christmas cards (made in PS & printed at VistaPrint), attended a living nativity/walk through Bethlehem-type thing at a local church, read Christmas books before bed, made Christmas cookies with Grandma and Great-Grandpa, sang in church, gone to Lights at the Zoo, gotten new coordinating Christmas jammies for Christmas Eve, gone to family Christmas craft night with her local Camp Fire (like coed Girl Scouts) troop, driven through a local neighborhood famous for their decorations with popcorn & hot chocolate, gone sledding or ice skating (depending on weather), celebrated St. Nicholas Day, rung the bell for the Salvation Army, attended a local high school choir's Christmas concert, gone to Breakfast with Santa at my daughter's school, attended my son's preschool Christmas program, gone Christmas shopping, seen the new Grinch movie in the theaters, seen the old Grinch movie at a local community center, attended Christmas Eve service with my mom's family, and celebrated Christmas with the ILs, at our house, & at my parents' house.
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