Thread: OLW 2019
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Old 12-26-2018, 11:36 PM
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LeeAndra LeeAndra is offline
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So I wanted my 2019 OLW to be something "soft" like cherish or adore. Something I could sit back and cuddle with and appreciate what I have been doing the last few years to improve my life and my self.

But no.

My word is "hustle." It insists on being my word even when I (and it) knows that's a word I don't want because it means next year will be hard and painful and disciplined and not soft one little bit. It means another year of reaching and striving.


It's like praying for patience -- you know better than to do it because it means God will give you something to be patient about!

So I am already dreading 2019 a little but time will pass either way so I might as well put my head down and get to work because that is evidently what I need to do for another 12 months.

I can take it easy when I turn 40 in 2020, right?!
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