Thread: Time Management
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Old 01-14-2019, 12:53 PM
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LeeAndra LeeAndra is offline
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I have an extra-large paper calendar on my desk at work, a large paper planner (undecorated - ha!) that I take back & forth from home to work, and a Google calendar associated with my work email but that I add personal activities to as well.

Physically writing things down helps me to remember them 10x more than the Google calendar but I add them there as I can send text reminders to my phone if I need to (for one-off things like hair appointments).

I don't purposely plan my day by the hour. It works out that way naturally once you figure out where everyone has to be and when and how to fit that in between school and work. I don't do checklists as my brain does that naturally internally.

My biggest help has been making sure I immediately add things to my calendars (which usually happens at work) as soon as I find out about them AND color-coding every activity by person so I can tell at a glance what's happening on any given day and for whom. The four people in my family have four different highlighter colors, and I also have a highlighter color for my work activities and responsibilities.

I don't spend a lot of time on the individual day pages in my planner unless there's a random idea, scrapbook idea, conversation I want to record for posterity. It's mostly the month-at-a-glance that I flip to when I need to know what's going on that week. I've thought about using the individual day pages as a place to reflect on new things/activities/meals we've tried so I can go back later to see how it went and if we want to do it again but I haven't actually implemented that yet.

I don't plan my time at home. Weekdays are for getting through to get to the next day, and weekends (and Mondays) are for chores & errands.

Can you tell I'm an office manager?!

Last edited by LeeAndra; 01-14-2019 at 12:57 PM.
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