Thread: Time Management
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Old 01-14-2019, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by LeeAndra View Post
I have an extra-large paper calendar on my desk at work, a large paper planner (undecorated - ha!) that I take back & forth from home to work, and a Google calendar associated with my work email but that I add personal activities to as well.
My biggest help has been making sure I immediately add things to my calendars (which usually happens at work) as soon as I find out about them AND color-coding every activity by person so I can tell at a glance what's happening on any given day and for whom. The four people in my family have four different highlighter colors, and I also have a highlighter color for my work activities and responsibilities.
Can you tell I'm an office manager?!
LOL! I can definitely tell you're an office manager! I think I managed my time much better when I worked outside the home. I think I need to get a big desk calendar again. I haven't done that in years, but it's a great way to have space for everything!

Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
Nothing, I have no time management!
Basically the night before I look at the calendar and figure out what I’m doing the next day. If it’s a busy day (like today), we have a large dry/erase board that I write reminders on. Then I just plan my day around what is going on. If I have time to scrap, great. If not, can I clean a bathroom quickly?
We had a dry erase board at one point, but I ended up not using it, and 6-months later, it still had the same stuff written on it

Originally Posted by jacinda View Post
I just use the Google Calendar and have different colours for different things.
I do that, too, Jacinda, but I feel more organized when I can see it on paper.

Originally Posted by rach3975 View Post
I like using a pretty planner but don't want to spend time decorating it. My solution was to digiscrap myself undated weekly pages. I did a different seasonal design for each month, then each year I just reprint 4-5 copies of each design, bind it, and write in the dates.
That sounds like a good compromise.

Originally Posted by Jlmurrell View Post
I started this year with a digital planner. I decorate it slightly with scrapbooks kits. I mark birthdays and anniversaries on the main calendar spread and then have to-do’s and dinner planner on the weekly. Also leaves enough room for some small journaling and/or pics to tell about the day.
Had you previously used a paper planner, Jen?
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